Ares out of prison

Chapter 65 The Grandmaster's Showdown

Chapter 65 The Grandmaster's Showdown

"With such strength... are you also a grand master?"

This word aroused Wang Long's interest.

It seems that the leader didn't make a move before, not because of fear, but because he wanted to hide his strength.

He probably didn't expect that someone would kill all his subordinates so easily.

"Now you have nowhere to go, obediently follow us!"

Before Wang Long could answer, Chen Tao stepped forward immediately.


Wang Long hurriedly reminded him, but Chen Tao didn't listen at all.

In his opinion, there was only one person on the other side, but there were five of them, so there was no need to be afraid.

But at this time, the leader suddenly stretched out his hand, strangled Chen Tao's neck tightly, and immediately lifted him up!

Chen Tao suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, and his legs kept struggling.

But those hands were like a pair of iron tongs, no matter how much he struggled, he still couldn't break free.

"Let go of him, maybe I can give you a chance to live!"

Wang Long looked at the leader with cold eyes.

But the boss didn't answer at all, and there was a click in the air.

That's the sound of broken bones!
Chen Tao's thumping feet were hanging in the air, and there was no movement.

"Big brother!"

"Chen Tao!"

When Lei Yu saw this scene, they immediately let out a cry of surprise.

The boss showed a disdainful smile, and threw Chen Tao's body far away!

A living person died in his hands.

When Wang Long made a move just now, he still restrained his own strength.

After all, Lingdao's mission is to capture these people alive and wait for their disposal.

But I didn't expect that this guy would dare to brutally kill their team members in front of so many people!

Wang Long's eyes gradually filled with anger, he clenched his fists tightly, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Get rid of this man!
"Commander Wang, be careful, this guy's strength cannot be underestimated!"

Lei Yu, who had calmed down, began to realize that the leader was not so easy to deal with, and reminded Wang Long in a low voice beside him.

But Wang Long didn't seem to listen at all, and just let the two of them hide far away to avoid accidental injury.

"Boy, although I don't know what your background is, I really appreciate your ability. Do you want to consider joining us? I can give you endless glory and wealth for the rest of your life!"

The leader knew in his heart that if he confronted someone like Wang Long head-on, he would end up losing both sides. It would be better to find a way to win him over. One more friend is better than one more enemy!

"Join you? Go do something sneaky? Dream!"

Wang Lung's answer four was merciless.

"Then prepare to die!"

The leader cursed viciously, and suddenly pulled out a dagger from behind, held it in his hand, and was ready to strike.

Seeing this, Wang Long didn't frown slightly.

Unexpectedly, this guy even secretly prepared a weapon. Is he planning to kill himself by surprise?

I saw that the man was holding the handle of the knife with his right hand, but his left hand was directly grasping the blade!
A stream of blood slid down the tip of the knife.

The moment the dagger touched the blood, it emitted a burst of dazzling white light!

"This power..."

Wang Long's eyes moved slightly.

From this burst of light, he saw a burst of powerful power.

This is a power that only belongs to the Grand Master level!
Counting the enemies he has encountered before, only Feiying's cultivation has reached the level of a grand master.

But compared to the person in front of him, even Feiying is inferior.

"That's right, so that I can seriously fight with you!"

Wang Long's tone was full of excitement. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had met such an evenly matched opponent!

"Death to me!"

The leader let out a roar, waved the glowing dagger in his hand, and rushed towards Wang Long.

This person's speed is surprisingly fast, in the eyes of Lei Yu and others, it is completely a phantom.

Even Wang Long could barely see his trajectory clearly.

With the sound of breaking through the air, the dagger stabbed straight at Wang Long's heart!

But he dodged and resolved the fatal blow in time.

"Come again!"

The boss didn't give him a chance to breathe, and it was another blow to change his moves.

The wind was blowing on the soles of Wang Long's feet, he jumped backwards, barely avoiding it.

But even so, a long cut was made on the front of his clothes by the sharp dagger.

"This person can actually hurt Commander Wang?"

Seeing this, Lei Yu couldn't help sighing.

But Wang Long felt more and more excited.

"Okay! This kind of strength is worthy of being my opponent!"

"Don't be ashamed to speak out there!"

The leader holds a knife in both hands, like an arrow that leaves the string, it goes straight to Wang Long.

In his eyes, as long as he can stab Wang Long once, he can easily end the battle.

Faced with this powerful blow, Wang Long had no intention of dodging at all.

He clenched his fists and rushed towards the boss!

"Is this planning to catch the sword with bare hands!"

Lei Yu was taken aback, and felt that Wang Long was crazy!
Even if his strength is strong enough, he should not be able to use the blade of his body right now!
This is true even for one's own people, let alone opponents.

"Good boy, a little guts, but it's a stupid move!"

The dagger shone white, piercing the air like lightning.


The moment the fist and the tip of the knife came into contact, there was a loud noise, which immediately shook the entire venue violently.

Dazzling flames rose from the venue, engulfing the two of them.

Lei Yu and Lei Yu also hurriedly avoided, and were almost surrounded by the flames.

When I looked back, I couldn't see the figures of the two people in my line of sight, and all I could see was a dazzling light!

"Commander Wang!"

Lei Yu called for a while, but there was no answer.

For a while, they didn't know who would win and who would lose in this duel.

After dozens of seconds, the light in front of his eyes slowly dissipated.

Lei Yu raised his vigilance to deal with emergencies at any time.

Billowing thick smoke rose, and a figure stood in it.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Lei Yu could see clearly that Wang Long's fist was covered with blood, and he still maintained the posture of punching.

And the leader was already lying on the ground, his face full of pain.

" is this possible?"

The leader struggled to spit out a few words, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He couldn't believe that Wang Long beat himself with his fists!

"Commander Wang!"

Lei Yu rushed forward and checked Wang Long's injuries.

Fortunately, it was only a little scratch on the hand, and there was no fatal injury.

" remember, as long as I don't die, I will seek revenge on you one day!"

Wang Long looked at him coldly, and said slightly:
"No, there is no chance."

As soon as the words fell, a heavy punch suddenly hit his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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