Ares out of prison

Chapter 655 Apologize Immediately

Chapter 655 Apologize Immediately
Liu Juan stared wide-eyed and looked at Wang Long blankly, as if she never expected to see this person again in this life.

"I just went out to talk about business. Now that the business is over, of course I have to come back. Is there any problem?"

"Yes!" Liu Juan nodded abruptly: "Before Zihan clearly said that you provoked a ruthless character, and you might lose your life, but now that you come back suddenly, don't you make me happy for nothing!"

"Aunt Liu Juan, is this your son-in-law?" The young man sitting on the sofa pointed at Wang Long's nose, with a disdainful expression on his face: "I thought that with Zihan's conditions, I would definitely be able to find him." A successful person! After a long time, her husband is so ordinary!"

"Zihan? You are quite intimate!" Wang Long looked this man up and down, and saw that he was wearing a suit, leather shoes, and a neat side part. This kind of attire looked like I'm here for a blind date!

Seeing this scene, Wang Long finally understood what happened.

Nothing has happened to me yet, Liu Juan has already started to help Sun Zihan find his next successor!

"Just right! Since you're back, let me introduce you, this is..."

"I don't care who you are, I limit you to get out of my place within 1 minute, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Wang Long looked at him coldly, but the young man obviously didn't know who he had offended.

"Tch! I really don't know how you, the Ruanfan King, managed to speak so ignorantly!"

I saw him standing up with an arrogant look, his attitude was no different from Liu Juan's!

"I'm not going away, why, how dare you do something to me... Pfft—"

Just as the young man finished speaking, a stream of blood spewed out of his mouth!

The next second, I saw him clutching his chest and falling to the ground in pain, his whole body twitching non-stop!

This sudden scene frightened Liu Juan, and she took several steps back.

"You... what's wrong with you? You were fine just now!"

"Could it be that the blind date you found has some strange disease? If he dies here, you can't get rid of it!"

While Wang Long was mobilizing his spiritual power secretly, he was still threatening Liu Juan.

"Drag this man out immediately! Never let him step into the house!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Long unleashed his spiritual power, and the young man stopped convulsing immediately, and quickly stood up from the ground.

"Did you hear that? Even this woman told you to get out, do you still have the face to stay here?"

Wang Long didn't intend to get rid of this person directly just now, after all, he was also bewitched by Liu Juan to come here.

"Aunt Liu Juan, I didn't expect you to be such a heartless and ungrateful person! I misjudged you before!"

The young man cursed angrily, and without even caring to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, he turned around and left angrily.

Looking at his back, Liu Juan's face was full of confusion: "What's going on? Didn't you still get sick just now? Why did it get better in the blink of an eye?" She said, she quickly cast her eyes on Wang Long: "I Got it! Is your kid playing tricks?"

"It's not that you didn't see it, I didn't touch him at all!"

Wang Long jokingly smiled, ignored Liu Juan's scolding, and went straight upstairs.

"Wang Long? You're back! There's been no news for the past few days, and it's driving me to death!"

When Sun Zihan came home from get off work and saw Wang Long, he immediately showed a happy expression.

"How is it? You didn't have any conflicts with the Yuwen family, did you? Did they make things difficult for you?"

Wang Long shook his head: "Don't worry, Yu Wenshou's performance is pretty normal now, and I have officially signed a cooperation agreement with him."

"What?!" Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan immediately exclaimed: "You actually cooperated with them? But didn't you say before that the Yuwen family is a bunch of ruthless characters, so it's not easy to deal with?"

"No way, if you want to expand the influence of Feilonghui, this is a rare opportunity, besides, Yu Wenshou is not stupid, he will definitely not dare to become an enemy of Feilonghui, and I have already asked Gu Yueming and Duan Yunbao to monitor They, so looking at it now, there shouldn't be any surprises!"

Although Sun Zihan still felt a little worried, since Wang Long had already said that, she didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, she finally noticed that Liu Juan was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy expression, as if she was sulking.

"Mom, what's the matter? Wang Long is back, you don't seem happy at all?"

"Happy! This bastard ruined my good things as soon as he came back! Do I still have to be happy with him?"

Liu Juan complained angrily, and Sun Zihan immediately asked her what happened.

"Before I thought that Wang Long had escaped death this time, and he planned to find a few rich second generations with good conditions for you! Who knew that as soon as this guy came back, he would force me to leave! That guy was rich at a young age. Billion, it took me a lot of effort to convince him to come and meet you!"

Liu Juan originally expected Sun Zihan to help her say a few words, but after hearing what she said, Sun Zihan's face suddenly darkened: "Don't you think this is a bit too much?"

"Too much? I'm doing it for your own good too! What mother doesn't want her daughter to marry a good man?"

"It's nice to say, I think you want to be close to the golden turtle son-in-law, so that you can make a fortune from it!"

Sun Zihan's words obviously exposed Liu Juan, who frowned, unable to think of how to refute.

"You... how can you spout blood like this? After all, I'm your mother too!"

"Sorry, from now on, it won't be anymore!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Juan suddenly felt a tightness in her throat and froze in place.

Although Wang Long next to him was surprised, he had no intention of stepping forward to persuade Sun Zihan.

After all, he knew that Sun Zihan had given Liu Juan too many chances before.

Even if she doesn't cherish it herself, why should she tolerate it again and again?

"Are you trying to drive me away?"

"I'll give you two choices, either apologize to Wang Long, or leave this house for me now!"

Sun Zihan's tone was very firm, with no intention of giving in.

For a while, Liu Juan didn't know what to do, and stood there without taking any action.

Liu Juan felt a burst of displeasure at the thought of having to apologize to this wimp.

But right now, Sun Zihan is furious. If she really kicks him out because of her disagreement, how can he survive alone in the imperial capital with no one to rely on?

After much deliberation, finally Liu Juan could only come to Wang Long's side, and bowed to him unwillingly.

"Sorry, son-in-law, I was wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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