Ares out of prison

Chapter 67 Sun Zihan's Invitation

Chapter 67 Sun Zihan's Invitation

On the other side, Wang Long had already returned home in a Ferrari.

"I haven't seen anyone for a whole day, where did you go to fool around?"

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Juan's strange voice came from his ears.

Wang Long ignored her, anyway, she would never have thought of what kind of battle she had just experienced.

"Hey! I'm talking to you? What's your attitude?"

Seeing Wang Long ignoring her, Liu Juan's anger rose immediately, and she got up from the sofa to catch up.

"Mom! Forget it, brother-in-law may be too tired, let him have a rest first!"

Fortunately, Sun Xueying stopped her in time, and Liu Juan just gave up.

After returning to the room, Wang Long took out the medicine bottle, opened it and took a look.

Of those Yuanzhen pills refined earlier, now there is only one golden pill left.

It seems that I have to find a time to refine a few more.

Anyway, the Han family and Lingdao are preparing medicinal materials for themselves, so there should be no need to worry about the lack of raw materials.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, thinking, could it be that Liu Juan got into a fight with him?

But when he opened the door, he found that standing outside the door was Sun Zihan.

"Zihan? When did you come back?"

Wang Long looked down at the time, only to be belatedly aware that half an hour had passed since Sun Zihan got off work.

"I just came back not long ago. I haven't seen you all day today. Could it be that I'm helping the Han family with something again?"

Wang Long didn't know how to answer for a while.

Although it was not helping the Han family, the danger this time was not lower than that of the Han family.

If you tell her the truth, it will definitely make Sun Zihan worry.

So Wang Lung decided to tell a lie, saying that he went out to meet a friend.

"Zihan, what's the matter with coming to see me so suddenly?"

Wang Long guessed at once that Sun Zihan must have something on his mind.

You must know that she never took the initiative to come to her room before.

Although the two are nominally husband and wife, they have been living separately under Liu Juan's instigation these years.

"I'm here to tell you, can you accompany me to a place tonight?"

"A place? What place?"

"It's a birthday party for one of my college friends."

Wang Long noticed that when Sun Zihan said this, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if he was not very happy.

"Zihan, don't you want to participate?"

Wang Long told the truth with one word.

Although Sun Zihan hesitated for a while, he finally nodded slowly.

"Since you don't want to participate, forget it! Just find any reason, say that your company has something to do and can't come, so why don't you just turn it down?"

"No, they invited many classmates to the birthday party this time, and they also said that they would take advantage of the birthday to organize a gathering of old classmates. If I don't go, I will definitely be blamed by them!"

"And it also includes a person who helped me in school. If I am absent, it may be a little bit unreasonable!"

Hearing this, Wang Long also felt that it made sense, so he nodded.

"That's true, it's better to go! I'll drive you there that night!"

"No, I'm not asking you to send me off, but to accompany me to participate."

"Accompany you?" Wang Long was startled.

After being married to the Sun's family for so many years, this is the first time that Sun Zihan asked me to go to a banquet with her!
"But I don't know any of your classmates, so I just go with you, wouldn't it be a bit inappropriate?"

"It's nothing inappropriate, that's what they meant, let me bring my husband with me so they can meet!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long felt very happy in his heart.

So, Sun Zihan is finally willing to admit in public that he is her husband?
This can be regarded as her affirmation of herself!
"Okay, I promise you!"

Wang Long thought to himself, anyway, he has nothing to do in the past few days. As for alchemy, he can just find time to go, not bad for a day or two!
"Okay." Sun Zihan nodded in agreement, and was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned around and said:

"However, your outfit is a bit too casual. Tomorrow's occasion is still quite formal. You should go shopping for some new clothes!"

Wang Long quickly agreed, but just when he wanted to invite Sun Zihan to choose clothes with him, Sun Zihan said that his company still had some things to deal with and he didn't have time.

Now Wang Long is a little bit in trouble.

A rough man like him who doesn't pay much attention to dressing up has no experience in choosing clothes at all.

If you don't dress properly tomorrow, it's okay to lose your face, but if Sun Zihan is also treated as a laughing stock, then it's a serious crime!

No, I still have to find someone to accompany me to see what clothes are more suitable!
Sun Zihan is not available, so who should I turn to?

Forget about Sun Xueying, Liu Juan usually wants her to follow her every step of the way, and she will definitely not agree to let her accompany her to choose clothes!
From this point of view, I can only find that person...

Half an hour later, Han Mansion.

"Oh, Master! What kind of wind brought you here today?"

Han Yunfei was practicing in the courtyard when he suddenly saw Wang Long and rushed to greet him.

Since helping the Han family through the crisis last time, Han Yunfei's attitude towards himself has become a lot more humble.

"Is Han Xinyue at home?"

"Xinyue? Is Master looking for something with her?" Han Yunfei froze for a moment.

Originally thought that he should also come to find Father Han this time, but he didn't expect to ask Han Xinyue directly as soon as he came.

Could it be that Wang Long is interested in Han Xinyue and wants to ask her out for a meeting?
Thinking of this, Han Yunfei was secretly happy, and nodded quickly:

"At home, at home! Master, wait a moment, I'll call her out right away!"

As he said that, Han Yunfei turned around and hurried into the house. After a while, he saw him pulling Han Xinyue out.

"Brother, what are you doing? In front of others, at least you are pretending?"

"Why are you pretending? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our Han family! Whether you can climb a high branch depends on your performance!"

"What are you two whispering about?"

Wang Long looked at the two brothers and sisters in a daze.

"Oh, nothing, nothing, Master, is there anything you can do to find Xinyue?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to know if you are free today, and if you can go out with me for a stroll."

Hearing these words, Han Yunfei was even more excited.

They've all gone out for a stroll, so there must be something to this matter!

"If you are free, Xinyue is free all day today! It's up to you!"

This sentence made Wang Long choke hard, and Han Xinyue's face was also quickly stained with a blush.

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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