Ares out of prison

Chapter 672 One punch to kill

Chapter 672 One Punch Kills
"You are so arrogant! If you want to fight our president, pass me first!"

Song Yuyuan had just been attacked from behind by him, his heart was simmering, and he immediately mobilized his spiritual power, and his figure turned into an afterimage.

In the next second, Song Yuyuan's figure appeared above Yu Wenshou out of thin air, and his fists mixed with the strong wind swept towards him!

But just when he thought he was about to succeed, a burst of momentum suddenly burst out from around Yu Wenshou's body!
The power of this burst of power was so strong that it immediately turned the entire yard into a mess!
Even those servants who hadn't had time to react in the future were torn to pieces by this force!

Song Yuyuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards uncontrollably.

Seeing that something was going wrong, Wang Long stepped forward and took it firmly.

Fortunately, Song Yuyuan's cultivation base is very strong, and he only suffered a slight injury, which is not serious.

But those servants who were affected by the momentum were not so lucky. They were all lying on the ground in a mess, with scars all over their bodies, and wailing in their ears.

"Unexpectedly, this guy would not hesitate to accidentally hurt his own people?"

Song Yuyuan clutched his chest, as if he felt Yuwenshou's strength.

"Stand back, this person is not something you can handle."

When Wang Long gave an order, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao could only obey obediently.

At this time, Yu Wenshou's gaze had already become murderous, staring straight at Wang Long, as if he wanted to tear him apart at any time!

"Come on! Let me see how capable you are!"

Facing Yu Wenshou's provocation, Wang Long's reaction was very calm.

He came to the center of the courtyard calmly and confronted Yu Wenshou head-on.

"If I make a move, I'm afraid the so-called Yuwen family will disappear!"

As soon as these words came out, all the servants present gasped and couldn't believe their ears!

You know, Yu Wenshou is a strong man with Xunzun level strength!Even looking at the whole Haijin, no one dared to challenge him!

What's more, just now he saw his subordinates being deflated in front of Yu Wenshou, so he dared to say such a thing?
"I have long heard that the president of the Flying Dragon Club is extremely arrogant, and he really lives up to his reputation!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Yu Wenshou's eyes: "That's good! I'll tell you today, what is the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Wenshou changed his moves, his fingers bent like tiger claws, and his whole body turned into a phantom, and rushed towards Wang Long at an extremely fast speed!

"President, be careful!" Duan Yunbao hurriedly reminded, but who knew that Wang Long didn't feel panicked in the face of such a powerful attack!
"Die!" Yu Wenshou yelled violently, and his sharp claws fell down quickly.

Unexpectedly, before Wang Long got the trick, Yu Wenshou suddenly felt a tight pain in his chest!
"Pfft—" Blood gushed out unexpectedly, and Yu Wenshou's body softened suddenly, and he collapsed to the ground.

On the other hand, Wang Long didn't make a move at all just now!
"What's going on here? Hasn't the president made a move yet?" Even Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan didn't understand what happened.

" is this possible! Why do you have such a powerful mind!"

Yu Wenshou's eyes widened, and he looked at Wang Long in disbelief. In his opinion, even at the Xunzun level, the power of thought should not be so strong!

At this time, a terrifying thought appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that Wang Long's strength has far exceeded the scope of Xun Zun?"

"Yesterday, the Xiao family was just like you, intending to oppose me. In the end, it was the old Patriarch Xiao who begged me to let them go, and promised that the Xiao family would be sent by our Flying Dragon Club from now on!"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Wenshou's heart thumped even more, and his body began to tremble involuntarily!
One must know that the Xiao family is the largest family in Yunan, even he himself would not dare to go against the Xiao family rashly!
But Wang Long managed this big family into obedience only by relying on these few people!
It can be seen from this, what a terrifying strength this is!

Wang Long stepped forward and looked down at him with disdain in his eyes: "If you don't want your family to be wiped out from now on, you might as well become my subordinate like them. I can consider helping you with what happened today." Take it easy."

"You want me to bow down to you? Dreaming!" Yu Wenshou's eyes turned cold, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his hands!
But Wang Long's reaction was really quick and violent, before he succeeded, he had already retreated a few steps.

After taking a closer look, he discovered that Yu Wenshou's palm was bursting out with a flickering spiritual power!

"Because of my thought power, the veins in your body should have started to come to a standstill. If I'm not wrong, this will be your final blow!" Wang Long hit the nail on the head, and immediately said that Yu Wenshou's heartstrings trembled!

"Bastard! Even if I die, I will drag you to my back!"

Yu Wenshou exhausted all his strength and waved his fists, two strong winds suddenly appeared, and immediately swept the whole yard into a storm!
A few servants beside him who didn't react were even blown into the air by the strong wind and fell heavily to the ground!

"Unexpectedly, even the last blow can explode with such power. We really underestimated him before!"

Song Yuyuan felt a little amazed from the bottom of his heart, no wonder he was no match for Yi Yi's move just now!
Although Yu Wenshou's punch exploded with amazing power, in Wang Long's view, he was just at the end of his strength, making the last resistance.

"Since you insist on seeking your own death, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Wang Long's face sank suddenly, and he also clenched his fists, confronting him directly!
The two gusts of wind stirred together and reflected each other in the air. For a moment, the entire courtyard was thundered and thundered, and the flames splashed everywhere!

Following a burst of explosions, the intense flames shook everyone back again and again, almost failing to stand firm.

When the flames dissipated, I saw a figure standing still in the courtyard, and Yu Wenshou in front of him seemed to have become a charred black corpse!

"With just one punch, he will be killed..." Duan Yunbao's eyes widened, and he has not recovered from the shock for a long time.

Usually he only knew that Wang Long was a strong man, but he didn't have an intuitive concept of his real strength.

But through today's battle, he finally saw clearly that this person's strength can only be described as terrifying!

Seeing this scene, the servants present were all so frightened that their pupils trembled, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Even Yu Wenshou is dead now, don't you shrimp soldiers and crab generals still want to continue to resist?"

Song Yuyuan shouted loudly, and everyone suddenly realized, how dare they resist?All of them turned around and fled in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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