Chapter 675
"What did you say?!" Wang Long's words made Zhao Heng's face change drastically, and he couldn't believe his ears!

"Mr. Wang, don't go too far! You are only temporarily taking over Mr. Sun's position. Why do you make a decision without authorization? Even if you want to be fired, you must ask Mr. Sun to agree to it! If you do this, is it right? Are you not afraid that I will react to Mr. Sun?"

Originally thought that if he moved Sun Zihan out, Wang Long should take it back.

Who knew that the latter not only had no intention of changing his mind when he heard this sentence, but even smiled disdainfully!
"I really don't know how this kind of person took advantage of the company's loopholes and became a department manager!"

"You!" Zhao Heng was even more angry when he heard this sentence, but even if he was angry at the moment, he just dared not speak out.

"If you want to report to Mr. Sun, I won't stop you, but from now on, you have nothing to do with the company!"

After Wang Long gave an order, Long Fei also randomly called the personnel department to inform them of the matter.

"Okay! The one surnamed Wang is cruel to you, you just wait for me, I will never finish with you on this matter!"

Seeing that the deal was done, Zhao Heng had no choice but to say this, and then turned and left.

After a busy day at the company, it was already late at night when Wang Long returned to the villa area of ​​Jinlan Mansion.

Without Liu Juan's nagging, the whole room seemed much cleaner.

And Sun Zihan was sitting in the living room, as if waiting for Wang Long to come back.

"Honey! You're finally back, how are you doing? Nothing happened to the company today, right?"

Because he didn't want Sun Zihan to worry, Wang Long deliberately concealed what happened today.

"It's okay, everything is normal, but about that cooperation project, I have already rejected it!"

Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan couldn't help being a little surprised: "Why?"

"That company is actually controlled by the Yuwen family. Now that the Yuwen family has existed in name only, this company will also collapse in the near future. It is obviously not a wise choice to cooperate with them now!"

"Okay! As long as you decide, I have no problem."

Regarding Wang Long's ability to manage the company, Sun Zihan was very relieved.

"But my husband, I want to discuss one thing with you."

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

Seeing that Sun Zihan frowned slightly, she seemed to hesitate to speak, and after some struggle, she still spoke:
"So many things have happened recently, I want to go out for a walk and relax."

"That's fine, why don't you let Xueying go with you! That girl has also been in a low mood recently, and the two of you sisters just take this opportunity to relax!"

"The matter of the company..."

"Leave the company's affairs to me, you don't have to worry, anyway, there is nothing serious about the Feilong Club recently, I have time to help you deal with it!"

Seeing that Wang Long's words had reached this point, Sun Zihan no longer had to worry about the future.

In this way, early the next morning, Wang Long sent Sun Zihan and Sun Xueying to the Imperial Capital Airport.

After the two of them left, Wang Long immediately came to the company to start handling today's work.

For the next week, Wang Long traveled back and forth between the company and the villa in Jinlan Mansion every day, living a two-point and one-line life.

But for him, this kind of life seemed more peaceful.

It's just that this tranquility didn't last long, and was broken by a sudden phone call.

"President, do you have time today? Come to the headquarters! There is something I need you to deal with!"

Gu Yueming's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"A few people who claim to be from the Haijin government came here and said they wanted to see you! I think it's probably because of the last time!"

Hearing these words, Wang Long's heartstrings couldn't help but tense.

Over the years, countless people have dealt with him, but only these important officials of the government have never had any contact.

Now Haijin's officials suddenly came to the door, which made Wang Long suspicious.

Could it be trouble coming to your door again?
"I see, come here right away!" Wang Long hung up the phone and walked out of the office immediately: "Vice President Long, I'm in a hurry and can't stay in the company today. Please help me finish the rest!"

After explaining clearly, Wang Long rushed to Feilong Club without stopping.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the reception room, he saw several middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes sitting on chairs.

Gu Yueming, who was next to him, cast a meaningful look at Wang Long.

"I heard that some of you want to see me, what's your business?"

A leading man with gray temples came to Wang Long in response: "President Wang, I have really admired your name for a long time!"

"This is our Haijin City Lord, Mr. Lu Jiulian!" said the assistant next to him.

"City Lord Haijin? You are really a rare visitor. There are many guests who have come to my place, but this is the first time for people from the government to come here!"

Wang Long invited a few people to sit down, and then began to get down to the topic: "City Lord Lu's sudden visit today must be because of the previous matter?"

I saw a smile on Lu Jiulian's face, but his gaze was indescribably profound.

"Since President Wang is so forthright, then I won't keep it up!"

"Over the years, various projects of Haijin have been occupied by the Yuwen family for a long time! We have received a lot of kickbacks! Our government came to discuss with them more than once, but they were all driven back by that Yuwenshou!"

"Now, you Feilong will defeat Yu Wenshou and his ilk, and it can be considered as a good deed for our Haijin government!"

Although Lu Jiulian was full of praise for Wang Long, the latter knew that the purpose of his trip was not just to praise him!
"Could it be that the city lord came here specifically to tell me this?"

"Of course not!" Lu Jiulian shook his head and winked at the assistant beside him.

The latter immediately understood, took out a document from the briefcase, and handed it to Wang Long.

"Mr. Wang, I think, since you have done Haijin such a big favor, I, the city lord, naturally can't treat you badly!"

"From now on, I'm inviting Feilonghui to become Haijin's chief official advisor! From now on, you Feilonghui will be able to share a profit from all our Haijin's large and small projects!"

"It's just..." Lu Jiulian frowned: "This benefit is not given to you for nothing. When we need you, Feilong will have to solve some troubles for the government, but don't worry, these things will never be given to you and you The members are causing trouble!"

After Lu Jiulian's words, Wang Long finally understood his intention.

"So you want to use the benefits as a condition, so that Feilong will help you do some dirty things that the government is not easy to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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