Chapter 677
You must know that everyone present is the company's shareholders, and the company's resolutions, large and small, must be present in order to proceed normally!It can be said that they are definitely the mainstay of the entire company!

But right now, Wang Long has just taken over the position of chairman, and he has made an arbitrary decision to fire the company's employees.

Even now, dare to say such arrogant words in front of these shareholders!This is completely against the rules!
"Mr. Wang, I have to remind you that your existence is only to temporarily take over Mr. Sun's position. It doesn't mean that she gave you the entire company! If you do this, won't you be afraid of Mr. Sun's blame?" ?”

Seeing that things were not going well, Cheng Jiang simply used Sun Zihan as a threat.

But it's a pity that Wang Long doesn't like him at all!
"Even if Zihan knew about it, I would explain it clearly to her, but in my opinion, what the company needs are truly capable people, not a bunch of trash who just goof around all day long and do nothing!"

Wang Long's tone was very firm, and he didn't mean to make any concessions at all.

Even if the shareholders present were unwilling, but right now Wang Long is the head of the company, and they dare not have any objections.

"Let's go!" Cheng Jiang knew that he couldn't beat Wang Long, so he could only turn around and leave with a group of shareholders first.

But as soon as a group of them left the office, they began to gather together and discuss again.

"Unexpectedly, this President Wang's attitude is so arrogant! This is clearly not taking us seriously!"

"It's good now, it's impossible to get Mr. Zhao back, but if the deputy city lord blames him, how can we explain it?"

"If I knew this was the case, I might as well have listened to him and left the company as soon as possible! Don't get burned!"

Hearing everyone's complaints, Cheng Jiang didn't speak for a long time, but kept his head down, as if he was thinking about something.

"I'm talking about Lao Cheng, but what are you talking about? What should we do now that things have turned out like this?"

In the eyes of several people asking, Cheng Jiang finally spoke slowly:
"Since that Wang Long is so ignorant, why don't we use our tricks and let the deputy city lord come forward to deal with him!"

"It's fine if he dares to show off in front of our shareholders, but I don't believe that he dares to challenge the deputy city lord!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the shareholders around immediately echoed: "That's a good idea! We can also take this opportunity to drive this guy out of the company completely! I don't want to just watch the company's foundation be ruined by him Already!"

After making the decision, Cheng Jiang immediately took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Heng.

On the other hand, Long Fei also seemed concerned about Wang Long's behavior.

"Mr. Wang, after all, they are all shareholders of the company. Will you cause trouble if you speak so utterly?"

"Even if there is trouble, so what? It will be a disaster for these gangsters to stay in the company sooner or later!"

Wang Long had no intention of changing his mind at all. After all, he knew that even if Sun Zihan found out about this matter, the latter would definitely spare no effort to support his decision.

"Okay, Vice President Long, let's put this matter aside for now, let's continue talking about investment!"

"Okay!" Long Fei nodded and agreed: "Mr. Wang, since the last cooperation was cancelled, our company has released a new round of investment promotion. At present, we have received investment applications from several companies. They are all in the investigation stage, and I will report to you as soon as things become clear!"

"Okay, in short, the same sentence, before investing, you must first find out the details of the other party. If you are not a reliable person, you don't need to consider cooperating with them!"

After being busy in the company until late at night, Wang Long finally returned home with his exhausted body.

After sitting on the sofa and resting for a while, Wang Long received a call from Gu Yueming.

"President, we have truthfully conveyed the conditions to Lu Jiulian. He said that he can accept it, and he also said that he will come to visit in person tomorrow to discuss detailed cooperation matters!"

"Okay, got it." Wang Long's voice was a little tired, and he hung up the phone after a simple promise.

But just as he was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed to rest, another burst of cell phone ringing brought his thoughts back to reality.

"Hey, Zihan, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, how is the company these days? Nothing happened, right?"

Thinking that Sun Zihan was relaxing outside at the moment, Wang Long didn't want to affect her emotions because of the company's affairs.

"It's nothing, everything in the company is normal, don't worry!"

"Husband, I thought about it for a while. You are under too much pressure to deal with company affairs alone, so I decided to go back to the Imperial City to help you tomorrow!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help frowning: "Why are you in such a hurry to come back? It's rare to have a chance to go out and relax, so let's play for a few more days! Besides, the company will take care of me, so nothing will happen. thing!"

"But wouldn't it be too..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, don't worry! If something goes wrong, I'll let you know as soon as possible!"

Seeing that Wang Long had already said this, Sun Zihan naturally didn't ask any more questions, so he nodded in agreement.

Early the next morning, Wang Long came to the company as usual, ready to deal with the affairs of the day.

But when he just walked into the office, he saw that the room was already full of people.

Cheng Jiang and other shareholders seemed to have been waiting here for Wang Long's appearance, not only him, but also Zhao Heng who had just been fired!
"What are you doing?" Wang Long saw at a glance that their intentions were not righteous, and his tone became serious.

"What are you doing? Mr. Wang, I advised you yesterday, but you don't know what to do. It's no wonder we are here!"

After Cheng Jiang finished speaking, a tall and burly figure stepped out from the crowd.

Wang Long took a closer look, and saw that this man was dressed in a neat suit and exuded an official air all over his body.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be the legendary deputy city lord, right?" Wang Long's eyes flashed a hint of teasing.

"That's right! I heard that my nephew works hard in your company, but you fired him indiscriminately as soon as you came up! If you do this, don't you think I, the deputy city lord, are not in your eyes?"

"I'm sorry, I think you may have misunderstood. Your nephew introduced some low-level partners to the company for his own self-interest, and he didn't take me as a shareholder seriously. Anyone who is such an employee will Fire it without hesitation?"

"Presumptuous!" the deputy city lord yelled, "I see you are ignorant! Let me tell you, if you don't let Sun Zihan come out and give me an explanation today, I promise that your company will have no place in the capital!"

(End of this chapter)

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