Ares out of prison

Chapter 701 Bizarre Disappearance

Chapter 701 Bizarre Disappearance
Hearing this sentence, Li Xiaotian couldn't help but brighten up: "How do you know that I arranged for that person?"

Wang Long smiled slightly: "In your restaurant, even the security guards hired are all mercenaries, all of whom possess unique skills. How could a local ruffian openly moles/teasing customers?"

"Besides, that kid kept winking at me when he was teasing/playing Vice President Long, so I knew it was an actor specially arranged by you!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Xiaotian sighed from the bottom of her heart, Wang Long's intuition is really sharp!
"Unexpectedly, my well-designed hero saves the beauty scene, but you can see through it at a glance!"

Just now Wang Long wanted Song Yuyuan to take the opportunity to show off, so he didn't stop him for a long time.

Who knows that this kid's attack is not serious, just his kick just now, if he was stronger, he would have been kicked to death on the spot!
"Guardian Song is highly skilled in martial arts, so nothing will happen to your staff, right?"

"Don't worry, I asked him to put some protection in his clothes in advance, there will be no problem!"

"That's good, thank you very much this time, I will definitely thank you two when I have time!"

Li Xiaotian shook her head: "Don't be so polite, I've done a good deed!"

After leaving the restaurant, Sun Zihan planned to send Long Fei home, while Wang Long and Song Yuyuan went to Feilong Building to deal with some matters.

"Hey, Yuyuan, what do you think of Vice President Long?" While driving, Wang Long took the opportunity to ask such a sentence.

"It's pretty good, I'm the vice president of the company at a young age, and I'm pretty pretty!"

Although Song Yuyuan answered in this way, the expression on his face always gave people a feeling of indifference.

Think about it carefully, after all, it is the first time for the two to meet, so they can't be forced to achieve a positive result right away, right?
Anyway, I have already helped everything I can, and as for the rest, I can only let the two of them develop on their own!
As soon as the two returned to Feilong Building, they saw Dong Xue hurrying to the office.

"President, something is wrong! Captain Li from Haijin called just now, saying that City Lord Lu has been out of contact for several days, and there is no news at all!"

"Lost contact?" Both Wang Long and Song Yuyuan showed a puzzled expression:

"Didn't you say you were going to a meeting in another place? Why did you suddenly lose contact?"

Dong Xue shook her head: "I don't know either. Captain Li didn't elaborate on the phone. He just told me to tell the president the news as soon as possible. I also want to ask your opinion on what to do now!"

"President, do you think Captain Li is too sensitive, maybe Lu Jiulian is only on business and didn't get in touch in time?"

Wang Long thought about it for a while, and then denied this statement:

"As the city lord, Lu Jiulian must have smooth communication on weekdays. It is absolutely impossible for this to happen!"

Although he didn't know what happened, an ominous premonition arose in Wang Long's heart.

"Let's go to the government to see what's going on!"

Wang Long made a decisive decision and immediately brought Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao to Haijin's mansion.

But when they came to the scene, they found that the government was already in chaos.

"Mr. Wang! You are here. Do you remember the last time you saw City Lord Lu?"

"Last time? Wasn't it just before taking action against Jianlongtan? What happened?"

Lu Jiulian's secretary shook his head, with an anxious expression on his face: "I haven't been in touch with City Lord Lu since he went to a meeting in another place. It's been several days, and I still haven't seen him come back!"

"I asked the organizers of the meeting before, but they said that Lord Lu did not attend this meeting at all!"

"What?!" Hearing this sentence, the three of Wang Long couldn't help but frown, their expressions looked a little dignified.

At first, Wang Long was lucky, thinking that Lu Jiulian might be temporarily busy, so he couldn't get in touch.

But now it seems that this statement is obviously untenable.

"Mr. Wang, do you think something will happen to Lord Lu?"

"Shouldn't be, who is so courageous, should play tricks on the government?" Duan Yunbao frowned, puzzled.

Just when everyone was feeling anxious, Li Xiaoya came to the scene with a team of patrolmen.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Shi. Due to the needs of handling the case, everyone around City Lord Lu has to go back with us to record a detailed statement! As for Mr. Wang, don't worry about it. After all, the last time I met the City Lord, I told him Together!"

Several patrols took away the government staff one by one, while Wang Long came to Li Xiaoya.

"Captain Li, I suspect that the Zeng family may be behind this matter!"

Last time, Zeng Shunxing wanted to take the opportunity to force Wang Long to submit, but Lu Jiulian intervened and made his plot fail.

Therefore, Wang Long has every reason to suspect that Zeng Shunxing will resent Lu Jiulian because of this incident, and thus take revenge.

In fact, Wang Long was not the only one who thought this way, Li Xiaoya also had the same guess as him.

"I've thought about what you said, and I went to Zeng's house before, but Zeng Shunxing said that he has nothing to do with this matter."

"Captain Li, how can you just believe what that old fox Zeng Shunxing said? He must be playing tricks!"

Duan Yunbao opened his mouth quickly, thinking that it would be better to go directly to Zeng's house and force them to reveal Lu Jiulian's whereabouts!

"It must not be done. The Zeng family is a famous family in Haijin. Before there is no conclusive evidence, you can't act rashly!"

"Yunbao, calm down, don't be so impulsive in everything!" Although Wang Long also had doubts about Zeng Shunxing, he knew in his heart that if there was not enough evidence in front of him, it would be impossible for Zeng Shunxing to admit that he had anything to do with this matter.

"In short, now we can only use some conventional methods to investigate one by one. If there is still no clue in the end, we have to start with the Zeng family!"

Li Xiaoya's words were not unreasonable, so Wang Long could only nod his head in agreement, and decided to take a step for now.

For the next few days, the Haijin government has been dispatching manpower to search for Lu Jiulian's whereabouts.

The Flying Dragon Club also helped, trying to find some clues about Lu Jiulian.

But after a few days, there was still no news, as if Lu Jiulian had evaporated from the world and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The longer the time, the more suspicious Wang Long became. Perhaps the Zeng family was behind this incident!

Just when the investigation of the case was deadlocked, a sudden news made everyone's hearts tremble.

"Mr. Wang, we just called the police on the street. A dead body was found in the wilderness more than ten kilometers away from the city..."

(End of this chapter)

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