Ares out of prison

Chapter 703 Key Evidence

Chapter 703 Key Evidence
"What do you want? Could it be about the case of Lu Jiulian?" Song Yuyuan's eyes lit up, and he quickly looked at Wang Long.

Suddenly finding Wang Long at this point in time is probably because of Lu Jiulian!
Wang Long immediately decided to ask Gu Yueming to invite that person to the office for a meeting.

But Gu Yueming shook his head: "No, that person won't come up no matter what he says, you need to go downstairs to see him in person!"

"It's really a big face! It's actually asking the president to make a special trip for him!" Duan Yunbao complained.

"If he really has what we want in his hand, it's nothing to go there himself!"

Wang Long tidied up his clothes, and then led by Gu Yueming to the hall on the first floor.

Sure enough, he could see a young man sitting on the sofa in the hall from a long distance, waiting for them quietly.

The young man seemed a little nervous, sitting upright, and looking around from time to time.

"President Wang, you are here!" The young man recognized Wang Long the first time he saw him.

And Wang Long also somehow felt that this person looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was.

"I heard that you have something we want in your hand, let's hear it?"

"President Wang, I was originally hired by the Zeng family, and Zeng Shunxing planned the murder of City Lord Lu before!"

"So that's the case, no wonder I think you look familiar!" Wang Long remembered that he had met this person when he first went to the Zeng's mansion.

It's just that Wang Long's attention was all on Zeng Shunxing at that time, and he didn't care about such a little servant.

According to the young man's confession, his name is Wei Zhou. He came to Zeng's family half a year ago and became an unknown servant of Zeng's family.

Some time ago, Zeng Shunxing originally wanted to force Feilonghui to cooperate with them, but Lu Jiulian messed up the matter.

In a rage, Zeng Shunxing decided to launch an attack on Lu Jiulian's way out of the government, and Wei Zhou was one of the people who participated in the operation!
"At that time, I secretly used my mobile phone to take pictures of the murder of Lord Lu, just to use it as evidence someday!"

Just as Wang Long was about to take the phone, Wei Zhou took a step back:
"Wait! President Wang, it's fine for me to hand over this thing to you, but you have to agree to one condition first!"

"As long as you can provide enough evidence, any conditions are not a problem!"

"Okay!" Wei Zhou nodded: "First, if the operation is successful, I will ask to join your Dragon Club!"

"Little brother, I'm afraid you don't know us very well! If you are not a strong ancient martial artist, you are not eligible to join the club!"

Song Yuyuan wanted to persuade him to give up this idea, but Wang Long shook his head:

"Looking at your strange bones, you should also be a martial artist. If your evidence is valid, I can break this precedent!"

"Okay! Also, if your actions fail, you must not confess me!"

Wang Long agreed to these two conditions without thinking, but when Wei Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly asked.

"But I'm curious, you are clearly from the Zeng family, why did you do such a thing?"

"Mr. Wang, I heard that the Zeng family is a famous family in Haijin, so I was willing to serve them. But when I entered the Zeng family, I found out that they are a bunch of villains who are mercenary and unscrupulous!"

According to Wei Zhou, he can clearly see all the dirty things done by the Zeng family, but he is helpless because of his low status.

But this time, Zeng Shunxing dared to openly oppose the government!Wei Zhou knew that if he didn't stop him, this person might become another big cancer for Hai Jin in the future!
Seeing that his tone was sincere when he spoke, and he didn't seem to be lying, Wang Long also nodded and believed his statement.

He took the phone, and saw that the video of Lu Jiulian's murder was really shown on it.

"These ruthless guys!" In the video, Lu Jiulian's private car was intercepted halfway, and several members of the Zeng family took him to a wilderness, almost beating him to death!
This cruel method is even more jaw-dropping than Yu Wenshou and Tan Yonglong!
"Bastard! This is the fate of opposing our Zeng family! Remember in your next life, when you meet our Patriarch, be more respectful!"

I don't know who said such a sentence in the video, which immediately made Wang Long and others' eyes shine.

"That's it! We already have enough evidence!" Song Yuyuan's heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't wait to bring Zeng Shunxing to justice.

"How about it, President Wang, is the thing I provide you useful?"

"I will take this video to the government as soon as possible. If Zeng Shunxing can be brought to justice this time, you can join the Dragon Club at any time!"

"Okay! But before that, you must not reveal this matter, as if I have never visited!"

After all, Wei Zhou sneaked out of Zeng's house to reveal this information to Wang Long, so he naturally didn't dare to reveal the secret.

After Wei Zhou left, Wang Long went out and handed the mobile phone to Li Xiaoya who was in the government, regardless of the getting dark outside.

When she saw the video on her phone, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face.

"Mr. Wang, where did you find this thing?"

"It was given to me by a member of the Zeng family. He wanted to use it as a bargaining chip to join the Dragon Club!"

Li Xiaoya had been struggling to find key evidence, but the appearance of this video can be said to break the deadlock.

Now as long as they see the right time, they can dispatch at any time to arrest Zeng Shunxing!

But when Li Xiaoya was about to make arrangements, Wang Long said:
"Captain Li, the matter this time is still the old rule, the Flying Dragon Society will take the lead, and your government will be responsible for handling it!"

"Mr. Wang, I know you are very capable, but after all, the murderer was City Lord Lu. Shouldn't this matter be handled by the government?" A young policeman next to Li Xiaoya spoke.

After all, Wang Long made them wait for several hours in vain when he saw the Longtan operation last time.

Although they didn't say it out loud, these police officers had more or less opinions in their hearts.

The arrest of Zeng Shunxing this time can be said to save face for the government. If Feilonghui is still allowed to sit in charge, wouldn't it be regarded as a soft-legged shrimp?

"Little brother, that's not what I mean. After all, the Zeng family has many strong ancient martial arts. What's more, this matter was originally caused by our Flying Dragon Association, so it is reasonable for us to be responsible for it?"

Wang Long's words made the young policeman not know how to refute for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Xiaoya could only nod her head, agreeing with his point of view.

"Okay! Then this time I can only work harder for you guys!"

"It doesn't matter, this matter has become a personal grievance between me and Zeng Shunxing, and sooner or later we will have to settle it!"

Wang Long's tone was suddenly taken aback, and a murderous look flickered in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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