Ares out of prison

Chapter 707 Temporary Changes

Chapter 707 Temporary Changes
After hearing the news, Sun Zihan led Long Fei to Haijin the next day, and planned to discuss in detail the establishment of the branch.

In order to receive them, Liao Minqi even made a special trip to prepare a banquet in Haijin's most luxurious manor, which shows how much he attaches importance to this matter.

When seeing Sun Zihan, Liao Minqi couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

"Unexpectedly, the chairman of the famous No. [-] enterprise in Longguo is such a young and beautiful lady!"

"City Lord Liao has won the award, and it is also my honor to meet the mighty Lord of the City!"

After some simple greetings, several people sat down together and started to get down to business.

"Mr. Sun, after I learned that you plan to establish a branch in Haijin, I immediately contacted the major construction companies in Haijin, and asked my subordinates to list the current land to be developed in Haijin for your company choose!"

While talking, the secretary next to him handed over a document, which contained detailed information on these development sites.

In just one day, Liao Minqi has made such sufficient preparations, so far, it seems that Liao Minqi has shown full sincerity.

But Sun Zihan knew in his heart that the sincerity of the government would naturally be directly proportional to the conditions.

"I don't know if City Lord Liao agrees to our establishment of a branch in Haijin. What are the additional conditions?"

"Mr. Sun's company is well-known all over the world, and Liao is already honored to be able to settle in my site!"

"It's just that, as the lord of a city, I also need to do some good for the city's development, so Mr. Sun, once your branch company is successfully established, the government wants to collect 5.00% of the profit in return. This request is not too much, right? ?”

Hearing this figure, Sun Zihan didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After all, the imperial capital government charged [-]% every year.

"No problem! Since that's the case, we can discuss the details of setting up a branch in the long run!"

Sun Zihan originally thought that this was Liao Minqi's only condition, so he wanted to make a decision on the matter on the spot.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Liao Minqi suddenly changed the subject: "Besides this, I have another unfeeling request!"

"City Master Liao, please tell me."

"I hope that Mr. Sun can move the production line of his products to Haijin, and the Haijin government will be in charge of the production work. In this way, it will not only save Mr. Sun a lot of trouble, but also contribute to the development of Haijin. ah!"

Hearing these words, the smile on Sun Zihan's face gradually froze.

"Master Liao, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this? Our production line has always been set up in the imperial capital. If we relocate rashly, what will happen to the workers in the imperial capital? And it's hard for me to explain to the government!"

"It's okay! I know this request will take some time for you to think about, so we can talk about the establishment of a branch slowly!" After Liao Minqi finished speaking, he raised his wine glass and started some grandiose toasts word.

During the second half of the normal banquet, the two sides never mentioned the establishment of a branch again.

After the banquet, Liao Minqi returned to the government first, while Wang Long took Sun Zihan to the hotel to check in.

"Mr. Sun, this City Lord Liao clearly wants to take advantage of the fire! He doesn't even intend to give us any room for consideration!"

Long Fei didn't frown slightly, and looked a little unwilling.

Although Liao Minqi said on the surface that he would let Sun Zihan think about it slowly, his real intention was to use it as a threat!

If Sun Zihan did not accept this condition, it would be basically impossible to establish a branch in Haijin.

"Mr. Wang, didn't you say that there is nothing wrong with the government? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

At this time, not only Sun Zihan, but even Wang Long felt a burst of indignation in his heart.

In any case, the Flying Dragon Society has made great contributions to Hai Jin. Even if the city owner has changed to someone else, they shouldn't do such a thing of revenge!

"I think Liao Minqi is too young and arrogant! Don't worry, I can continue to deal with this matter!"

"Is it really feasible? I feel that City Lord Liao's attitude seems to be very firm."

Wang Long nodded: "Don't worry, the strength of our company is obvious to all in the Dragon Kingdom. Liao Minqi should not be so stupid as to miss this good opportunity for such a small profit!"

Hearing what Wang Long said, Sun Zihan and Long Fei felt a little relieved.

Early the next morning, Wang Long met with other senior officials of the government through Li Xiaoya's recommendation.

Just as he thought in his heart, other high-level officials in the government agreed that this opportunity should be seized to promote cooperation between the two parties.

"However, Chairman Wang, the new city lord has just taken office, and he wants to contribute to Haijin. If you want to persuade him, I'm afraid it will take some time!"

"How about this, we can discuss with Mr. Sun, keep the production line in the imperial capital, and set up a production base in Haijin at the same time, in this way, can't we get the best of both worlds?"

Wang Long smiled slightly: "If it's really that simple, I don't need to come here to see you guys today!"

Based on the current market conditions, the production line of Imperial Capital can fully meet the demand. If an additional production base is added on this basis, it will only lead to overcapacity and a backlog of products.

In the end, once these products are unsalable, it will be a devastating blow to the entire company!

Seeing that this group of high-level officials were still indecisive, Wang Long's patience was gradually wearing away.

"I think everyone knows that this cooperation is a rare opportunity for Haijin, but..."

Wang Long's expression suddenly turned cold: "Our company is not the only choice of Haijin. If you can't make a decision for a long time, I think we can only find another way!"

Hearing this sentence, the high-level people present were really shocked and shook their heads quickly:
"Don't! President Wang, based on our previous cooperative relationship, this matter should be sure. If we give up now, wouldn't it be a great regret?"

"That's right, President Wang, don't worry, we will definitely help you advise the city lord, and try to give you an answer as soon as possible!"

Seeing everyone's attitude, Wang Long was a little satisfied.

"Okay! But I hope you can do it as soon as possible. After all, the company's project cannot be delayed!"

After saying this, Wang Long turned around and left.

Looking at his back, the senior executives present did not react for a long time.

"Old Zhao, in the past, when we talked about cooperation with entrepreneurs, it was the other party begging us. How did this turn into us begging him humbly?"

"What else could be the reason? Their company's strength is among the best in the entire Dragon Country! You don't want it, some people want to attract them to cooperate!"

"It seems that we need to spend more time talking, and we must make City Lord Liao change his mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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