Ares out of prison

Chapter 709 Complete Denial

Chapter 709 Complete Denial
"What?" Hearing Wang Long's words, Feng Yu felt even more absurd: "What is there to talk about with you, kid? I'm here today to discuss a billion-dollar business! If you want to chat, you have to wait for me Let's talk when you have time!"

After saying this, Feng Yu lowered his head and looked at his watch: "It's already this point, why haven't the other party's representative come over yet?"

"Mr. Feng, this is the shareholder of Hanhou Beauty Co., Ltd., Mr. Wang!" Long Fei couldn't stand it anymore, and directly punctured the window paper.

"Him? Come on! I don't understand this kid? He's just a piece of trash waiting to die! What kind of shareholder is he?"

Feng Yu first showed a look of disdain, but in the next second, he suddenly realized that Long Fei's voice sounded very familiar.

"Wait a minute, aren't you the Vice President Long who called me yesterday?"

"Exactly!" Long Fei nodded and looked at him seriously: "Mr. Feng, we came here to discuss business with you with sincerity, but since your attitude is so bad, I think this cooperation is still a good idea." Cancel it!"

After saying this, the two actually turned around and prepared to leave without looking back!

Seeing that things were not going well, Feng Yu quickly chased after him before he even had time to turn his head from his surprise:
"Vice President Long! I'm really sorry. I didn't know that you two are company representatives. What happened just now is so offending!"

As he said that, he turned his gaze to Wang Long next to him: "You boy, how did you become a shareholder of the company after not seeing you for a few years?"

"Mr. Feng, as I said, please pay attention to your attitude! Mr. Wang is now the second in command of our company!"

As soon as these words came out, Feng Yu's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he realize that he might really have misunderstood Wang Long.

Although he didn't want to believe it, the facts were already in front of him, so Feng Yu had no choice but to obediently admit his mistake:

"Okay, okay! I'm really sorry! Mr. Wang, we are already old acquaintances, so you don't mind making a few jokes?"

Wang Long just smiled lightly, and didn't take Feng Yu's words seriously:

"Since the matter has been clarified, why don't we go up and talk about the business first?"

Feng Yu repeatedly nodded in agreement, and followed Wang and Long to the luxury private room of the hotel.

After a few simple greetings, everyone began to get down to business.

"Wang Long, I really can't imagine, I haven't seen you in just a few years, and you have changed so much!"

"What's the matter? Didn't you also become the boss of the company?" Wang Long's words sounded meaningful.

"Yes yes yes! Farewell for three days, let's treat each other with admiration!" Feng Yu nodded again and again, and then changed the subject: "But I think this business is of great importance, shouldn't the chairman of your company personally Come to discuss with me?"

"Our President Sun has been busy with business recently, and we don't have time to spare. This time, the business has been entrusted to the two of us. If you have any requirements, you can directly mention them to us!"

Hearing what Long Fei said, Feng Yu nodded and agreed: "That's good! Now that we've talked about this, I'll directly propose our company's conditions!"

"First of all, our company requires a remuneration of [-] million yuan, and after the establishment of the branch, we will also get [-]% of the shares! This requirement should be reasonable, right?" Feng Yu changed the subject: "Besides, I hope that Shengshi The group can become the exclusive partner of Hanhou Beauty Co., Ltd., and all subsequent projects will be contracted by our company one by one!"

Even the Haijin government only needs to go to less than [-]% of the bonus, but Feng Yu just asked for [-]% of the shares when he came, which obviously made the lion open his mouth!

And once they become the exclusive partners, it means that in the subsequent projects, Feng Yu can raise the price as he likes, but Sun Zihan has no other choice at all!

Although Feng Yu always had a smile on his face, looking like he was benevolent, but the tricks he used were really ruthless!

"Mr. Feng, I think you may not have understood that even Hai Jin's City Lord Liao did not propose such a high condition!"

Long Fei wanted to politely refuse, but Feng Yu waved his hand:
"What about City Lord Liao? Wang Long and I have known each other for more than ten years. When he couldn't get along in Jiang Province, I lent him money to help him tide over the difficulties! Just based on this , isn’t it reasonable for me to raise these conditions?”

This sentence left Long Fei at a loss as to how to answer it.

So, this Feng Yu used to be kind to Mr. Wang?
But just when she didn't know what to do, Wang Long's cold voice came from her ear:
"That's right, you did help me when I was in trouble, and by the way, you charged twice the interest of the principal!"

"This... Anyway, I am kind to you, you can't deny it, can you?"

After being exposed by Wang Long's words, Feng Yu seemed a little bit embarrassed, so he had to change his words and say:

"Besides, what I said just now is only the conditions I expected. If you think there is something wrong, we can talk again!"

"Okay!" Wang Long nodded: "First, the remuneration we can offer you will never be higher than [-] million yuan! As for the shares, you and I are just a short-term cooperative relationship, and your company is not eligible to share the shares. As for the exclusive cooperation, if this cooperation goes well and allows me to see the sincerity of your company, I can consider it!"

Originally, I thought that Wang Long would not compress the request too much because of the original relationship.

Who knew that when he opened his mouth, he directly denied all the three conditions he raised!
Feng Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately slapped the table and stood up:
"My surname is Wang! Don't bully me too much! You are just the representative in charge of this negotiation! What qualifications do you have to negotiate these conditions with me? Even the chairman of your company didn't say anything. When will it be your turn to dictate here? gone?"

Although I don't know exactly which channel Wang Long used to get the position of shareholder, in Feng Yu's view, unless the chairman is personally involved, he doesn't have to accept anyone's conditions!
"So, you don't intend to continue the discussion?"

"I have nothing to discuss with you trash! Call your chairman and just let him see what you have done behind the boss's back!"

Feng Yu couldn't wait to tell Mr. Sun about Wang Long's behavior, so as to see how Mr. Sun would deal with this unruly guy.

Being scolded is a trivial matter, if it is really because of him that this cooperation is affected, I am afraid that the job will be lost, right?
Thinking of this, Feng Yu couldn't help but secretly elated, but the next second, Long Fei beside him spoke coldly.

"Wang is always the husband of our chairman, don't you think he is not qualified to decide these things?"

(End of this chapter)

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