Ares out of prison

Chapter 719 Mysterious SMS

Chapter 719 Mysterious SMS
Early the next morning, Wang Long came to the Flying Dragon Club as usual, ready to deal with the affairs of the day.

Since Gu Yueming lost all his martial arts skills, he was finally able to live his life honestly. Except for the occasional visit to Feilong to help, most of the time, he was still like other old people, walking around drinking tea in the park, feeling very uncomfortable.

It's just that when he was free, the tasks of Wang Long and Song Yuyuan immediately became a lot heavier.

Anyway, the Dong brothers and sisters are taking care of the headquarters, and the system is mature, so there is no need to worry.

But after all, the branch has only been established for half a year, and many things need to be dealt with. If you are not careful, there will be a lot more documents on the desk.

"President, if we knew this was the case, let's not call Yunbao away, how about letting him stay and help?"

From Song Yuyuan's point of view, letting Duan Yunbao supervise Yu Caiming is a bit of a shame!

"Even if we let him stay, the three of us will still be too busy. It seems that going on like this is not an option!"

Wang Long slowly put down the documents in his hand and began to think about recruiting people.

But after all, Feilonghui is different from ordinary companies. All they need are some ancient martial arts experts. It is not easy to recruit them.

"By the way, President, I heard Miss Dong say that people have been contacting us all this time, hoping to cooperate with us. Is it true?" Song Yuyuan asked, and Wang Long's expression became complicated.

"I've also heard about this matter, but I haven't responded to the other party yet."

"You said, will you meet people like Yu Wenshou and Zeng Shunxing again?"

Wang Long shook his head: "No, I feel that the situation this time is different from before."

According to Dong Xue's account, a mysterious man came to the headquarters before and handed them a letter. The content roughly said that they, like the Flying Dragon Society, were a powerful organization of ancient warriors and wanted to find an opportunity to cooperate with Wang Long. Plan for cooperation.

"And the people who stayed at the headquarters at that time said that the spiritual power emanating from that mysterious man was much stronger than theirs!"

"Even a messenger has such powerful spiritual power. It seems that this mysterious organization is not simple!"

Song Yuyuan changed the subject: "President, do you have any plans for this matter?"

"At the moment, I don't know whether the other party has good intentions or malicious intentions, so I can't make a rash decision, so I decided to go back to the imperial capital in two days and see what's going on. Then the branch will need you to worry about it! "

"Don't worry! Anyway, I'm used to staying here now, if it doesn't work, I can call Master to help me!"

"I think it's because Long Fei is here, so you can stay here, right?"

What Wang Long said directly expressed what Song Yuyuan was thinking.

Coincidentally, just as Wang Long mentioned Long Fei, Song Yuyuan received her text message.

"With a charming smile on her face, Long Fei asked you to have dinner again?"

"That's not true, she just said, let me go shopping with her at noon, since there's nothing else to do, just go!"

Song Yuyuan replied with a smile full of joy.

Looking at his appearance, Wang Long really seemed to see himself back then.

At that time, when he was in love with Sun Zihan, his state was exactly the same as that of Song Yuyuan.

However, due to the obstacles of Liu Juan and others, he was not as smooth as Song Yuyuan.

"Huh? Wait a minute, why did Feifei suddenly change the number?" Song Yuyuan had just finished replying when he noticed a string of unfamiliar numbers displayed on the phone.

"What's the matter? As a vice president, it's normal to have two numbers."

Hearing what Wang Long said, Song Yuyuan nodded his head to dispel his worries.

"Then president, if there is nothing else, I will leave first, and I have to prepare in advance!"

"Okay, let's go!" Wang Long was also very understanding and asked Song Yuyuan to leave work early.

After Song Yuyuan left, Wang Long stayed in the office alone, talking on the phone with Sun Zihan for a while.

Knowing that he will return to the imperial capital in two days, Sun Zihan on the other end of the phone also seemed extremely excited.

"Great, when the time comes, work won't be so busy, let's go out and have fun for a few days! I've already figured out where to go!"

"OK, no problem!"

Wang Long agreed without hesitation, and suddenly felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Originally, I planned to work hard with Song Yuyuan this afternoon, deal with all the remaining work, and return to the imperial capital as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, this kid didn't come back all afternoon, and he didn't even make a phone call!
"Good guy, I've become more courageous after falling in love! Even if you want to ask for leave, you have to tell me in advance, right?"

Wang Long picked up his mobile phone, ready to call Song Yuyuan.

But after thinking about it, after all, they are young couples in the period of passionate love, and it is normal for them to be gluey together, so it seems a bit inappropriate to disturb them rashly.

What's more, Song Yuyuan followed him through life and death before, without any complaints, and refused to give him even a vacation, which is really unreasonable!
Wang Long shook his head helplessly, and chose to ask Gu Yueming to help. The two of them worked for a whole afternoon, which could be regarded as clearing the backlog of tasks in the past few days.

"You little bastard Yu Yuan, what time is it, and there's still no news? I have to talk about him!"

Gu Yueming cursed and dialed the phone, but unexpectedly there was a notification sound of shutting down the phone.

"Why is it still turned off? This... President, they young people are fighting like fire, so there shouldn't be any trouble?"

"Don't worry, I'll ask Vice President Long first."

Just as Wang Long took out his mobile phone, a ring rang suddenly. He looked down and saw that it was Long Fei who was calling.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, is Yu Yuan with you? I haven't seen him all day today, and the phone can't get through. What is he doing?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long's heart skipped a beat: "What do you mean? Didn't you go on a date with him?"

"Dating? Are you kidding me? It's a working day, why would I date him?"

Long Fei's tone on the other end of the phone was very surprised, and Wang Long immediately realized that something was wrong.

But in order to avoid Long Fei's worry, Wang Long chose to make up a lie to keep her stable.

"I'm joking with you, Feilonghui has some things here, I asked him to stay and help me, I'm sorry, he may not be able to accompany you today!"

Hearing what he said, Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good! I'm still worried about what will happen to him, as long as I stay with you! Then Mr. Wang, please do your work first, and I won't bother you!"

Seeing something wrong with Wang Long's expression, Gu Yueming seemed to realize something.

Before he could ask, the door in the office was suddenly pushed away.

Originally thought it was Song Yuyuan who came back, but when he looked closely, it was Duan Yunbao who came.

"President, it's strange, that boy Yu Caiming didn't come to work all day today!"

Wang Long's sword eyebrows condensed, and the feeling of uneasiness hit him like a tide:
"Call people, something happened to Yu Yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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