Chapter 725
A week later, the ancient martial arts seminar in Longyu City arrived as scheduled.

There is still half an hour before the official start of the meeting, but the huge venue is already very lively.

Those who came to the meeting were all the leaders of various ancient martial arts organizations in the Dragon Kingdom. On the surface, they were a group of bearded and haired old men who were over seventy years old. But there is no trace of aging at all!
After all, they are the mainstay of the entire Dragon Kingdom ancient martial arts world, and it can even be said that they support half of the ancient martial arts power!
"Unexpectedly, this god Humen elder would not hesitate to make such a show for a small union!"

Among the crowd was an old man with a fairy-like demeanor and a dusty temperament, with a slight look of disdain on his face.

"Sect Master Mo, this union/meeting is sponsored by the government of Longguo, and their Shenhumen is only responsible for spreading the word for the government. Could it be that you have doubts about the government's decision?"

Hearing someone blatantly refute Mo Wuyou, the expressions of the onlookers changed slightly.

This is the suzerain of Wan Jianzong!Its strength is in the south of the entire Dragon Kingdom, and I am afraid that no one can match it!
Normally, Mo Wuyou pointed to the east, and absolutely no one dared to go west, but this time, someone would dare to challenge him in such a public place. Isn't this equivalent to hitting the muzzle of a gun?
People all turned their eyes to the other person, but when they saw who the speaker was, their doubts were relieved a lot.

"I'm wondering who dares to insult Sect Master Mo! It turns out to be the Lord Tao of Qianyuan City!"

I saw Tao Yuanzhang dressed in brocade clothes, standing with his hands behind his back, revealing a faint spiritual breath all over his body.

Just from this aura, it is not difficult to see that this person should also be a powerful ancient warrior.

"City Master Tao? What do you mean? Could it be that he is from the government?" Several young people in the crowd who didn't know the truth felt a little strange.

As far as they know, ancient warriors have always been scattered among the people, and they have never heard of ancient warriors in the government.

"You guys don't understand this, right? In the entire Dragon Kingdom, only Qianyuan City is the most special! Not only is the city lord a strong ancient martial artist, but even the people in the city are probably martial arts practitioners! That's why Yuan City can dominate the entire east of the Dragon Kingdom, and no one can shake its position so far!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but change their faces. In this way, this Qianyuan City is no different from a city built by ancient warriors!

It's no wonder that Tao Yuanzhang dared to challenge Mo Wuyou when he first arrived. After a long time of fighting, his background is no worse than yours!

"But it's different now. New sects such as Shenhumen and Qingfengdao have appeared. The status of Wanjianzong and Qianyuan City no longer seem unique. And I heard that there has been a famous sect in the imperial capital over the years. The strength of the organization of the Flying Dragon Club is even more unfathomable! There are even rumors that even if Mo Tao and his two join forces, they will not be the opponent of the Flying Dragon Club!"

The young man who spoke thought his voice was very low, but Tao Yuanzhang could still hear him clearly.

It was too late for him to react, and he saw that Tao Yuanzhang walked straight up to him.

"What did you say?"

The young man is just a small follower of Shenhumen, and his strength has only broken through the middle-level ancient warriors. How dare Tao Yuanzhang look at each other?
"'s nothing, what I mean is, even the Flying Dragon Society can't shake your reputation, City Lord Tao!"

Fortunately, the young man's reaction was fairly quick. As soon as these words came out, a smile appeared on Tao Yuanzhang's face.

"Flying Dragon Club? As far as I know, it's just a half-ordained organization, a group of barbarians and bandits! I didn't expect that even such a team could receive an invitation to participate in this meeting. I really doubt this union/ What will be the ingredients!"

"City Master Tao, don't speak too early. I heard that although the president of the Flying Dragon Club is a young man, his strength has already reached the level of seeking respect! I'm afraid you and I are just unknown at his age. A legendary little man, right?"

"You!" Tao Yuanzhang glared at Mo Wuyou viciously, and there was a killing light in his eyes!
For many years, Qianyuan City has always regarded Wan Jianzong as a strong enemy, and the two sides fought openly and secretly, but neither could do anything to the other.

Who would have thought that after fighting for so many years, the official approval required both sides to conspire and unite!In Tao Yuanzhang's heart, he was naturally reluctant in every possible way, and it was reasonable to be so dissatisfied with the union.

"What can Xun Zun do? I, Tao, have been cultivating with great concentration in recent years, and my strength has already broken through Xun Zun! I have reached the eunuch cloud realm! As far as I know, among all the people present, no one has broken through this level, right? "

"Eunuch Cloud Realm?!" As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped, even Mo Wuyou had an ugly expression on his face.

After all, in the ancient martial arts world of the Dragon Kingdom, there are only a handful of people who can reach the level of seeking respect. The so-called official cloud state is more like a legend, and few people have been able to touch it for thousands of years!

But now his deadly enemy actually publicly clamored that he had broken through the eunuch realm!Mo Wuyou felt a trace of fear in his heart!
"So, whether it's the Flying Dragon Society or the Wanjian Sect, they are all like ants in front of my Qianyuan City, and they are nothing to mention! If you want me to form an alliance with you, I don't think you are qualified enough!"

Faced with Tao Yuanzhang's clamor, although everyone present felt uncomfortable for a while, there was nothing they could do.

After all, people's strength lies here, so it's only natural to look down on you.

Seeing that Mo Wuyou couldn't think of a word to refute, a noise at the door suddenly caught their attention.

"Flying Dragon Club, President Wang is here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their eyes, wanting to see what the origin of this legendary organization was.

I saw a brand new luxury car parked outside the main entrance, the door slowly opened, and three young people walked out from it.

"Is this the so-called Dragon Club? I knew it. It's just helping the streets!"

The moment he saw Wang Long, Tao Yuanzhang couldn't help showing a look of contempt.

Leaving aside the ages of the three of them, they are not as old as some of the elders present.

The casual young man next to him still has a plaster cast on his arm?What does it mean?Want to show that the members of the Dragon Club are all physically disabled and have extraordinary perseverance?

In fact, Wang Long did not intend to let Song Yuyuan accompany him, after all, he was injured too badly and had not fully recovered.

But helplessly, this kid's personality was comparable to his master's, and after a lot of hard work, Wang Long had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Unexpectedly, this is the president of the Flying Dragon Club. He is really young and promising!"

"I heard that the Flying Dragon Society has established a solid influence in the imperial capital and Haijin, and even helped the Haijin government eradicate many cancers!"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Wang Long and the three walked into the hall, and Mo Wuyou took the first step to meet them.

"President Wang, I've heard the name for a long time! I am the suzerain of Wanjian Sect, don't worry!"

"Wan Jianzong?" Wang Long's eyes lit up, and he felt that the name was extremely familiar.

But just when he was about to shake hands with him, a stone suddenly fell on him.

Looking intently, Tao Yuanzhang's provocative eyes caught his eyes.

"I said old man Mo, has your Wan Jianzong fallen to such a state now? You actually want to be so respectful to a young child! It's really sad!"

(End of this chapter)

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