Chapter 733
Seeing that Mo Yutang reacted so strongly, Mo Xiangyue couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"What's the matter? Grandpa specifically asked me to do this. He said that whether we can cooperate with Feilonghui will directly determine whether we can fight against Qianyuan City in the future! So I am not obedient to him, but You are making plans for Wan Jianzong's future!"

Although Mo Xiangyue said so, Mo Yutang could easily see the flash of admiration in her eyes!
Although Mo Yutang has been with Mo Xiangyue since he was a child, this is the first time he has seen Mo Xiangyue showing such a gentle side to other men!
Thinking of this, the little bit of guilt left in Mo Yutang's heart disappeared immediately. Now he can't wait to smash that Wang Long's body into thousands of pieces to relieve the hatred in his heart!

"By the way, Brother Yu, you came just in time, I have to deliver food to Chairman Wang, please help me clean up here!"

"No, I'll deliver it." Mo Yutang picked up the tray on the table and walked out without looking back.

"Hey! I think it's better for me to go by myself, and I won't trouble you."

Mo Xiangyue originally wanted to call Mo Yutang back, but no matter what she said, Mo Yutang refused to give up her mind at all.

In desperation, Mo Xiangyue had no choice but to choose to go with him.

The door opened slowly, and Wang Long was sitting cross-legged in the room, practicing meditation.

As the spiritual breath continued to dissipate in the body, a burst of internal force gradually externalized, surging around Wang Long's body.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yutang couldn't help frowning, as if he saw the mystery of Wang Long's spiritual breath.

"Brother Yu, President Wang is cultivating, so let's not disturb him, put down our things and go out first!"

Mo Xiangyue cautiously leaned close to Mo Yutang's ear and said such a sentence, but who knew that the latter walked straight forward.

"President Wang! This is a late-night snack specially ordered by Sect Master Mo, so hurry up and eat it while it's hot!"

Mo Yutang originally wanted to disturb Wang Long's thoughts to interrupt his cultivation, but the latter didn't respond as if he didn't hear it.

However, the spiritual breath around his body gradually gathered and was absorbed into his body bit by bit.

After all the aura disappeared, Wang Long breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

"Understood, thank you for your troubles!"

"President Wang, you don't have to be so polite, then take your time, and we will leave!"

As Mo Xiangyue said, he winked at Mo Yutang, but the latter turned a blind eye to his hint.

Mo Yutang was still standing in front of Wang Long, looking down at him.

"What's the matter? Is there anything else?" Wang Long seemed to have noticed Mo Yutang's strangeness, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"I have long heard that President Wang's strength is superb. I wonder if I can learn it today."

As soon as these words came out, a smile of interest appeared on Wang Long's face, while Mo Xiangyue next to him was confused.

"Brother Yu, what nonsense are you talking about? President Wang is our distinguished guest, so don't be rude!"

"Looking at the aura on your body, you should have just broken through the Zun Zun Realm not long ago. If you compete with me, you may easily hurt yourself if you are a little careless, so in my opinion, let's forget it!"

Although Wang Long's words are not pleasant, they are not unreasonable.

After all, he had easily blocked Tao Yuanzhang's attack in front of everyone!
"Did you hear that? Brother Yu, you need to compete. There are so many disciples in the sect, just find someone to practice with you. Let's not bother President Wang to rest!"

Mo Xiangyue originally wanted to persuade Mo Yutang to leave, but what he got in return was a fierce look from the latter.

Mo Xiangyue couldn't help trembling all over, Mo Yutang looked at her eyes just now, there was clearly a bit of murderous intent flashing!
For a moment, Mo Xiangyue didn't know what to say, so he could only turn his gaze to Wang Long beside him.

Mo Yutang's attitude obviously wanted to make trouble for him, and Wang Long naturally wouldn't just turn a blind eye to this.

"I wanted to learn President Wang's skill, but since you don't want to give this face, then I won't force it."

"Wait!" Mo Yutang turned to leave, but was stopped by Wang Long.

Looking back, Wang Long stood still and said slowly: "Since you want to compete with me, I can give you a chance to make the first move. If you can hurt me, you will win." !"

As soon as these words came out, Mo Yutang's heart was suddenly filled with anger, and he heard a provocation from Wang Long's words!

Even Mo Xiangyue was sweating for Wang Long. After all, Mo Yutang was a Xunzun-level powerhouse, and his strength in the sect was even comparable to Mo Wuyou's!
But Wang Long chose to compete with him in this way. If something goes wrong, who can afford the consequences?
"Okay! Then let me see what the legendary Flying Dragon Club is capable of!"

Mo Yutang yelled violently, turned his spiritual breath sharply, and a gust of wind immediately lingered around his body.

I saw him walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with wind blowing in his fists and feet, and he went straight to Wang Long!

Its figure is nimble and agile, and its attacking power is not lost, which shows its profound strength.

However, facing Mo Yutang's ferocious attack, not only did Wang Long not seem to dodge, even his expression did not change at all!

Seeing that the other party is so calm, it is clearly contempt for him!Mo Yutang was furious in his heart, and immediately became murderous.

"Die to me!" Gang punched like a broken bamboo, and threw it straight at Wang Long.

However, just when Mo Yutang thought he was about to succeed, Wang Long's figure flickered and he disappeared instantly!

Mo Yutang's punch full of power suddenly hit the mahogany table, taking advantage of the momentum and smashing the entire table to pieces!
"Want to run?" Mo Yutang's eyes flashed, he turned around abruptly, ready to change his moves and continue to attack.

But before he could react, Wang Long raised his palm and pushed.

This palm seems to be innocuous, but in fact it has a lot of internal strength, Mo Yutang only felt that he had a thousand weights in his body, his body fell backwards uncontrollably, and fell heavily on the ground!
And the spiritual breath lingering around his body also disappeared without a trace.

" is this possible!" Mo Yutang stared at Wang Long dumbfounded, unable to react for a long time.

"Brother Yu actually lost?" Even Mo Xiangyue, who was next to him, couldn't believe his eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, Mo Yutang can be called a well-deserved strong in his mind.

But now he was easily defeated by Wang Long!
Mo Xiangyue couldn't help but start to wonder, how unfathomable is this President Wang's strength?

"You don't have to hold back, let's come again!"

Mo Yutang stood up unwillingly, as if he wanted to fight Wang Long to the end.

Unexpectedly, before he could make a move, a scolding came from the door.

"You bastard, what are you doing!"

Mo Yutang frowned, and looked around in response to his reputation, only to see that the door was already surrounded by Mo Wuyou and a group of sect disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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