Ares out of prison

Chapter 736 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 736 Escape from the Dead
Duan Yunbao and Mo Yutang were fighting fiercely in the courtyard, while on the other side, Mo Wuyou and his disciples also confronted Tao Yuanzhang's men head-on.

I saw a group of masters standing beside Tao Yuanzhang, all of them had killing intent on their faces, and their eyes were gloomy. It seemed that they had premeditated.

"Sect Master Mo, we meet again. Last time I said that, sooner or later, you will pay for your actions!"

"Tao Yuanzhang! This is the territory of Wan Jianzong. If you do this, you won't be afraid of becoming the target of the ancient martial arts world!"

"Hahaha! Ancient martial arts world? A joke! If there is anyone in the ancient martial arts world who dares to fight against my Qianyuan city like Wan Jianzong, then the end will be a dead end! You guys, give it to me!"

Following Tao Yuanzhang's order, a group of masters around him immediately stepped forward to kill.

And the disciples of Wan Jianzong also rushed to fight, and for a while, the whole valley echoed with the sound of fighting.

"Last time, the bastard from the Flying Dragon Society intervened and saved your old life. This time, let's see where else you can escape!"

As soon as these words came out, Mo Wuyou realized that Tao Yuanzhang had just waited for Wang Long's absence before launching an attack on Wan Jianzong.

"Insidious villain, even if I risk my life today, you don't want to cheat on Wan Jianzong!"

Mo Wuyou yelled violently, and took the lead in the attack. His figure flashed and turned into a phantom, which appeared behind Tao Yuanzhang in the next second.

I saw that although Mo Wuyou was over seventy years old, his aura was no less than that of the masters in Qianyuan City.

A few followers around Tao Yuanzhang wanted to step forward to stop him, but whoever thought of it before they could make a move in the future was directly overturned by Mo Wuyou's spiritual breath!
"Die to me!" Mo Wuyou raised his palm suddenly, the wind of his palm seemed to engulf a thousand feet of power, making people feel frightened just by watching from a distance.

The speed of this palm was astonishingly fast, even Tao Yuanzhang seemed a little unable to dodge it, and could barely resist it.


There was a loud noise, smoke and dust rose everywhere, Tao Yuanzhang was beaten back again and again, and finally managed to stand firm.

"Old man, it seems that you still have some ability!"

Tao Yuanzhang was killed in a flash, his figure was like an arrow flying from the string, and he quickly rushed towards Mo Wuyou!

Although Mo Wuyou, as the suzerain, could be regarded as a master in Longyu City, but after all, he was facing a strong man in the official cloud realm, and his strength was not at the same level as his own!
Tao Yuanzhang's fist was like thunder, and it hit Mo Wuyou heavily. Although the latter tried his best to resist, he was still vomiting blood from the punch.

"Woo--" Mo Wuyou wailed in pain, and flew several meters away. Fortunately, he exhausted all his strength and twirled in the air, and managed to stand still.

But right now, all the internal organs in Mo Wuyou's body seemed to be misplaced, and even breathing would cause bursts of severe pain.

At this time, his aura has long been disordered, and it is difficult to gather spiritual power again.

"Is this the horror of the Huanyun Realm..." Just one punch can beat the Xunzunjing powerless to fight back.

Mo Wuyou realized in his heart that he might not be able to stop Tao Yuanzhang's pace today.

"Bastard! Don't be presumptuous!" Suddenly there was a burst of cursing in his ear, and he saw that Mo Xiangyue's footsteps were windy and light, and he jumped behind Tao Yuanzhang.

But just when she was about to strike suddenly, Tao Yuanzhang preemptively punched Mo Xiangyue several meters away!

Mo Xiangyue's body fell rapidly, and it was about to fall to the ground. Duan Yunbao not far away saw the timing and kicked Mo Yutang into the air.

"Miss Mo, are you okay?"

Mo Xiangyue vomited blood and trembled all over, but at least he still had a life left.

Not far away, Mo Yutang saw this scene, and a flash of evil flashed in his eyes.

"Who allowed you to touch her! In the entire Wanjianzong, no one is qualified to approach her except me!"

As soon as the words fell, Mo Yutang seemed to have gone crazy, and rushed towards Duan Yunbao!

Facing his murderous attack, Duan Yunbao hastily turned around and began to resist.

Just now, the two were evenly matched, and they fought back and forth, neither of them could gain the upper hand, but now, Duan Yunbao still has to protect Mo Xiangyue, obviously a bit powerless.

"Go to hell!" Mo Yutang yelled violently, bursts of spiritual breaths were like turbulent waves, right in the middle of Yunbao's chest!

Although the latter tried his best to resist, this blow still scattered the spiritual breath in his body, and it was difficult to gather it in a short time.

Mo Yutang in front of him was still attacking crazily, Duan Yunbao knew in his heart that if he continued to fight like this, it might be bad for him.

"Mr. Duan!"

Just when he didn't know what to do, a burst of hoarse shouts suddenly reached his ears.

"Sect Master Mo!"

Following the prestige, he saw that Mo Wuyou was already covered in blood and was dying.

Mo Wuyou opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but right now his breath was weak and he couldn't make any sound.

And Tao Yuanzhang behind him, still unscathed, was looking at Mo Wuyou jokingly at this moment.

"It's really sad that Wan Jianzong, a wealthy family in the past, would be handed over to a lingering person like you to govern! From this point of view, it would be better to submit to me at the beginning, and not to find a disaster for yourself!"

Mo Wuyou knew that he was powerless, so he could only cast a glance at Duan Yunbao.

The latter immediately understood, nodded in agreement, picked up Mo Xiangyue who was unconscious beside him, and jumped out of the hospital.

At the same time, Tao Yuanzhang struck Mo Wuyou's life gate with a sudden slap.

Blood gushed out, Mo Wuyou's body twitched violently twice, and he lost his breath.

"Stop running!" Mo Yutang wanted to chase Duan Yunbao who was fleeing, but Tao Yuanzhang stopped him.

"Wait a minute, don't chase after the poor, what kind of waves can he make by himself?"

Tao Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't take Duan Yunbao seriously.

In his opinion, putting this person back can also give Wang Long a warning, letting him know that anyone who opposes Qianyuan City, even if his status is extremely respected, will not end well!
"Arrest the rest, I will interrogate them one by one!"

Tao Yuanzhang gave an order, and soon, the surviving disciples of Wan Jianzong were brought to him one by one.

Right now, Tao Yuanzhang was sitting on the suzerain seat, as if he was a victor, despising everyone in front of him.

"That old bastard Mo Wuyou has already returned to the west. For the sake of your extraordinary strength, I can give you a chance to choose. If you are willing to submit to Qianyuan City, I will spare you from dying..."

"Bah! Despicable villain, how can there be a scum like you in the ancient martial arts world! Just wait, sooner or later, someone will avenge our Wan Jianzong and kill you with blood!"

"I gave you a chance, since you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Tao Yuanzhang's eyes turned cold: "Procrastinate, no one will be left behind!"

In an instant, the entire mountain stream was enveloped by a strong smell of blood.

And the outside world is completely unaware of the tragedy that happened in Wanjianzong...

(End of this chapter)

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