Chapter 744
Seeing everything that happened just now, everyone at the scene felt tense and couldn't react for a long time.

Especially the gangsters around Tao Yuanzhang, their faces were even paler at this moment, and their backs were already covered with sweat!
Originally thought that even if this Wang Long tried his best, he could only compete with Tao Yuanzhang at most.

But they never thought that Wang Long had such terrifying power hidden!

Let alone this small city of Longyu, even looking at the entire ancient martial arts world, it is difficult to find a second person to contend with that burst of power just now!

Even Tao Yuanzhang was brutally killed by his town, and there were no bones left. How could these shrimp soldiers and crab generals in Qianyuan City dare to resist?
"Come on, arrest these guys!" Du Yuanze gave an order, and all the ancient warriors present stepped forward, forming a siege in an instant, controlling Tao Yuanzhang's remnants one by one.

Seeing that things were going badly, this group of people reacted quickly, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"President Wang, Tao Yuanzhang did all the things before, and we were also persecuted by him, so we had no choice but to do it!"

"Yes! President Wang, please be careful! Now that Tao Yuanzhang is dead, our brothers are willing to turn to the light, join the Dragon Club, and follow President Wang to the death!"

This group of people knew that if they wanted to gain a foothold in the ancient martial arts world, they had to find a strong backer.

At first, they felt that it was difficult for the entire ancient martial arts world to find a force that could compete with Qianyuan City.

But now it seems that the Flying Dragon Society has definitely become the pinnacle of the strength of the entire Dragon Kingdom!
However, just as they were begging for mercy, Wang Long's eyes flashed murderously:
"Just relying on you group of disciples of three religions and nine streams, this vain attempt to join the Flying Dragon Society? I, Mr. Wang, will not be reduced to the point where I need to take in a bunch of trash!"

This sentence made everyone present stunned in place, looking at each other in blank dismay, and really couldn't think of what words to refute.

"You keep saying that Tao Yuanzhang forced you to do everything before, so let me ask you, did you guys participate in the Wanjianzong tragedy?"

"This..." The sophistry just now has become hesitant, unable to explain why.

As Tao Yuanzhang's right-hand man, this person not only participated in that operation, but even designed the plan to attack Wan Jianzong together with Tao Yuanzhang!

Seeing that he was unwilling to answer for a long time, Wang Long also understood something, and his expression froze immediately.

"Since this is the case, the ancient martial arts world will never allow scum like you to exist!"

After saying these words, killing light suddenly appeared in Wang Long's eyes. For a while, Wan Jianzong, who had been silent for many days, was once again flooded with blood.

But this time, the spirit of grievances of Mo Wuyou and the disciples of the sect was comforted.

After solving all this, the time has come to noon.

Just like last time, what happened in Wan Jianzong is completely unknown to the outside world. Only the ancient warriors present know that the ancient martial arts world of the Dragon Kingdom is about to usher in a big change!

"President Wang, thanks to you this time, otherwise we would not be able to eradicate Tao Yuanzhang, the demon!"

Bai Heyun stood in front of Wang Long, his thoughts were inevitably complicated.

Unexpectedly, Wang Long's strength would be so powerful. Before asking his apprentice to test his behavior, now it seems somewhat absurd.

But fortunately, Wang Long is not the kind of person who cares about every detail, so that matter was not taken to heart.

"President Wang, now that Tao Yuanzhang and his henchmen have been wiped out, even if there are still some fish that slipped through the net in Qianyuan City, it is still difficult to achieve. The current Qianyuan City has been reduced to our palm. You can take it lightly!"

Du Yuanze was also very savvy, and offered to hand over Qianyuan City to Wang Long to take care of it.

After all, in this battle, he and Bai Heyun did not help at all, but it was Wang Long who saved their lives.

However, Wang Long lowered his head and thought for a moment, before denying this proposal: "We, Feilong Association, have no interest in Qianyuan City. If you two are willing, you can take it into your pocket!"

"This...why is this?" Du Yuanze and Bai Heyun were somewhat puzzled by Wang Long's decision.

You must know that this is an excellent opportunity for the Dragon Club to expand its strength, and I believe that no leader will refuse it.

However, Wang Long smiled and shook his head: "For specific details, why don't you wait for the two of you to come to the imperial capital, and then talk to me in detail?"

These words were not painful on the surface, but Du Yuanze and Bai Heyun still heard the clues.

It seems that Wang Long's goal is not in a small Qianyuan City, but the entire ancient martial arts world!
But now it seems that only he is qualified to become the commander in chief of the ancient martial arts world!

"Okay! If that's the case, thank you, President Wang, for your kindness! Don't worry, we will lead all the leaders of the ancient martial arts organization to pay a visit to the imperial capital when the matter here is settled!"

In this way, after explaining the following things clearly, Wang Long led the members of the Feilong Society back to the imperial capital.

During this time, Mo Xiangyue had been waiting anxiously in the hospital. Although Dong Yuan and Dong Xue were always by her side, she still couldn't restrain her worry.

Even the entire Wanjian sect can hardly stop Tao Yuanzhang's iron hooves. If something happens to Wang Long, it will be an unprecedented disaster for the ancient martial arts world!

Just when she was restless, several familiar figures strolled into the ward.

"President Wang? You are finally back!"

Seeing Wang Long and others returning safely, Mo Xiangyue's heart hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.

"How is the situation? Has Wan Jianzong fallen into Tao Yuanzhang's hands?"

Wang Long shook his head: "Don't worry, from now on, there will be no such thing as Tao Yuanzhang in the ancient martial arts world!"

Hearing these words, a flash of light flashed in Mo Xiangyue's eyes, but in the next second, she changed the subject:
"Then... what about Mo Yutang?"

"When we arrived at the scene, he had already died in the hands of Tao Yuanzhang. It was probably caused by internal strife, but that's fine. A despicable and shameless person like him deserves his death!"

Duan Yunbao clenched his fists tightly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

If it wasn't for being one step too late, I really wanted to kill this ruthless villain with my own hands!

Right now, all the troubles seemed to be resolved one by one, but Mo Xiangyue's expression seemed a little complicated.

Tao Yuanzhang's death is undoubtedly exciting news for the ancient martial arts world.

But even so, it is impossible to save Wan Jianzong's fate.

Probably seeing what Mo Xiangyue was thinking, Wang Long paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice:

"Miss Mo, if you want, you can stay in the Dragon Club!"

(End of this chapter)

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