Ares out of prison

Chapter 746 Highly Respected

Chapter 746 Highly Respected
The guard turned back and walked into the building. It didn't take long before he saw him walking back to the door.

"City Lord Fan, our president has been waiting for a long time, please!"

Fan Yanhui wanted to tell the driver to go, but at this time, Sun Yongcui stepped forward first.

"City Master Fan! Hello! We are relatives of Wang Long. It's a pleasure meeting you today!"

Seeing this, all the relatives of the Sun family rushed forward one after another, scrambling to get close to the Lord of Longyu City.

Fan Yanhui looked at the crowd in front of him, obviously at a loss: "President Wang's relative? Then why are you standing outside?"

Before Sun Yongcui could explain, the guard next to him took the first step and said:
"Master Fan, don't worry about them, these people have nothing to do with our president!"

After finishing speaking, the guard cast a warning look at Sun Yongcui, which frightened them so much that they didn't dare to speak more.

After all, they had stayed in the Dragon Society for a while, so they were well aware of the abilities of these guards.

Even though they were quite unwilling, at present Sun Yongcui and the others had no choice but to give way obediently.

"Ah! Unexpectedly, the son-in-law who was despised in the past has become unattainable for us now!"

Looking at the majestic convoy in front of him, Sun Yongcui couldn't help feeling a burst of regret.

If I knew this was the case, I should have been more polite to Wang Long back then!Maybe I can still eat with him now?

But the matter has come to this point, it is not too late to regret it, it seems that Sun Zihan is right, returning to Jiang Province as soon as possible is the best choice!

On the other side, Wang Long, dressed in formal attire, seemed to be sitting in the conference room waiting.

This meeting is of great importance, besides him, Gu Yueming, Song Yuyuan, Duan Yunbao and other key figures of the Flying Dragon Club were also present.

"President, the Lord Fan of Longyu City has arrived!"

"There are also City Lord Liao of Haijin, City Lord Huang of the Imperial Capital, and the heads of all the ancient martial arts organizations, all of whom are seeking an audience outside!"

Wang Long nodded slightly: "Let them in!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone present was shocked.

You must know that those who are seeking to meet outside are all big shots in the local area. Ordinary people may spend their entire lives without finding a chance to meet them.

However, this time, all these bigwigs were waiting respectfully at the door for Wang Long to receive him, which shows the high status of the Feilong Society!
The door of the meeting room opened slowly, and Fan Yanhui walked into the room first.

He glanced around and finally locked his eyes on Wang Long.

Although he had heard before coming that the president of the Flying Dragon Society was young and promising, when he saw Wang Long, he still couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"Unexpectedly, at such a young age, President Wang can manage the Feilong Society so brilliantly, what a formidable future generation!"

"Where is the word, City Lord Fan has won the prize, everyone, please sit down!"

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, everyone sat down one by one, and the meeting got down to business.

"The purpose of calling everyone from various places to the imperial capital this time is to discuss the matter of the ancient martial arts alliance."

"Presumably, everyone has heard about what happened before. The destruction of Wan Jianzong is a huge loss to the entire ancient martial arts world, but at the same time, we have also successfully eradicated Tao Yuanzhang and his ilk to clean up the ancient martial world Portal!"

"As a result, the ancient martial arts world urgently needs someone who can take charge of the overall situation to change the situation of this group of dragons without a leader!"

As soon as Wang Long finished speaking, he saw Du Yuanze get up first:
"President Wang, in my opinion, in the entire ancient martial arts world, only you have such ability!"

"I agree! A young, promising and responsible person like President Wang will definitely revitalize the ancient martial arts world!"

Bai Heyun agreed, and for a while, everyone in the conference room began to discuss.

Almost everyone present agreed that Wang Long had the ability to govern the ancient martial arts world.

Even Liao Minqi, who is the Lord of Haijin City, nodded repeatedly at this time, and cast an admiring look at Wang Long.

This made Fan Yanhui feel a little surprised. He came to Liao Minqi quietly and asked in a low voice:

"City Master Liao, have you dealt with President Wang?"

"Of course! Their Flying Dragon Club has a branch in Haijin, and as far as I know, this is the only branch of the Flying Dragon Club in Longguo!"

When Liao Minqi said this, he still had a proud expression on his face, which shows how much he attaches importance to the Dragon Club.

"Although President Wang is extremely powerful, wouldn't it be a little bit reluctant for him to take on this great task?"

Fan Yanhui's worry was not unreasonable, after all, young people like Wang Long were somewhat inexperienced.

But Liao Minqi shook his head: "Don't worry, City Lord Fan, President Wang's ability is far superior to what you imagined!"

"Do you know that the Flying Dragon Society was just a little-known local snake organization at the beginning, and it was even on the verge of extinction under the frame of the gangsters! It was after Wang Long became the president that it took only half a year to bring the Flying Dragon Society into the organization. to the present point!"

As soon as these words came out, Fan Yanhui's eyes lit up, and his expression looked a little incredulous.

"In just half a year, the Flying Dragon Society can be governed like this. It seems that I really underestimated him!"

Only then did Fan Yanhui finally understand why everyone present respected Wang Long so much.

I'm afraid that this person's leadership ability has even far surpassed those important officials in the government!

"President Wang, since everyone agrees that you can take on this great task, I think you will agree!"

"Our God Humen is willing to follow President Wang's guidance from now on!"

As soon as Du Yuanze said this, all the leaders present expressed their opinions one after another.

Seeing their voices so loud, Wang Long naturally wouldn't refuse.

"Since everyone trusts me, Mr. Wang, then I guarantee that I will never disappoint everyone's trust in me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the conference room burst into applause.

When the applause dissipated, Bai Heyun suddenly stood up, as if there was something unspeakable.

"President Wang, I have another question. I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

"Old Mr. Bai, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Bai Heyun nodded: "When President Wang was fighting Tao Yuanzhang earlier, he used a golden scale god body that had never appeared in the ancient martial arts world. Although this trick has been spread among the people, so far I still use it. This is the first time I see someone using it! I wonder where President Wang learned this trick from?"

Right now, not only Bai Heyun, but all the ancient warriors present were all looking at Wang Long with a curious look.

Originally, Wang Long didn't intend to mention this matter too much, but since Bai Heyun asked, he had no choice but to explain:

"I used to be the warden of a prison. This trick was taught to me by a prisoner in the prison!"

(End of this chapter)

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