Ares out of prison

Chapter 749 Horror atmosphere

Chapter 749 Horror atmosphere

Under the repeated questioning of Duan Yunbao and Duan Yunbao, Wang Long finally told the truth.

It turned out that when Wang Long was the warden, Yang Chengjian was just his deputy.

During Wei Youfu's imprisonment, Yang Chengjian always advocated that this person should be erased to avoid future troubles.

However, as an ancient warrior, Wang Long knew that Wei Youfu's ability was extraordinary, and he was familiar with the famous golden scale god body in the ancient martial arts world!

I am afraid that looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, there are only a handful of people who have mastered this technique!

If Wei Youfu is suppressed and killed like this, it will be an irreparable loss to the entire ancient martial arts world.

More importantly, if this news spreads, it will definitely attract the dissatisfaction of the major ancient martial arts forces at that time!

So after some consideration, Wang Long finally rejected Yang Chengjian's proposal.

It was also from that time on that Yang Chengjian and Wang Long were in the same situation and refused to give in to each other.

"Later, this incident got to Wei Youfu's ears. In order to repay my favor, he secretly taught me the Jinlin Divine Body. Unfortunately, Yang Chengjian took this opportunity to make a big fuss about this incident and forced me to give up. Post, get out of prison."

Later, Wang Long and Yang Chengjian reached an agreement that the former would give up the position of prison chief, while the latter would guarantee Wei Youfu's safety.

"No wonder this man surnamed Yang met the president as if he met an enemy. It turns out that the two of you formed a relationship a few years ago!"

"Fortunately, Yang Chengjian kept his promise and did not kill Wei Youfu, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, the ancient martial arts world will lose a talent, right?" Duan Yunbao said with a smile on his face.

But Wang Long shook his head, his eyes flickered coldly: "Otherwise, the whole devil's prison will be flooded with blood!"

While talking, Yang Chengjian returned to the office: "Okay, that guy is waiting for you in the visiting area, you only have 5 minutes, hurry up!"

I saw that Yang Chengjian was sitting comfortably on the chair, carefully looking at the check in his hand, his greed was beyond words.

Wang Long didn't care too much, after all, 1000 million was not a big amount to him.

Led by two guards, the three came to the visiting area together.

On the way here, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao were always curious about what kind of image such an expert would look like.

"This person must be a fairy, with an aura beyond the dust, just by looking at his face, he is not an ordinary person!"

"That's not necessarily true. Since he will be imprisoned in this kind of place, he must be vicious and malicious!"

But when they came to the room and saw the person in front of them, they both showed a look of surprise.

"This... Yang Chengjian isn't playing tricks on us, is he?"

Across the iron fence, a young man about their age was sitting on a chair.

I saw that even though this person was wearing a prison uniform, he still kept his back straight, and there was a smile on his delicate brows, giving people a sense of refinement.

Duan Yunbao even felt that this prison uniform was somewhat out of place on him!
However, Wang Long remained silent and came to him, "Long time no see."

As soon as these words came out, it could be concluded that this person was the number one prisoner they were looking for on this trip!
"This kid looks like a weak scholar at first glance, how could he be an ancient warrior? And he also knows the golden scale god body..."

As Duan Yunbao talked, he even began to doubt his ability!

I saw that Wei Youfu nodded slightly to Wang Long: "I never thought that I would meet Mr. Wang again in my lifetime!"

"Thanks to your help back then, I am no longer as good as the official cloud realm. I believe it will not be long before I can hit the heavenly realm!"

"Don't be so modest, Mr. Wang is very talented, even without my help, he can still make great achievements in the ancient martial arts world!"

Before coming here, Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan could be said to have anticipated all emergencies.

He even thought about how he and Song Yuyuan would respond if Wei Youfu broke out suddenly.

But who would have thought that after the conversation between him and Wang Long, instead of showing the viciousness as imagined, it gave people a feeling that two old friends who had been separated for many years met again!
Can such a person really be called a devil?
It is worth mentioning that when Wang Long talked to Wei Youfu, his tone was calm and his words were very cautious, as if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing and angering him.

"Mr. Wei, I'm here this time to discuss something with you."

"I know that your sentence is coming to an end. Now that I have founded the ancient martial arts organization and become the leader of the ancient martial arts circle in the Dragon Kingdom, I think that if you can help me after you get out of prison, it will also be a big help to the ancient martial arts world. !"

Wang Long's tone was full of sincerity, and Wei Youfu's eyes lit up when he heard these words.

"The first time I saw you, I asserted that you are not an ordinary person. It seems that my judgment is correct!"

While speaking, Wei Youfu's eyes couldn't help but become sad: "But Mr. Wang, I'm just a prisoner, and I don't even have the qualifications to call myself an ancient martial artist. If I want to re-enter the ancient martial arts world, how easy is it?"

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as you are willing to help, I can find a way to enter the ancient martial arts world!"

"Since Mr. Wang is so sincere, why should I hesitate? In this matter, I promise..."

"It's time! Let's go!" Before Wei Youfu finished speaking, Yang Chengjian's voice came from his ear.

He came forward with a playful face, and looked at Wei Youfu with a slightly contemptuous look.

I really don't know where you are talking so much nonsense with this murderous demon!If it were me, I wouldn't even want to look at him more!
The moment Yang Chengjian appeared, Wei Youfu's expression began to change slightly.

Wang Long was keenly aware of this, and quickly reminded him sharply: "Be careful with what you say! He will be released from prison soon!"

"Get out of prison? It's a good idea, he still has 20 years in prison! And during this period, parole is strictly prohibited!"

"What did you say?!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Youfu's eyes widened immediately, with an incredulous expression on his face.

"When he was imprisoned, he was detained for only two years. Why did it suddenly become 20 years!"

"Back then? Mr. Wang, don't forget that I am the prison director now! Such a dangerous person, I, Yang Chengjian, will never allow him to be released!" Yang Chengjian looked arrogant and did not intend to make any concessions.

"This... what is this?"

But at this moment, Duan Yunbao beside him made a trembling sound.

Looking intently, everyone gasped at the scene behind the fence.

I saw that Wei Youfu was shaking violently all over, every blood vessel on the top and bottom of his body bulged outwards, and his whole body expanded several times!
And his eyes were even more strangely red!Just looking at him will make people too nervous to move!

Gathering your mind, you can even hear the whispers from Wei Youfu's mouth!

It sounds like a ferocious beast, ready to explode at any time...

In an instant, the entire visiting area was shrouded in a burst of terror, even Wang Long felt terrified!

(End of this chapter)

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