Ares out of prison

Chapter 768 The Power of Hunyuan

Chapter 768 The Power of Hunyuan
With all his strength, Wang Long concentrated all the energy released by the Jinlin Divine Body into the heart of his fist.

For an opponent with unfathomable strength like Situ Shuo, you must not give him any chance to react, you must give him a fatal blow before he can recover, and kill him in one fell swoop!

However, just when everyone thought that Wang Long's fatal blow was inevitable, that strange black mist appeared around Situ Shuo's body again.

Wang Long's fist slammed on the black air, but the power was disintegrated by the mysterious profound energy in it, and no power broke out!
Can't help it, Wang Long can still clearly feel that the golden light gathered in the center of his fist is dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This burst of black energy is actually absorbing his own golden scale divine body!

Wang Long secretly knew that something was wrong, so he quickly wanted to get out, but before he could react, Situ Shuo's heavy punch hit Wang Long directly in the chest!
Although the latter had prepared in advance and was summoning a burst of profound energy in front of him to resist, the huge momentum still sent his body flying straight to the ground!

"President!" All the ancient warriors next to him saw this scene, their faces changed drastically, and they exclaimed.

In their impression, no matter how strong they are, when they face Wang Long, they will only end up being suppressed and killed by him.

But facing Wang Long Linglie's killing move right now, not only did Situ Shuo remain unscathed, on the contrary, he directly put Wang Long at a disadvantage before making a move!This kind of power can be described as terrifying!

Fortunately, Wang Long's figure was agile enough to move around in mid-air, but landed smoothly after all.

"You have mastered the power of the Jinlin Divine Body at such a young age, it seems that I really underestimated you!"

There were bursts of coldness in Situ Shuo's eyes, and a creepy and weird smile appeared on his face.

"Forget it, if someone like you stays in this world, it will become a big hidden danger for me sooner or later. It's better to kill the grass and roots now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the huge air wave released by the externalization of the power of Hunyuan directly made everyone present feel suffocated for a while, as if they were in a stormy sea, and the horror can be imagined.

The sky was soon covered by the black air released by the power of Hunyuan, and the surroundings suddenly fell into a deathly gloom.

Even several members of the Defense Force in the crowd were directly forced to vomit blood by the terrifying blast and died on the spot!
Even Wang Long felt that his body was surrounded by a wave of uneasiness, let alone these ordinary people.

"Die to me!" Situ Shuo let out a heart-pounding yell, and his figure suddenly turned into a burst of black air, like a snake winding forward, straight towards Wang Long who was not far away.

Wang Long's eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and he quickly turned his golden scale divine body, a burst of dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of him.

But in the face of this weird black energy, the Jinlin divine body was unable to exert any effect at all!On the contrary, it was the mysterious breath released from Wang Long's body, which was continuously being swallowed up by this black energy!

"Not good! If this continues, my profound energy will wear off sooner or later!"

Wang Long gritted his teeth, jumped forward, and retreated a few steps one after another, finally letting Jinlin's divine body escape from the black air.

However, in the two waves of confrontation just now, Wang Long had already consumed a lot of profound energy, and it was difficult to launch the same violent attack as before for a while.

But the black air in front of him was still murderous, and it seemed that he didn't intend to give Wang Long a chance to breathe!
Seeing that Wang Long was already in a dangerous situation, Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan who were not far away looked at each other, and shot a burst of strong winds one after another, rushing straight to the black air in the midair!
However, the power that even the Jinlin Divine Body couldn't touch, with just the two of them, was even more striking with an egg.

The moment Gangfeng collided with the power of Hunyuan, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without even seeing any waves!
On the contrary, it was these two bursts of sudden attacks that suddenly attracted Situ Shuo's attention.

"It's just two despicable ants who dare to block my way!"

Hearing Situ Shuo's loud shout, the black air suddenly turned around and rushed towards Song Yuyuan and the two of them!


Seeing that the situation was not good, Duan Yunbao immediately pushed Song Yuyuan away, but just as he was running away, the power of Hunyuan had already poured on him!
Accompanied by a burst of blood, Duan Yunbao's body flew several meters away like an arrow from the string, and fell heavily to the ground!

"Clouded leopard!" Song Yuyuan exclaimed, just about to step forward to check the situation, but Situ Shuo seized the opportunity and gave him a brutal blow!
Although Song Yuyuan reacted in time and tried to resist this attack, the power of Hunyuan was still far beyond his imagination!

Song Yuyuan only felt that the meridians in his body were all broken, and every cell in his body was shouting a word——

In an instant, the pain was severe, and Song Yuyuan's expression immediately became ferocious, his eyes darkened on the spot, and he passed out.

"This... what kind of monster is this!"

The other members of the Flying Dragon Club present had lost their previous fighting spirit, and they all stared at Situ Shuo with incomparably fearful eyes.

You must know that Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao are the strongest in the Flying Dragon Club, second only to Wang Long in strength!
But now, before Situ Shuo even used his five successes, he directly beat the two of them so that they could not fight back!

It is conceivable what the consequences would be if they, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, were to act!
"I'll give you one last chance, submit to me, and I can save your life! Otherwise, everyone present today will become a pile of corpses outside the gate of heaven and earth!"

Situ Shuo's voice seemed to come from everyone's mind, reverberating in their ears, and fear kept emerging like a tide.

For a while, discordant/harmonious voices really came from the crowd.

"President, why don't you promise him! We are no match for this person at all, there is no need to lose our lives for this matter!"

"That's right! President, we all follow you in order to make a breakthrough in the world of ancient martial arts, not just die here in vain!"

"For the sake of our brothers' loyalty to you, you can't make fun of our lives!"

People kept asking Wang Long to agree to Situ Shuo's conditions in order to save everyone's lives.

But this is understandable, after all, the strength shown by the man in front of him seems to have surpassed everyone's imagination!
In the real life and death, who can be [-]% calm?
Wang Long kept panting heavily, clenched his fists, and still struggled to condense the golden scale divine body.

"Do you think that even if I agree to him, he will let your life go?"

Wang Long knew well that Situ Shuo only proposed such a condition because of the powerful profound strength in his body.

As for the others, in his opinion, they are not worthy of stepping into the Huan Xing Holy Realm at all!

Once Wang Long agrees to his request, it is equivalent to directly pronouncing the death penalty for everyone present...

(End of this chapter)

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