Ares out of prison

Chapter 77 The mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 77 The mastermind behind the scenes
Hearing this sentence, Wang Long suddenly understood what happened.

Although it is not clear who is secretly manipulating everything behind this person, what is certain is that someone must be waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on them!

Could it be that Chen Xiu held a grudge against what happened yesterday, so he resorted to such indecent means?
It shouldn't be, if he is really dissatisfied with himself, why does he need to pay the compensation to the card on time early in the morning?

Wang Long was puzzled, and finally shook his head.

The most urgent task is to rescue Sun Zihan as soon as possible.

"Well, if you tell me who is behind your scenes, I will spare your life."

Wang Lung spoke slowly, and there was no trace of panic in the expression on his face.

Grizzly suddenly felt a little funny.

"I'm already dying, and I still want to know who my boss is, what's the point?"

From the Grizzlies' point of view, it is easy to deal with such a weak little boy.

It's just that what he didn't know was that Wang Long didn't take him seriously at the moment.

What Wang Long was more concerned about was who was plotting against him behind his back, even using such despicable means!

Such a person must find a way to eradicate, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

"If you don't want to say it yourself, I have plenty of ways to make you speak."

"What a big tone! Brat, today I will let you watch this woman die in front of your eyes!"

The veins on the grizzly's neck bulged, and the muscles all over its body tensed up, as if it was ready to go.

But Wang Long remained unmoved.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Grizzly sneered: "What? Could it be that you're scared?"

Of course Wang Long wasn't afraid, it was just that he didn't want Sun Zihan to see this kind of scene.

I had never touched Sun Zihan before, and I was afraid that if she saw it, it would frighten her.

But now it seems that this grizzly is determined to die.

"Okay, since you refuse to say it, then I will fulfill you."


Grizzly roared, and rushed towards Wang Long with big strides!
I saw his strong body running, he really looked like a hunting grizzly bear!

Wang Long saw that this person was not only fast and fierce, but his fists were also powerful.

To deal with this kind of enemy, Wang Long already had experience.

Facing the ferocious grizzly bear, instead of trying to avoid it, Wang Long just stood there without any reaction.

"Knowing that you are going to die, don't you resist!"

The huge fist was mixed with gusts of strong wind, and suddenly smashed towards Wang Long's head.

Wang Long quickly raised his palm and took the punch with his palm.

The Grizzly suddenly felt that the blow he had exerted all his strength was like hitting cotton, and he couldn't use any power!

"Conquer rigidity with softness?"

Grizzly knew it was wrong, he knew that he underestimated this person's strength.

He hurriedly changed his moves, wanting to end the battle quickly, but Wang Long didn't give him this chance at all, and directly hit him on the chest.

Following a muffled sound, a terrifying force suddenly spread from the grizzly bear's chest to various parts of its body.

The Grizzly flew straight out, and finally fell to the ground!


There was a crisp sound, accompanied by severe pain in the chest, Grizzly knew in his heart that it was the sound of his ribs breaking.

This seemingly thin and weak person actually has such great strength!

Grizzly couldn't believe all of this, and stared at Wang Long blankly with his eyes wide open.

"You...what exactly are you from?"

Wang Long still stood where he was, staring at the grizzly bear with those cold eyes.

A chilling air emerged spontaneously.

Grizzly's legs began to tremble violently uncontrollably!
He was afraid.

Even he himself finds it unbelievable that when he shuttled through the battlefields of Southeast Asia, he could not change his face.

But now facing this person whose body size is far smaller than his own, he actually feels such fear!
Seeing Wang Long approaching step by step, Grizzly realized the danger, and hurriedly struggled to get up from the ground.


But as soon as he tried hard, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

With just one slap, such a strong and strong man was beaten to the point where he couldn't stand up.

Even Sun Zihan next to him was staring at all this with wide eyes.

Wang Long strolled up to Grizzly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"I'll ask you one last time, who sent you here?"

"Dream! I, Grizzly, will never do such a thing to betray the boss!"

At this time, Grizzly has made up his mind, even if he dies in the hands of Wang Long today, he must abide by his bottom line as a mercenary!

But what he didn't know was that Wang Lung didn't intend to kill him.

After all, he was in front of Sun Zihan, and he didn't want his hands to be stained with blood, not to mention, he had plenty of ways to make him speak.

"My patience is limited, I advise you not to challenge my bottom line!"

Wang Long's voice was extremely low, and his eyes were even colder!
Grizzly smiled contemptuously, but in the next second, he felt his chest squeezed, as if an invisible iron clamp clamped his chest!
The severe pain rushed straight to his forehead, and he desperately wanted to shout, but his throat seemed to be strangled, and he couldn't make a sound.

Wang Long stood quietly on the side, looking at the grizzly bear struggling on the ground, and after a while, his face was flushed from holding back.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he stopped releasing his spiritual power and asked again:

"Who ordered you to come?"

"You... what did you just do?"

Grizzly panted heavily over and over again, and asked this sentence with difficulty.

Of course he would not have thought that Wang Long was not a mortal at all, but an ancient martial artist at the level of a grand master.

It only needs to release a little bit of spiritual power, and the powerful aura is enough to suffocate him on the spot.

"If you don't say it, you will never have the chance to say it again!"

Seeing Wang Long's cold eyes, Grizzly nodded quickly.

What nonsense professional ethics, life-saving is the most important thing!
"I said I said! Don't kill me, Hu Fei sent me here!"

"Hu Fei?" Wang Long frowned and recalled it carefully in his mind.

It seems that among the people I know, there is no one named Hu Fei?
"Who is he? I have no grievances or enmities with him. I have never met him. Why do you want to hurt my family?"

Grizzly shook his head: "I just received an order, and I don't know what happened!"

The severe pain came again.

"Don't...don't...I said! It's his sister...his sister wants to get rid of you!"

After Grizzly uttered such a sentence with difficulty, his whole body was in pain and broke out in a cold sweat.

"younger sister?"

Only then did Wang Long realize something suddenly.

Could it be Hu Xin?
(End of this chapter)

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