Chapter 773
I don't know who gave the order in the crowd, and everyone pointed their swords at Wang Long and rushed towards him!

Seeing so many people attacking together, Wang Long knew that this was probably a trap they set for himself in advance!
"In that case, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

Wang Long let out a yell, and a burst of momentum burst out, and he knocked down several unsuspecting strong men around him to the ground!
I saw him fly out suddenly with the wind of his fist, and beat a strong man of Xunzun level so hard that he vomited blood and fell unconscious!

The attack of the others was still like a storm, but facing the fierce opponents, instead of planning to dodge, Wang Long directly rushed into the crowd, intending to confront them head-on!

For a moment, Wang Long's figure directly turned into a phantom, like swift lightning, constantly shuttling through the crowd!

Even these powerhouses of the Xunzun level can't catch their traces at all!On the contrary, before they recovered their senses, they had already been hit hard, and they had no power to fight back!

More than a dozen people shot at the same time, but they were completely unable to gain the upper hand. On the contrary, Wang Long was in an absolute dominant position!

The two youths just now were stunned by the scene in front of them, and even forgot to launch an attack.

"This person... what kind of strength is it? I'm afraid he is beyond the eunuch realm, could it be...he is in the heaven-human realm?"

"No, it's impossible to have such a terrifying aura even in the Heavenly Human Realm!"

They originally thought that with so many helpers attacking at the same time, they would definitely be able to kill Wang Long on the spot!

But I didn't expect that after only a few rounds, Wang Long was not only unscathed, but their side was defeated!
Seeing that Wang Long became more and more courageous in the battle, like a God of War who disdains all heroes, everyone present was shrouded in fear.

"Die to me!" Wang Long frowned, his fists mixed with scorching air waves, as if he had delivered the final blow.


However, accompanied by a sharp piercing sound, the air in front of him was condensing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a shield glowing with cold light, helping several strong men with the fatal blow!
"What kind of aura is this?" Wang Long's eyes turned cold, and he quickly turned around to look.

Only then did they realize that a young man in a white robe with dragon patterns had appeared behind everyone at some point.

"General Lan, why are you here?"

Seeing this person, the strong man present put his sword into its sheath quickly, and nodded respectfully to him.

And Wang Long could clearly see that there were bursts of cold light around this person's body, which should be his profound breath.

"This kind of power seems to have the completely opposite attribute to the golden scale divine body. Could it be that there are many types of profound energy that I have never seen before in this Huanxing holy land?" Wang Long thought to himself, but an expression appeared on his face A meaningful smile.

No wonder Wei Youfu once said that the Huanxing Holy Land was the world of ancient warriors. Now it seems that this place is far more mysterious than he imagined!
"What's going on here? Why are you making noise in front of the palace?"

The young man spoke slowly, his voice sounded full of air, giving off an inexplicable majesty.

"Report to General Lan! It's this kid who trespassed in the wind and snow, and even threatened to see the elder! I was worried that he was plotting something wrong, so I wanted to kill him, but who knows..." At this point, the young man stopped talking, not daring to Go on.

Even so, Lan Weihai could still guess what he wanted to express.

It must be that Wang Long's strength is far beyond their imagination, even if so many people are dispatched, they can't do anything about it at all.

Lan Weihai looked Wang Long up and down, and a subtle look flashed in his eyes.

"Looking at your attire, you probably don't belong to the Huanxing Holy Realm. You must have just come from the world of ancient martial arts?"

"That's right, I explored the holy land to hunt down a vicious person, but I never thought that when I first came here, I would be treated so helplessly by your snowy land! Do you have the nerve to call yourself an ancient warrior?"

"Presumptuous! This is the chief general of Snow Wind City! How can you tell me what to do?"

Even though the young man next to him was crushed by Wang Long's hands just now, he still couldn't help shouting at him right now.

After all, in his opinion, insulting himself is fine, but whoever dares to insult Lan Weihai is undoubtedly desecrating the majesty of Snow Wind City!
"This is interesting. In the past, I only heard that ancient warriors from the holy land went to the human world to cause trouble. Today is the first time I have seen an ancient warrior from the human world come to the holy land to hunt down and kill others!" Lan Weihai showed a hint of interest. expression, and then changed the topic:
"Anyway, you can be regarded as a guest of my Snow Wind City, I won't make it difficult for you, since you want to see our elder, come with me!"

From the mysterious aura lingering around Lan Weihai's body, Wang Long can deduce that this person's strength must be extraordinary.

But for some reason, when this person speaks, he always gives him a sense of righteousness, which is different from the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind him.

Wang Long didn't care so much, he walked forward and followed him through the hall.

On the way, Lan Weihai explained to Wang Long some basic information about Snow Wind City.

"The old castle you are in is not the main city, but a necessary pass to Snow Wind City. There are only me and the guards in charge of guarding the border here, and no one else."

"What?" As soon as he said this, Wang Long realized that he had fallen into the trap of those two youths from the very beginning!
"But don't worry too much, the main area of ​​Snow Wind City is only an hour's journey away from this place. When the blizzard stops outside, I will naturally take you to meet the elders in the city!"

While speaking, Lan Weihai poured Wang Long a cup of hot tea.

But being safe, Wang Long didn't take it rashly, but asked first:
"How do I know, will you set a trap for me again like the group of people just now?"

"With your strength, even a dozen or so Snow Wind City guards can't subdue you. Do you still need to worry about this kind of problem?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long seemed to feel that there was some truth, so he finally took a sip from his teacup.

In an instant, a burst of strange fragrance erupted from the taste buds, Wang Long was in a trance, and could even notice that the profound breath in his body had begun to become active!
It seems that the wonders of the Huanxing Holy Land are far beyond Wang Long's imagination. First, these first-class powerhouses, and then the high-level alien beasts mentioned by the youth. Right now, even this ordinary cup of tea exudes Unusual breath!
"Since you are the general guarding the city here, why did you choose to trust me instead of the group of men who helped you?"

Hearing these words, a subtle smile gradually appeared on Lan Weihai's face.

"Because I, like you, came to this Huanxing Holy Realm from the Ancient Martial World..."

(End of this chapter)

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