Ares out of prison

Chapter 781 Snow Cloud Wolf Attack

Chapter 781 Snow Cloud Wolf Attack

Hearing this sound, everyone's heartstrings tensed immediately, and they all looked around vigilantly, for fear of missing any movement.

"over there!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed, and everyone hurriedly looked around, only to see bursts of white mist rising from the vast snow field, and a group of wolves were rushing towards Wang Long and others!

Although there was a distance, Wang Long could still clearly feel that this pack of wolves was exuding bursts of profound energy!

"No, it's Xueyun Wolf! Be careful, Mr. Wang!"

Lan Weihai reacted and immediately ordered to line up.

After all, it was the powerful guards of Snow Wind City. After Lan Weihai gave an order, everyone immediately formed a defensive formation, ready to go.

However, the number of Xueyun wolves is astonishingly large. Even if they are in a formation, it is naturally difficult to face so many strange beasts attacking at the same time.

The leading snow cloud wolf's eyes were red, and its fangs were as daunting as a hacksaw.

I saw his hind legs bent slightly, and then he jumped into the air, jumping a few meters away!
Facing the Xueyun wolf culled in mid-air, all the guards present were sweating secretly.

Seeing that the figure of Xueyun Wolf was getting closer and closer, everyone also held the long swords in their hands tightly, ready to fight back at any time.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a gust of hot fist wind flew out suddenly, directly knocking down the Xueyun wolf from midair!

The Xueyun wolf's body trembled twice suddenly, and was killed by the swift wind of fist on the spot!

"It's just a group of mindless savage beasts, how can they scare you into such a state? You're still claiming to be ancient warriors!"

Wang Long cast some disdainful eyes at them, but he rushed to the wolves alone!

Seeing this, Lan Weihai behind him didn't care so much, so he had to follow closely behind and go forward together.

The profound aura of the two is like two layers of ice and fire, the dazzling fire light and the terrifying cold light shuttle freely among the wolves, it is difficult to catch their traces with the naked eye!

Wherever the heat wave and cold light went, the Xueyun wolf kept howling, unable to fight back at all!

A few Xueyun wolves saw the opportunity and intended to attack from behind, before they even had time to react, they were wrapped in a turbulent air wave and immediately turned into a stiff corpse!

"This is too strong..." The guards not far away saw this scene and completely forgot to help.

They have stayed in the Huanxing Holy Land for so long, this is the first time they have seen such a terrifying ancient warrior!
In other words, ordinary people like them seem not qualified to help Wang Long!
On the other side, Wang Long and Lan Weihai were still fighting back and forth within the wolf pack.

But Wang Long remembered his reason for coming, and reminded Lan Weihai not to kill all Xueyun wolves, but to find a way to find out the whereabouts of the first wolf.

"Generally speaking, the alpha wolf will not choose to rush out. It must be hiding somewhere right now, waiting for an opportunity!"

Wang Long concentrated his mind and began to sense the bursts of mysterious breath in the air, intending to peel off the cocoon from it to find the trace of the wolf.

Sure enough, after a moment of perception, a breath that was obviously stronger than other Xueyun wolves caught Wang Long's attention.

Looking closely, I really saw a strong and vigorous Xueyun Wolf standing not far away!
Just the appearance is different from other members of the wolf pack, Wang Long concluded at a glance that this is the target he is looking for!

"Stay out of the way!" At this moment, a snow cloud wolf tried to attack Wang Long from the front, but was mercilessly knocked away by his fist wind.

In an instant, Wang Long's figure turned into a phantom, and he came to the wolf in an instant!

The alpha wolf also seemed to be aware of the danger, and chose to attack, waving its steel-thorn-like claws at Wanglong!

But just when it was about to succeed, Wang Long stretched out his hands suddenly, and a burst of invisible force blocked the wolf's movement abruptly!
The wolf's mouth continued to let out low moans, and his eyes were murderous, as if he was desperately trying to tear the man in front of him into pieces!
However, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't break free from the shackles of Wang Long's profound strength.

At the moment when Wang Long looked at each other, the first wolf saw an extremely terrifying killing in his eyes!
In an instant, the Xueyun wolves suddenly stopped attacking everyone, turned around and ran towards Wang Long.

"Not good! Mr. Wang is in danger!"

Seeing this scene, Lan Weihai rushed forward to help, but in the next second, a scene that everyone couldn't believe appeared.

I saw the Xueyun wolf surrounded Wang Long, not only did not attack him, but even bent down, as if bowing his head and Chen Chen!

"How is this going?"

Lan Weihai's eyes widened, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

It's the first time I've seen such a scene in the Huanxing Holy Realm for so many years!

And Wang Long also seemed to feel the fear of Xueyunlang towards him, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

As he withdrew his hands, the invisible force restraining the wolf disappeared.

I saw bursts of light began to emanate from around Xueyunlang's body, gradually converging towards Wang Long's body.

When all the light was absorbed by Wang Long, the mighty wolves seemed to have disappeared in place.

But at this moment, Wang Long's palm has a mysterious pattern out of thin air.

" it the legendary holy beast?"

Someone in the crowd said such words, and a memory suddenly appeared in Lan Weihai's mind.

When he had just stepped into the Huanxing Holy Realm, he had briefly heard the legend about the holy beast.

When a strange beast meets a strong man who makes him feel afraid, it will turn into a holy beast and serve him.

But in the eyes of Lan Weihai back then, this was just a false rumor, without any truth at all.

He never thought that one day, he would pass Wang Long and witness this breathtaking scene with his own eyes!
Wang Long's gaze was locked on the pattern on his palm, which looked like some kind of totem, which was beyond words.

Faintly, Wang Long could even hear howling wolves echoing in his ears!

"It seems that this Huanxing Holy Realm really deserves its reputation. If it is an ancient warrior in the world, I am afraid that I will never see such a spectacle!"

Wang Long couldn't help being secretly happy. With the blessing of this Xueyun wolf, his own strength has undoubtedly been raised a few levels again!

Just when everyone was very surprised, several hurried figures suddenly came into view.

"It's not good! General Lan, the army from Hades City is attacking again, the number is twice as large as last time, and it's only less than two kilometers away from our castle!"

"It came so fast!" Lan Weihai frowned, not expecting the city of Hades to move so quickly.

He subconsciously cast his eyes on Wang Long, who showed a meaningful smile.

"It's just for them to test the power of these so-called holy beasts!"

(End of this chapter)

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