Ares out of prison

Chapter 785 Entering Fairy Lake City

Chapter 785 Entering Fairy Lake City

Early the next morning, Wang Long and Lan Weihai left the small town, preparing to go to the North Lake.

According to Lan Weihai, the territory of the North Lake is the place with the most favorable geographical conditions among the four major regions, so the strength of the city that can settle down there is absolutely extraordinary.

From this it can be seen that Snow Wind City can only hide in such a world of ice and snow, so one can imagine its strength.

Looking at it now, Wang Long and Lan Weihai's choice to leave Snow Wind City was a wise move.

Entering the North Lake, this place is really as Lan Weihai said, the scenery is pleasant, and it is completely different from the snowy environment.

Not only that, being in the North Lake, Wang Long could even clearly perceive the mysterious aura in the air.

Such a place is simply an excellent training place for ancient warriors, no wonder this place is regarded as the head of the four major regions.

But from this, Wang Long couldn't help but have a question in his heart.

Since the geographical conditions of the North Lake are so superior, could Situ Shuo be hiding here?
But no matter what, now Haishi should defect to a powerful force as soon as possible, and then make plans for the future.

Not long after, Wang Long and Lan Weihai arrived at the legendary Fairy Lake City.

Just like the name of the city, the scenery here is beautiful and the climate is pleasant, just like entering a dangerous situation, which makes people marvel at it.

The city is full of simple and unsophisticated buildings, which are somewhat similar to those scenic spots in the world.

According to Lan Weihai, because there is a naturally formed lake in the city, it is surrounded by fairy mist all the year round, hence the name Fairy Lake City.

"Not to mention anything else, just the environment of this place is not at the same level as Snow Wind City!"

Not only that, Wang Long could intuitively feel that the number of ancient martial arts masters in Xianhu City far exceeds that in Snow Wind City!
"It's not too late, let's hurry up and pay a visit to the city lord!"

Wang Long was just about to leave, but was stopped by Lan Weihai.

Looking back, I saw him shaking his head with a subtle smile on his face:

"Mr. Wang, the lord of Fairy Lake City doesn't just see you! We have to find a way to make some noise in the city, maybe it can attract their attention!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

Thinking back to Yun Mingzun, he tried every means to keep himself in the city, but on the other hand, the lord of Xianhu City still has such a big air!It seems that people who have mastered the strength really have a very different style of acting!

Wang Long listened to Lan Weihai's advice and did not choose to act rashly, but stayed with him in an inn in the city.

While eating in the restaurant, Wang Long secretly observed the other customers around him.

"I see bursts of profound energy emanating from these people. They must have a high level of cultivation. Why are there so many ancient martial arts experts suddenly appearing in Xianhu City? Could it be that something attracted them here?"

Hearing what Wang Long said, Lan Weihai seemed to be aware of this, and dragged the passing store over.

"Boss, why are all the ancient warriors coming to eat in the store today? Could it be that something important happened in Xianhu City?"

Hearing this sentence, the shopkeeper first looked up and down the two of Wang Long, and then showed a playful smile:

"Looking at the two of you, it must be that you have just arrived in the Huanxing Holy Land! Two days later will be the day when the city lord's daughter will compete in martial arts to recruit relatives! The ancient warrior who won the martial arts competition will be able to become the future city lord of Xianhu City! This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance opportunity!"

While speaking, the shopkeeper couldn't help showing a regretful expression on his face.

"It's a pity! When I was young, I also wanted to become an ancient warrior, but I didn't have spiritual roots in my body, so I couldn't practice at all!"

Hearing these words, Wang Long and Lan Weihai couldn't help but glance at each other, as if thinking of something. "

Being able to become the future city lord of Xianhu City is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to make a career in the Huanxing Holy Land!
If it is really as the shopkeeper said, wouldn't it be easy to find a little Situ Shuo?
"It's no wonder that so many ancient warriors suddenly gathered in Xianhu City. It turns out that there is such a grand event! How about Mr. Wang, why don't we try our luck too? With your strength, you will definitely be able to show your fists at the conference!"

Although Lan Weihai's eyes were full of anticipation, Wang Long seemed a little hesitant.

"To tell you the truth, I already have a family in this world. If I participate in such an activity again, I'm afraid it will be a bit inappropriate..."

Lan Weihai didn't have such worries, but he might not be able to attract attention at the conference based on his strength alone.

For a moment, Wang Long didn't seem to know what to do, and fell into entanglement.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still frowned and decided to give it a try first.

Anyway, I did this just to build up a relationship with the city lord. If I can really win the meeting, it's a big deal, and I will tell him the whole story at that time.

In this way, after a day's rest, the two came to the center of Xianhu City.

As Lan Weihai said, the place is shrouded in mist and the lake is rippling, deep in this place, it really feels like being in a fairyland.

And right in front of the fairy lake, several competition platforms have been set up. An old man dressed in a rich and jade robe, with a sense of demeanor, is standing on the stage, quietly looking at the crowded crowd below the stage.

"The purpose of this martial arts competition to recruit relatives is to select strong men for the commanding office of Xianhu City. Therefore, anyone whose cultivation base is lower than the eunuch level will not be allowed to participate in this martial arts competition!"

As soon as these words came out, there were bursts of sighs from the audience.

Fortunately, both Wang Long's and Lan Weihai's cultivation bases were much higher than the Official Cloud Realm, and they were not restricted by this rule.

However, from this point of view, the strength of the people participating in this martial arts competition should not be underestimated!

While speaking, a woman slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This person is dressed in a Chinese robe, and his cheeks with a little makeup can be described as peerless, with every frown and smile revealing bursts of immortality.

Although Wang Long had seen countless beauties in the world before, none of them could compare with them!
Even Sun Zihan is a bit inferior!

"It's no wonder that a martial arts tournament can attract so many people. It seems that the daughter of the city lord is really pretty!"

As soon as this person appeared, all the challengers in the audience began to gear up, eager to try.

But Wang Long and Lan Weihai didn't care, after all, their goal was only to get in touch with the high-level officials of Xianhu, and it wasn't their original intention to recruit relatives.

"Start grouping now, and the martial arts competition officially begins!"

Soon, Wang Long and Lan Weihai were assigned to different groups.

Wang Long took a general look at the competitors around him, and found that the profound energy on them was far inferior to his own, so they must not pose a threat.

But just when Wang Long thought he had the chance to win, a young man in black in the crowd caught his attention.

"What a strong aura..."

(End of this chapter)

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