Chapter 79

The grizzly was trembling and his heart was pounding.

He knew in his heart that Hu Fei's strength was far above his own.

But this Wang Long actually just used such a simple move, and directly crippled Hu Fei's arm!

What a terrifying power this is!

If Wang Long used this kind of power to deal with him just now, I am afraid that he would have no chance to stand in this place again!
Wang Long stood still on the spot, quietly watching Hu Fei who was sweating in pain and rolling all over the floor, his eyes showed no pity.

"You... you bastard! Do you know the price of doing this? The organization behind me will not let you go!"

Hu Fei gritted his teeth and said such a sentence.

Not only him, but even Grizzly was thinking, this Wang Long really dared to cripple Hu Fei's arm, isn't he afraid of provoking the huge organization behind him!
"Organization?" Wang Long smiled contemptuously, then turned his head to look at Grizzly: "What organization is behind him?"

Facing the sudden gaze, Grizzly backed away in fright, and replied at the same time:
"This person is backed by the Qingshan Gang! That's why he dared to talk to you like this!"

Qingshan Gang?
Wang Long frowned slightly, he had heard of this name before.

I heard that this gang is so powerful that even famous families like the Han family have to be polite to them.

Unexpectedly, this elder brother of Hu Xin colluded with the Qingshan Gang!No wonder he's always been so arrogant.

But no matter how powerful the Qingshan Gang is, the members inside are nothing more than a group of ordinary people.

In front of Wang Long, it is not worth mentioning at all.

"Boy, let me tell you, the Qingshan gang will not let you go! If you are sensible, go back and eat and drink, and wait for death obediently!"

Seeing that Wang Long did not speak for a long time, Hu Fei thought that he was getting scared when he heard the name of the Qingshan Gang.

"You let your gang come to see me alone, if you dare to hurt the people around me, I will make your blood flow like a river!"

Wang Long looked coldly at Hu Fei who was lying on the ground, and after saying this, he left the office without looking back.

Seeing his back, Grizzly saw a ghost, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak out.

When his footsteps disappeared outside the door, the grizzly bear breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried forward, trying to help Hu Fei up.

"You idiot!"

But before he could react, a loud slap hit him in the face.

Grizzly frowned, complaining incessantly.

"Boss, I really didn't mean it! You saw it just now, this Wang Long is not so easy to deal with!"

What's more, the words Wang Long said just before leaving still left a lingering fear in his heart.

According to what he meant, could it be that he doesn't care about the Qinglong Gang at all?
You know, the name of the Qinglong Gang, others will change their faces when they hear about it!

But when he arrived at Wang Long's place, his face didn't change a bit!
The more Grizzly thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"Boss, let me take you to the hospital first!"

Not long after, the ambulance sent Hu Fei to a nearby hospital.

It's just that the doctor just shook his head after seeing the film Hu Fei took:

"The fracture is too severe, I'm afraid I can't keep this hand!"

These words suddenly exploded in the minds of Hu Fei and Grizzly like a bolt from the blue.

This Wang Long actually really destroyed him!

"If it is not operated in time, it may be life-threatening!"

Half an hour later, Hu Fei was pushed into the operating room.

Meanwhile, a woman hurried to the hospital.

"Miss Hu!"

Seeing Hu Xin, Grizzly stood up and bowed to him.

"Where's my brother?"

"It's undergoing surgery, and the doctor said that his hand may not be able to keep it..."

When Grizzly said this, he kept his head down, not daring to look at Hu Xin.

"What?" Hu Xin's eyes widened, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Hu Fei was a well-trained mercenary back then, and after joining the Qinglong Gang, he fought in all directions.

But now, someone has broken his arm!And that person is still the useless son-in-law that I have been sneering at all the time!

"What are you eating? Didn't you tell me to kill Wang Lung? How did it happen!"

Hu Xin said angrily, taking advantage of the situation, he slapped the grizzly bear on the face.

There was a burst of explosions in the corridor of the hospital.

It was a good time, the brothers and sisters slapped each other, which directly slapped the grizzly bear's face swollen.

"Miss Hu, I don't want to do this either, but that Wang Long is too powerful, I'm no match for him!"

Seeing Grizzly's expression, it seemed that he was really afraid of Wang Lung.

This made her start to feel a little suspicious.

Could it be that I have always underestimated Wang Long?
Maybe he secretly learned a little kung fu behind everyone's backs to defeat the grizzly bear!
But now he has provoked not only the brothers and sisters of the Hu family, but also the Qinglong gang behind them.

Being targeted by these murderous demons, even if Wang Long puts on his wings, he cannot escape death!
After waiting for a whole morning, the operation was finally completed.

It's just that Hu Fei now only has one arm left.

Looking at his brother who was still awake on the hospital bed, Hu Xin felt guilty.

If it wasn't for his own request, my brother wouldn't have fallen to this point.

"Brother, it's all my fault, it's me who hurt you!"

Hu Xin was crying, looking at Hu Fei with tears in his eyes.

Grizzly stood beside him, hesitating for a while before he dared to ask:
"Miss Hu, what do you plan to do with this Wang Long?"

At first, it was only when Wang Lung drove a Ferrari that he felt a slight threat.

But now it seems that this person is far more terrifying than he imagined!
And now Wang Long also knows that there is his own shadow behind this matter, if he doesn't cut the grass and root out as soon as possible, he may bring disaster on himself!
"Take me to meet the members of the Qinglong Gang and ask them to come out!"

"The Azure Dragon Gang? I'm afraid..."

Grizzly didn't dare to finish his sentence, but even if he didn't say it, Hu Xin knew what he meant.

The members of the Qinglong gang are all desperadoes with blood on their hands. They not only kill without blinking an eye, but also have another characteristic.

Colorless dislike!

If I want to ask them to go out, I'm afraid I have to pay a little price, sacrificing their appearance...

Hu Xin lowered his head and thought for a while, then gritted his teeth:

"Take me to meet them!"

Grizzly's off-road vehicle stopped in front of a hidden villa on the outskirts of the city, where the elders of the Qinglong Gang lived.

On the way here, Hu Xin had already called in advance to inform them of this matter.

So as soon as he entered the door, several strong men rushed forward and hugged Hu Xin.

At this time, Hu Xin was like a puppet, being played with wantonly by them, but he didn't dare to resist.

She closed her eyes and kept reminding herself.

In order to avenge my brother, endure it!


There was the sound of clothes being torn apart...

(End of this chapter)

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