Chapter 795
"President Wang?" Upon hearing this title, Du Jia immediately showed a surprised expression.

As the president of the chamber of commerce, she has basically dealt with people in the business field, but she has never heard of Wang Long before.

Just when Du Jia was full of doubts, Yan Muxun made a move that shocked everyone.

He came to Wang Long in full view and bowed to him!
"President Wang, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

In this scene, let alone Du Jia and his team, even the company employees present were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes!
You must know that Yan Muxun, as the lord of a city, is a figure admired by all in the entire imperial capital!

But now, he actually showed such respect to Wang Long?This is simply unreasonable!
What is even more unbelievable is that when Wang Long faced Yan Muxun, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if he had been used to this for a long time.

"Since you have been reinstated as an official, it proves that the previous misunderstanding has been resolved?"

Yan Muxun quickly nodded and agreed: "Thanks to President Wang's help! The imperial capital government has found out the truth of the matter and arranged for me to reinstate my post, but I didn't expect to hear that someone dared to embarrass your company just after I took up my post! That's why I was the first Time brings people to it!"

While speaking, Yan Muxun turned around and gave Du Jia a vicious look.

If it was someone else, seeing that even the city lord had come forward to support Wang Long, they would have no choice but to let it go and dare not do it again.

However, when Du Jia faced Yan Muxun, not only did he have no intention of giving up, he even showed a haughty expression.

"City Master Yan, the Dragon Country Chamber of Commerce is not affiliated with the government. Besides, you are just the City Lord of the Imperial Capital. It seems that you have no control over the affairs of our Chamber of Commerce! You are clearly abusing your power to seek personal gain!"

Hearing this sentence, Yan Muxun sneered suddenly.

"It's clear that you used the chamber of commerce as a backstage to suppress these private companies wantonly, but now the wicked are suing first!"

Yan Muxun changed the subject: "My government does not have the right to interfere with the resolution of the chamber of commerce, but don't forget that this company also cooperates with our imperial government! As the city lord, I naturally have the right to protect the interests of private enterprises! Are you still going to continue on your own way?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was obvious that Du Jia's eyes were flickering, and he seemed to start to feel guilty.

As Yan Muxun said, although she is now the president of the Longguo Chamber of Commerce, but with her strength alone, if she wants to fight against the government, she is really beyond her control.

Seeing that Yan Muxun seemed to be on Wang Long's side, Du Jia naturally wouldn't suffer this immediate loss.

"Okay! You forced me to do this! Sooner or later, I will make you pay for it!"

After leaving such a sentence, Du Jia turned around and left angrily.

Watching the people from the chamber of commerce walk out of the company, Long Fei, who had been watching not far away, finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Mr. Wang, it's lucky to have you here this time, otherwise I don't know what kind of trouble this guy will have!"

Wang Long came to Yan Muxun and nodded to him: "Master Yan, thank you for your help this time!"

"Don't be so polite. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd never be able to clear up my grievances in my life! It should be me who expresses my gratitude!"

Yan Muxun waved his hand, and immediately said that if Du Jia dared to come to make trouble again, he would deal with it immediately.

But right now Wang Long frowned slightly, as if he had some worries in his heart.

"I have hit the wall twice in a row. I am afraid that the chamber of commerce will take action to suppress our company..."

On the other side, Du Jia was sitting in the car, recalling all the things that happened before, and his heart was even more furious.

"Unexpectedly, even the city lord of the imperial capital would give that surname Wang face like this, President, are we really messing with a big shot this time?"

The assistant asked this question cautiously while driving the car.

"A small businessman dares to call himself a big shot? What a joke!"

Du Jia snorted coldly, not paying attention to Yan Muxun's warning at all.

In his view, the reason why the government came forward to defend it was because they felt that the company was still profitable.

As long as they find a way to cut off their source of income, even the government will definitely not continue to stand with them!
"Notify all members of the chamber of commerce that starting today, any business is strictly prohibited from doing business with them! If I find out who dares to cooperate with them secretly, they will all be blacklisted by the chamber of commerce, and you will bear the consequences!"

As soon as these words came out, even the assistant sitting in the front row couldn't help shivering, knowing in his heart that Du Jia was trying to drive Sun Zihan to a dead end.

"Since you can't be soft, don't blame me for using special methods! When the company can't continue, you will come to me honestly and beg me!"

Soon, the resolution of the Chamber of Commerce spread to the ears of its various companies.

As a businessman, he naturally put his own interests first, and no one dared to stand up against the Longguo Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, the company's partners withdrew from the cooperation one after another, and even those suppliers who had cooperated for many years resolutely decided to terminate the cooperation with Sun Zihan even at the expense of paying high liquidated damages!

"Mr. Wang, it's not good. Our largest investor suddenly sent a notice requesting withdrawal of capital. Once they also terminate the cooperation, there will be a gap in our company's capital chain, which is difficult to make up for!"

Looking at the documents that Long Fei handed over, Wang Long's face also looked very solemn.

Although he had expected such an ending early on, the insidious means of the chamber of commerce was beyond his imagination.

"Du Jia seems to be trying to drive our company to a dead end by doing this, and then make us submit obediently!"

Du Jia's ambition is well known, but since the chamber of commerce is not affiliated with the government, even Yan Muxun can't help it.

"Mr. Wang, what should we do now? If we don't find a way to make up for the shortage of funds, the company may face the risk of bankruptcy within a month!"

Wang Long knows very well that the lifeblood of the entire company is in his hands right now, and any decision must be made with caution.

"The Flying Dragon Club still has some funds, which can be turned around a little bit to solve the urgent need."

Although Wang Long said so, he knew in his heart that compared with the current vacancy, the funds of the Flying Dragon Club were just a drop in the bucket and almost useless!
But at this juncture, it seems unrealistic to find new investors.

After thinking for a while, Wang Long had no choice but to choose the most helpless way.

"It seems that I can only use my interpersonal relationship..."

While speaking, Wang Long took out his mobile phone, scanned the address book, and dialed a number.

(End of this chapter)

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