Chapter 83

"Wang...Wang Long, don't mess around! This matter really has nothing to do with me! I am also a victim!"

Hu Xin's mouth was like a cannonball, but no matter what she said, Wang Long didn't seem to hear it, and didn't make any reaction, but approached her step by step.

"From today onwards, you are no longer the daughter-in-law of the Sun family."

As soon as this remark came out, Hu Xin was stunned for a moment.

"What did you say?" She stared blankly at Wang Long, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

"Didn't you hear what Master said? Let you get out of Sun's house!"

Brother Hu sternly reprimanded from the side, Hu Xin seemed to have lost his soul, his eyes were empty.

"No... no, if I leave the Sun family, I will be nothing!"

Wang Long smiled coldly: "You are quite self-aware!"

Although Wang Long didn't intend to take Hu Xin's life directly, but such a person continued to stay in Sun's family, and he didn't know what kind of moths would come out in the future.

"What should I say about Sun Kaixuan?"

"You stinky bitch, did you show your face? How can you say that is your own business! What does it have to do with Master?"

Brother Hu yelled angrily, and Hu Fei on the hospital bed saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly replied:

"Okay! We promise it! Sister, call!"

Hu Xin was a little hesitant, but seeing what this group of people meant, if he didn't get out of Sun's house today, he and his elder brother might die.

She had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and dial Sun Kaixuan's number.

"Hey, wife, I haven't seen anyone all day, what have you been doing?"

Sun Kaixuan's questioning voice came from the other end of the phone. When he heard these words, Wang Long was even more sure that this matter was all Hu Xin's idea, otherwise Sun Kaixuan wouldn't even be concerned about where Hu Xin went. have no idea.

"Let's get a divorce." Hu Xin said expressionlessly, with a very cold tone.

"What? What happened? Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

Sun Kaixuan was naturally very surprised, but Hu Xin suddenly scolded angrily.

"Sun, you can't understand human language, right? Let me tell you, the two of us are finished from today! Don't pester me anymore!"

As soon as this remark came out, the other party was silent for several seconds, and after a while, he said in a deep voice:
"It's in vain that I treat you so well. In the end, you're just teasing me like this, okay! Don't regret it!"

There was a ringing sound on the phone.

Hu Xin turned around tentatively, and looked at Wang Long cautiously.

"Is it alright now?"

Wang Long nodded, and Hu Xin and Hu Fei breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they survived a catastrophe.

"Besides, Zihan was greatly frightened by this incident, don't you plan to do something?"

Hu Xin understood immediately, and quickly replied that he would come to the door to apologize immediately.

"You can do it yourself."

After saying this, Wang Long turned around and left the ward without looking back.

After hearing the footsteps outside the door fading away, everyone's hanging heart finally fell.

To be honest, not only the Hu Xin brothers and sisters, but Brother Hu and Chen Yuan were also terribly frightened.

You know, whether these people can live or not depends on watching Wang Long's eyes, and even being extra careful when saying a word.

"Why are you still standing there?" Just as Hu Xin was standing there in a daze, Brother Hu's voice suddenly came from his ear.

The former looked at him blankly.

"Didn't you say to come to the door to apologize? Hurry up!"

Only then did Hu Xin come to his senses, and hurried out of the ward without saying a word.

By the time Wang Long returned home, it was already dark, and Sun Zihan had already returned home from get off work.

"Wang Long! Where have you been? Why haven't you answered the phone?"

Wang Long frowned and took out his mobile phone, only to find that there were more than ten missed calls displayed on it.

I was so busy dealing with things before that I didn't notice that the phone was vibrating.

"It's nothing, I just went to do something."

"Working? What can you do with an idle trash like you? Where are you fooling around again!"

Liu Juan's sneering voice came from his ear, but Wang Long and Sun Zihan ignored it.

"Come here, I have something to ask you."

Sun Zihan said, Wang Long agreed, and walked to her side.

"Who was that person before? How did you deal with it?"

Wang Long guessed that Sun Zihan would definitely ask this question.

But if you think about it carefully, if Sun Zihan knows that Hu Xin is behind this incident, she might find it difficult to accept it for a while.

So Wang Lung shook his head and said casually:
"Well, you're just a robber. You look rich, so you want to blackmail me."

Naturally, Sun Zihan would not believe this reason.

"Rooters? Then why did he say that someone paid for our lives? Could it be that we offended someone?"

"How could it be! After asking clearly later, he just said such words on purpose, just to scare us!"

Wang Long deliberately put on a nonchalant expression, which made Sun Zihan believe his words a little bit.

"Then how did you deal with it?"

"What else can I do? Give him a lesson and send him to the police station!"

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan let out a long sigh of relief.

"What are you two mumbling about! What time is it, hurry up and cook!"

Liu Juan walked up to the two of them and abruptly interrupted their conversation.

Just as Sun Zihan was about to get up and walk to the kitchen, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"It's so late, who could it be?"

Sun Zihan was a little puzzled, and turned around to open the door.

But when she saw Hu Xin standing outside the door, she felt even more strange.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sister, what happened before was all my fault. I'm here to apologize to you. Please forgive me!"

Hu Xin said in a begging tone, and bowed deeply to Sun Zihan.

But Sun Zihan had no idea what she was talking about.

"Apologize? Why?"

Hu Xin originally wanted to tell the truth, but when she saw Wang Long's sharp eyes behind her, she immediately trembled with fright.

"Because... I've always felt sorry for you before, please don't bother with me!"

As she spoke, she also handed Sun Zihan a beautiful gift box.

Liu Juan stepped forward to take a look, her eyes straightened immediately.

"This is a limited edition of Chanel! It's worth a lot of money!"

Sun Xueying heard the movement, and hurriedly followed to watch.

"This is my wish, please accept it!"

Hu Xin looked at Sun Zihan expectantly.

"It's rare that your eldest aunt is so caring, so I'll accept it for you!"

As soon as Liu Juan saw something good, she immediately wanted to take advantage of it.

But before she could take it, Sun Zihan stuffed the gift box back into Hu Xin's hand.

"I can't have this thing."

(End of this chapter)

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