Ares out of prison

Chapter 85 Serious Injury

Chapter 85 Serious Injury
After all, Gu Yueming also helped him raise medicinal materials before, and even gave him two copper coins.

It is impossible for Wang Long not to repay such a great favor. Even if he had a little conflict with Song Yuyuan at the beginning, it has passed.

It's just that it's already late at night, if I go out with a big swagger.It is estimated that Liu Juan will have another meal of yin and yang.

So Wang Long came to the window, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, suddenly the soles of his feet picked up the wind and jumped up.

Wang Long's figure was as light as a feather blowing in the wind, and finally landed smoothly.

Fortunately, it was already late at night, and there was no one in the community, and the location where Wang Long landed was also a blind spot for monitoring.

Otherwise, if someone saw such a scene, they would have to be scared to death on the spot.

Wang Long drove a Ferrari all the way and arrived at Beihu Park not long after.

This is the largest city park in Beihai. On weekdays, people come here for a walk and a stroll, and there is an endless stream of people talking about love.

It's just that it's late at night, and the whole park is dead silent, not a single sound can be heard.

Wang Long walked into the park quickly, trying to find Song Yuyuan's location.

It's just that it usually takes more than an hour to walk around this huge Beihu Park.

Not to mention looking for someone, for a while, I really didn't know where to look for it.

Wang Long searched everywhere in the park by himself, but he never saw Song Yuyuan.

Now he was a little confused, wondering if Gu Yueming's news was wrong?

Just when he was about to call Gu Yueming to ask for clarification, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

Wang Long's eyes lit up immediately, and he knew that it was impossible for anyone to be active in this park in the middle of the night.

", three people!"

From the chaotic footsteps, Wang Long could tell that this should be three people chasing.

Without even thinking about it, Wang Long followed the voice and searched for it.

Sure enough, after passing through a small jungle, two figures were seen not far ahead.

One of them was Song Yuyuan, but Wang Long had never seen the two people who were chasing after him.

I saw that Song Yuyuan seemed to have been injured a little bit, and his speed was slightly slower than the two, and he was overtaken by them in a short while.

The two punched and kicked Song Yuyuan without showing any mercy. It was a deadly move!

"Stinky boy! See where you can go now?"

"Didn't you just rush forward? Why can't you rush now!"

The two fought while cursing in their mouths.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed past the two of them.

In the next second, Song Yuyuan disappeared out of thin air, and when the two of them saw him again, they were already taken away by Wang Long.

"Are you okay?"

Wang Long looked down at Song Yuyuan who was covered in blood.

He desperately wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound. In the end, his eyes went dark and he passed out.


There was a burst of angry shouting, Wang Long didn't care so much, it was important to get rid of these two people first.

"What kind of deep hatred do you have with him, do you deserve such a heavy hand?"

"Whether we strike is light or heavy, what does it matter to you? Is it your turn to judge?"

These two people obviously don't know how powerful Wang Long is, and they are still gearing up and eager to try.

Wang Long looked the two people up and down, and estimated that their cultivation level was about the same as Song Yuyuan's.

And judging from his age, he should have just stepped into the circle of cultivation.

Wang Long shook his head, heaved a long sigh, and said, "For the sake of your youth and frivolity, I won't kill you today, so hurry up and leave!"

"Hahaha! How dare a cat or a dog act arrogantly in front of us!"

"Since you want to be a hero, then we will fulfill you and go to hell with this kid!"

Without saying a word, the two young men rushed towards Wang Long directly!

A person's fist carried a strong wind, piercing the air and making a sharp sound.

There was steam around the other person's body, as if to burn the air.

Seeing this scene, Wang Long realized that he underestimated these two people.

It seems that they should have some strength, at least above Song Yuyuan.

Unfortunately, they chose the wrong opponent.

Facing the ferocious attack of the two men, Wang Long stood still on the spot, not intending to dodge.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, an invisible barrier stood in front of Wang Long.

The fist was mixed with flames, illuminating the grove, but the flames dissipated in the air, without hurting Wang Long at all!
"what happened?"

The two were stunned, not knowing what happened.

Wang Long clearly didn't make any reaction just now, but where did this barrier come from?

"Give you one last chance, leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Wang Long's voice was mixed with a murderous air.

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

Two people change their moves, cooperate with fists and feet, the power of the fight cannot be underestimated!
But the result was still the same. Not only was Wang Long not injured, but a violent shock wave knocked the two of them off their feet!
The two hurriedly stood up from the ground, only to see Wang Long with sharp eyes.

Only now did they finally realize that they had provoked some powerful people.

Several people confronted each other like this, and for a while, the two young men were trembling with fright!

Before making a move, just relying on the murderous aura on his body is enough to deter the opponent. This is the scary thing about the great master!
"Don't hurry up!"

Wang Long shouted angrily, and the surrounding trees trembled and made a rustling sound!

The two of them shuddered as if they had been electrocuted, and then turned around quickly, and scrambled away.

After the two walked away, Wang Long turned around to check Song Yuyuan's situation.

But at this moment, another burst of footsteps came from far to near.

And help?

Wang Long raised his vigilance and turned his head quickly, only to see that the person who came was Gu Yueming.


Gu Yueming raised his hand and shouted, and quickly rushed over.

But when he saw Song Yuyuan who was covered in blood and unconscious, he was startled for a moment.

"How is this going?"

Wang Long shook his head: "He was hunted down by two people with a higher cultivation level than him. The specific reason may be that there was a little conflict between the young people!"

"What about those two people? I must kill them with blood!"

Gu Yueming was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but Wang Long said casually:
"Drive away."

"What? This kind of dregs of martial arts, why not get rid of it, it can be regarded as cleaning up the door!"

"I don't want blood on my hands."

Wang Long just answered briefly, and then began to check Song Yuyuan's situation.

But after he checked it, he shook his head and looked at Gu Yueming with serious eyes.

"The injury is too serious, I'm afraid it's hopeless!"

(End of this chapter)

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