Ares out of prison

Chapter 88: Accepting You as a Disciple

Chapter 88: Accepting You as a Disciple
Song Yuyuan couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard this sentence.

He looked at the man lying on the ground, who had lost the strength to fight back, and for a moment didn't know what to do.

Over the years, I have been looking forward to the day when I can kill my enemies and avenge my parents!
But the fact is that although he has practiced martial arts for many years, he has never killed a living being.

Seeing that he did not act for a long time, Wang Long seemed to see something, and then said:

"Aren't you clamoring for revenge? If this is my death, it won't be your revenge!"

Song Yuyuan shook his head again and again.

"No, if I don't take revenge, I will have no face to face the spirits of my parents!"

After saying that, Song Yuyuan stepped forward, squeezed his fist, aimed at the man's left atrium, and punched hard!

Blood spurted out, the man's body twitched a few times, and after a while there was no movement.

When the man's two sons saw this scene, they were already too scared to speak, their legs were trembling, and they were almost unable to stand still.

At first they just thought that Wang Lung was just a bit of martial arts, and he was definitely not his father's opponent.

But I didn't expect that even before he made a move, his father lost the strength to fight back just with his strong aura.

Then the two of them are not as good as ants in front of Wang Long?
"These two people are at your disposal."

Wang Long said coldly, and stood aside, intending to see what Song Yuyuan would decide.

Anyway, with him present, these two people could not escape.

But just when he thought that Song Yuyuan would kill these two people without hesitation, the latter said something that made everyone a little bit astonished.

"Not you today, you go!"

"Teacher, this is the son of your enemy, cut the grass and root it out!"

Gu Yueming clutched his chest and reminded him from the side.

If it wasn't for the injury just now, and the inconvenience of moving now, he wished he could take the lives of these two people by himself!

But Song Yuyuan still shook his head, and then said: "I want you to live in the haze of the murder of your relatives like me. If you want revenge, train yourself to be stronger than the master!"

Ever since his parents were killed, Song Yuyuan struggled with grief and resentment all the time.

Rather than just killing these two people like this, it is better to let them feel the pain that I once felt!

The two young men looked at Wang Long tremblingly, knowing in their hearts that they would never be able to reach such a height in their lifetime!

But it is lucky to be able to save their lives right now, so the two of them turned their heads away without even thinking about it, and fled scrambling and crawling.

"Teacher, do you know that you are undoubtedly letting the tiger go back to the mountain! What if the two of them become stronger in the future and come back to you?"

Gu Yueming walked up to Song Yuyuan, frowned and said.

"As long as they dare to come, I will let them come and go!"

Song Yuyuan's eyes were very determined.

When Wang Long heard these words, he couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that I misunderstood you at the beginning, you are a little stronger than I imagined!"

What Wang Long said was powerful, of course, did not refer to strength.

In terms of strength, Song Yuyuan's two brushes are simply not ranked in his mind.

But he didn't expect that this young man who usually looks rebellious still has such a drive in his bones.

This is a bit similar to myself when I entered the martial arts at the beginning of the year!

Although he didn't want to admit it, Wang Long did indeed see his shadow in Song Yuyuan.

"I can consider the request of the two of you before."

Both Gu Yueming and Song Yuyuan looked at Wang Long blankly, not understanding what he was talking about.

"The previous request? What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to worship me as your teacher? Did you forget it so quickly?"

Hearing this sentence, Song Yuyuan's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Wang Long in disbelief.

This is a great master!I never imagined that one day, I would have the opportunity to become the disciple of the great master!
Even Gu Yueming, who was next to him, wished he could be younger and take this opportunity to join Wang Long's sect.

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Song Yuyuan stammered and couldn't believe Wang Long's words for a moment.

"Stupid child, what is true and false! Master has already spoken, how can this matter be false!"

Gu Yueming knew in his heart that as soon as Wang Long opened his mouth, this matter was already done!
"Hurry up and meet Master!"

Song Yuyuan finally came to his senses and knelt down in front of Wang Long in a well-behaved manner.

But just as he was about to kowtow, Wang Long stopped him.

"Wait a minute, listen to me first, and then it's not too late to make a decision."

"Master, what else do you want?"

"Being my apprentice, you have to endure far more suffering than you put together before. Can you bear it?"

Song Yuyuan agreed without hesitation.

"As long as I can become a powerful warrior like Master, I can bear no amount of suffering!"

But when Gu Yueming saw Wang Long's serious expression, he still couldn't help walking forward and whispering:

"Master, you see that this child is actually a hard-working person, can you be a little more merciful during cultivation?"


Wang Lung mercilessly rejected his request.

"If I am kind to him, the enemy will be cruel to him in the future. Sweat or blood, it should be a good choice, right?"

Hearing this sentence, Gu Yueming also felt that it was not unreasonable.

"The sharp edge of the sword is sharpened, okay! Disciple, from now on, I can't teach you anything, you should study hard with the master, and strive to reach the strength of the master when I am my age !"

"It won't take so long. If it goes well, it will only take half a year at most!"

Gu Yueming was choked hard, but he didn't react for a long time.

Song Yuyuan is only an intermediate ancient warrior now, and it will take several years to break through to the advanced level.

But Wang Long said that he could jump to the Grand Master level in just half a year!

If these words are heard by other warriors, I am afraid it will cause an uproar.

But what Wang Long said was not without evidence.

Just now Song Yuyuan had taken the golden elixir he refined, and he had already met the conditions to become a great master.

Coupled with the true energy injected into his body, if he can concentrate on cultivation and use this true energy, it is really not difficult to become a great master!
"But before that, you have to heal your injury first, otherwise I don't care if you get accidentally injured while practicing!"

Song Yuyuan nodded quickly when he heard the words.

Seeing the back of Wang Long leaving, Gu Yueming gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for his old face, he would have knelt down and begged Wang Long to take him into his command!
(End of this chapter)

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