Chapter 90
Although Song Yuyuan's strength is not enough now, but with such perseverance, it will be a matter of time before he surpasses himself!

Sure enough, after practicing for a week under the guidance of Wang Long, Song Yuyuan really broke through the intermediate level and reached the advanced ancient warrior!
Such a fast progress, even Wang Long himself felt a little unbelievable.

The half a year I said at the beginning was already the smoothest situation, but I didn't expect that Song Yuyuan's perseverance was much stronger than he imagined!

From this point of view, if he can maintain this kind of energy, the time to reach Grand Master will be shortened a lot!

In addition to guiding Song Yuyuan's practice these days, Wang Long himself has not stopped, and has been comprehending the essentials of suppressing Qi.

In order to facilitate the cultivation of the two, the Han family simply lent them their mansion, which was exactly what Wang Long wanted.

After all, a cheat like the Suppressing Qi Art has a wide range of attacks. If the training area is not spacious enough, it is very likely that you will be accidentally injured.

Wang Long stood in the courtyard, facing a small pavilion five meters away.

He breathed out slowly, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to have reached a state of selflessness.

He didn't even notice that Song Yuyuan and Gu Yueming were watching from the side.

"Master, what are you doing here? Are you closing your eyes and resting your mind?"

Song Yuyuan looked at Wang Long with a puzzled expression.

Although he has worshiped Wang Long as his teacher now, the title has not changed, it is still Master.

After all, he called Gu Yueming Master, and then called Wang Long Master. Isn't this messing up the seniority and disrespecting the master!

Gu Yueming stood by, not knowing what Wang Long was doing.

He must not be resting his eyes with his eyes closed, he should be practicing some kind of martial arts, but he has been wandering in the martial arts for many years, and he has never seen such a unique martial arts posture.

The two of them stood not far away, looking at Wang Long curiously, wondering what his next move would be.

Just when they were wondering, Wang Long stretched out his hands suddenly.

I saw two shock waves flying out of the palm, heading straight for the gazebo in front.


With a deafening bang, the gazebo was torn apart by the air waves, and the fragments flew all over the sky and scattered all over the place.

Gu Yueming and Song Yuyuan secretly knew something was wrong, so they fled to the back.

In the next second, a thick wooden plank fell on the place where the two of them had just landed, smashing a hole in the ground.

Seeing this scene, Song Yuyuan secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly just now, otherwise, I finally made some achievements, and died unexpectedly in the end, it would be too outrageous!
Contrary to the panic of the two of them, Wang Long stood there calmly.

The strange thing is that those fragments seemed to fly around Wang Long, all scattered around Wang Long's body, but none of them hit.

"This... what kind of unique skill is this?"

Song Yuyuan was already stunned, and his voice began to tremble.

Not to mention him, even the battle-tested Gu Yueming has never seen such a powerful move.

Now in the minds of the two of them, Wang Long has gone far beyond the scope of ancient warriors.

Such a powerful strength is simply a fairy!
Wang Long stood where he was, calming down the true energy in his body.

Although the power of the Qi Suppressing Art is astonishing, it consumes the same amount of true energy.

The blow just now had consumed a lot of energy, and he needed to rest for a while to fully recover.

"Master, it's amazing! What kind of move was that just now? Can you teach me?"

Song Yuyuan walked forward excitedly, and asked happily.

If he can also learn such a unique skill, wouldn't he be able to run unimpeded in the martial arts world in the future?
But what he waited for was Wang Long's angry white eyes.

"If you haven't learned how to run, it's like learning to fly. Even I can barely master this trick. Do you think you can learn it now?"

Although Wang Long spoke unceremoniously, it was not unreasonable.

Song Yuyuan had no choice but to turn his head away and continue to practice, hoping that he could reach Wang Long's level as soon as possible.

"Congratulations, master, your strength has risen to another level!"

Gu Yueming came to Wang Long's side, and made a fist-cup salute respectfully.

"Okay, I'm already so familiar, I think it's better to avoid this set of false rituals!"

While talking, Wang Long shook out a golden pill from the medicine bottle.

"Nian helped me raise medicinal materials before you. I will give you this Yuanzhen Pill as a gift. Take it, and within a month, you will be able to break through the current realm."

Hearing these words, Gu Yueming's eyes lit up immediately.

Now that he is a high-level ancient warrior, if he breaks through his current state, won't he be able to reach the level of a master?

That's what I dream of!

"Thank you, Master!"

Gu Yueming seemed to have found a treasure, after receiving the golden pill, his eyes lit up and he looked at it for a long time.

"As expected of a panacea, it contains infinite spiritual power just by looking at it!"

Gu Yueming kept sighing, but what he didn't know was that such a panacea was nothing in Wang Long's eyes.

A mere Yuanzhen Pill can no longer meet his own cultivation needs. At this time, he urgently needs to refine a more pure medicine pill!
I just don't know when will be the next time I will get the alchemy cheats.

"You help me guide him to continue to practice, I will go back first, remember, don't let him be lazy, otherwise he will be harmed!"

Hearing what Wang Long said, Gu Yueming naturally couldn't be careless.

Although it hurts a bit as a master to see his apprentice suffering, but for his cultivation, he can only bear the pain and give up his love.

After leaving Han Mansion, Wang Long returned home, ready to study the alchemy book.

"There was no one in the early morning, where did you go to fool around?"

Liu Juan was sitting on the sofa with a mask on, and her voice was a little slurred.

Facing her cynicism, Wang Long had long been accustomed to it, ignored her, turned and walked upstairs.

"Brother-in-law, lunch is ready, let's eat first!"

Sun Xueying's voice came from behind.

Coincidentally, after practicing for such a long time, I was already so hungry that my chest was sticking to my back, and it would not be too late to study when I was full!
"Where's Zihan?"

Wang Long sat on the table, but he didn't see Sun Zihan's figure for a long time.

But Sun Xueying's expression was a little dignified, and she replied with a slight frown:

"I don't know what happened to my sister. She said she was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat."

"What's the matter?" Upon hearing this, Wang Lung began to worry.

And Sun Xueying just shook her head, saying that she had already asked, but Sun Zihan just refused to reveal what happened.

"I'll go ask her!"

Not caring about eating, Wang Long put down his chopsticks and prepared to go to Sun Zihan's room to have a look.

"Is he in a good mood? What does it have to do with you, a waste? I'm not afraid to see you even more disgusting?"

Just as Liu Juan was talking, Wang Long turned around suddenly and cast an eagle-like sharp look in his eyes, which made her tremble with fright.

There was a murderous look in that look...

(End of this chapter)

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