Ares out of prison

Chapter 902 1 enemy 2

Chapter 902
"Wait until I come to teach you a lesson!" The second elder didn't plan to reuse his second brother anymore, he was already hopelessly stupid.

If you let him continue to work under his own hands, he will definitely be cheated, he will be bruised.

The white-haired elder was angry, but he also knew that the most important thing now was to solve it.

"You've been hiding it all along, haven't you?"

Along the way, Wang Long never showed any abnormality, even if he saw this strange scene, it didn't matter much.

The white-haired elder subconsciously ignored this problem, and now he thinks about it carefully to realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Since you have already found out, I won't hide it anymore!" Regarding what the white-haired elder did, Wang Long just wanted to laugh a few times.

This happened to help him a lot, even if he fought one against two, he would definitely not suffer a loss.

What's more, Wang Long has already discovered a situation that is beneficial to him. The white-haired elder was already injured, and with the blow from the second elder, he must have internal injuries now.

As for the second elder, he said that he was not important, but in fact he was somewhat influential. After all, the white-haired elder had drugged the water. Even if the second elder found out, he had already been hit by the trick, but he hadn't shown it yet. .

It is also possible that he used his powerful cultivation to suppress it, so far, it is in his own favor anyway.

It's just that these two people found out too early, otherwise, if they make a move after losing both, the chances of winning will definitely be higher.

"Who the hell are you?" The second elder looked at Wang Long in front of him, wondering in his heart that he was not the president of Hanhou Cosmetics Company at all.

"According to our investigation, the president of Hanhou Cosmetics Company has no cultivation at all, he is just an ordinary person, why do you want to impersonate him?"

Could it be that their plans were discovered?It was obvious that they had a good contact at the beginning, but later on, a well-trained president appeared.

"I am indeed the president of Hanhou Cosmetics Company. The Sun Zihan who was talking to you at the beginning is my wife. There is no doubt about it! There is nothing to hide." Of course, Wang Long would not reveal his other identity.

After all, he just defeated the Great Elder of the Blood Evil Sect some time ago, but the news hasn't come yet.

It's also possible that the headquarters of the Blood Evil Sect didn't want to convey the fact that he suffered a big loss, which just happened to allow Wang Long to take advantage of it.

He can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"Brother, why are you talking nonsense with him!" The white-haired elder felt that his internal injuries were getting more and more serious, not only because of the injuries, but most importantly, he was now angered by Wang Long.

"Get rid of Wang Long as soon as possible!" In fact, the white-haired elder also had a purpose. The second elder did not fall for it. If those subordinates didn't wake up and knew what they had done, they would definitely be punished.

He doesn't have any prestige in front of his subordinates anymore, it's best to get rid of Wang Long now, and then talk to big brother properly, even if he is punished, he will admit it.

"Hmph! If you want to deal with me, it depends on whether I agree with you or not!" Wang Long practiced the exercises in his heart, and it happened that during this time he learned the sword skills from Master Ye Kuang.

He didn't run the Nine Suns Cultivation Technique, but directly took out a big knife from the space of the secret realm.

"Where did you hide this knife? You still have a magic weapon on your body?" The second elder was shocked when he saw the big knife coming out, and he looked at Wang Long with wide eyes.

The second elder thought that Wang Long had a storage bag, but suddenly he showed a look of determination. "Since you want to give away the head in such a hurry, then I will not be polite!"

After speaking, the Second Elder attacked, his skills were very strange, like a shadow, constantly flickering in the space.

At first, Wang Long couldn't see exactly how the second elder attacked him, but his defense was relatively strong and his reaction was quick.

He escaped the attack several times, so the second elder became angry from embarrassment, "Second brother, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and fuck me!" The second elder didn't have any opinion on the matter of bullying the few with more.

He even takes pride in it, as long as he can kill his opponent, no matter what he does is fine.

Besides, the Blood Fiend Sect was not a good sect in the first place, and members who could even kill their own brothers, how could they be good birds.

Regarding the attack of the white-haired elder, Wang Long didn't take it seriously, but he still needs to be careful when two people attack him.

The most important thing is that the second elder's voice is very strange. If he can't solve this situation, then he will be in danger.

A solution suddenly came to Wang Long's mind. He remembered that there was a magic weapon in the secret realm, especially like a pair of glasses, as long as it was worn on the eyes, it could see through everything.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two attacking him, he reached into his pocket and pretended to take out his glasses.

The magic weapon glasses were no different from ordinary glasses. He put them on and instantly saw the Second Elder who was moving very fast in front of him.

It turned out that his technique was extremely fast, and it was also because the wandering king dragon was attacked by the white-haired elder behind him.

A pair of long hands slapped Wang Long's back fiercely, "Pfft!" He used enough strength.

Wang Long spat out a mouthful of blood, but he was not seriously injured.

He wiped the corner of his mouth. "It seems that I have underestimated you all. Although you can't completely win with one against two! But now I have seen through one of you and one of your skills! Next, let's watch my performance!"

Wang Long deliberately diverted their attention and gave himself a little breathing time. The second elder's speed was very fast. Even if he had the value of glasses, he had to use his own strength to deal with it.

After thinking about it, Wang Long had a plan, he intentionally provoked the white-haired elder. "Do you think he will let you go after you deal with me with your brother? You are just wishful thinking. In fact, you know better than anyone else that your brother has given up on you."

"It's not that I don't have to deal with you guys. It's because you did it first, so I became angry. Why don't I join hands with you and subdue your brother! Just kill him, and everything here will be yours."

After all, Wang Long is the president, and he is proficient in domestication. It took only a few words for the white-haired elder to stop.

But Wang Long knew that he would not deal with his brother with an outsider after he understood, so he quickly attacked.

He directly slashed at the face of the white-haired elder with a machete, and it is estimated that he could cut the opponent in half with a single knife.

But that was aimed at ordinary people, "Ah!" The white-haired elder only had time to take a step back.

After all, he is a cultivator, and his defense ability is quite strong, but his head is still bleeding from the shock.

(End of this chapter)

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