Chapter 907
Looking at the scene in front of them, none of Wang Long and the others had any doubts. They are still glad that the white-haired elder didn't take the medicine just now.

He probably wanted to keep the final blow, but he didn't expect his body to be used on his brother instead.

Watch them fight!This is the fisherman's gain in the struggle with metaphorical sticks.

Just watch the two of them kill each other.

Gu Yueming came to Wang Long's side, "How is it? Have you recovered?" He was actually not interested in the two brothers killing each other.

As long as he is sure that the second elder will not die, after all, he still needs to know the news he wants from him.

That incident back then turned out to be his inner demon. Even if he has resumed his practice now, he still cannot recover to his best state during retreat.

Originally, Gu Yueming thought that he was too impatient, but after seeing the second elder, he realized that this was not the case at all.

It's all because of him, he really wants to know who hurt him in the first place, and he can only be freed after taking revenge from those people
In this way, after there is no inner demon, one's cultivation can be improved to a higher level.

"Master, I'm much better." Indeed, Wang Long had almost recovered, and he could stand up now.

The three looked at the two brothers who were inextricably fighting. How much hatred did they have to kill each other so hard.

The two gradually reached the pool, and the white-haired elder was almost pushed into it.

I accidentally stepped on the edge.

Wang Long looked at the place he stepped on just now, and frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong.

at this time!The white-haired elder almost fell into the water again, and he stepped on that spot again!
"It's not right, it's so wrong, there must be something wrong with these two people, master stop them!" Wang Long's voice had just finished, but it was too late, the water in the pool suddenly increased, the second elder and the white-haired elder shouted violently jumped in.

In an instant, they disappeared

Gu Yueming looked at Wang Long excitedly, "What did you find just now?" He also realized that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the second elder had already been beaten to death by himself, and the white-haired elder had taken the medicine, so he must have been easily beaten to death.

"Master! I saw it just now. The two of them are obviously acting! Even if they were fighting for real, they deliberately found the result of the pool! I noticed that the white-haired elder stepped on the same spot twice in a row!"

"But when I sent out the reminder, they had already jumped down!" Wang Long blamed himself a little. If he had found out earlier, it would not have been like this.

And Gu Yueming also saw Wang Long's thoughts, "How can this be your fault? It's very good that you can find this out."

"Let's catch up now! Take advantage of the victory and pursue! Don't let these two escape, or they will probably know the original incident when they return to the headquarters."

Gu Yueming walked to the side of the pool. He also had a certain amount of research on formations, but after observing for a long time, he also stepped on the water wheel a few times at the same position, but he still didn't make any moves.

Ye Kuang also came over, "We can't delay any longer! If they want to escape, they must be in the surrounding area. The current spiritual power is not enough to support them to escape far away!"

Listening to Ye Kuang's words, Gu Yueming actually thought the same way, but the fastest way is to leave from the same place, so that he can pursue him at the fastest speed.

At this time, Wang Long did not participate in the discussion. He walked around the pool frowning, and suddenly thought that after he dropped all the water in the pool, he found a big cover at the bottom of the pool!

Suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Master, did we guess wrong? This is not a formation at all, but just an ordinary mechanism."

His words caught the attention of both of them, and they turned their eyes to him at the same time. "What's the meaning?"

Wang Long didn't speak but used the Nine Suns Kungfu, all the water in the pool was sucked up in an instant, and then he attacked a rockery at will.

At this time, the bottom of the empty pool was exposed.

Wang Lung did find the big lid! "It's very likely that the position that the white-haired elder stepped on just now just caused the water to rise! And this is a one-off!"

They took advantage of the strong current to jump in and lift the lid to leave. As Wang Lung said so, all three of them jumped into the pool.

The bottom is cement and there is no silt, so it is very easy to come to the center again.

Wang Long lifted the lid directly, and sure enough, he saw a passage inside.

And there are traces of water and blood, which must have been left by the second elder and the white-haired elder. "Let's go down quickly!"

Gu Yueming said that the player had already jumped down, Wang Long and Ye Kuang looked at each other and went in too.

It is not dark inside, and there is even light along the way.

Wang Long and the others could also see obvious water stains and blood stains on the ground, which was a very long passage.

It is enough for two people to walk side by side, and the height is at least 2 meters, running inside is not a problem at all.

Thinking of this, the three of Wang Long ran quickly. Fortunately, there was only one passage, and there was no fork.

This saves them a choice.

Finally seeing the entrance of the cave, the three came out only to find that there was a river in front of them. Now the problem came, they didn't know which direction the two were heading.

"It's not as good as this! Wang Long went downstream, Ye Kuang went upstream, and I went to the opposite side. It is very likely that they continued to move forward."

Gu Yueming found out that he had arrived in the mountains, and the three paths he mentioned were all possible!
Because they found traces of water on the ground in these three directions, it is very likely that the second elder and the white-haired elder made it to confuse people's eyes.

After all, according to their ingenuity, finding the passage is only a matter of time.

"Okay! Just do as you said." Ye Kuang was the first to nod, and he ran in his direction.

After all, the second elder and the white-haired elder had been seriously injured, and the two were at odds with each other in the first place, and their short-term cooperation would definitely spark conflicts.

One of the three of them can directly solve each other with a shot, so there is no problem in going separately.

"Master, be careful." Wang Long was not afraid that something would happen to Gu Yueming.

It was because he was afraid that he would not be able to control his inner demons, and Gu Yueming also knew what he meant.

He nodded solemnly, and patted Wang Long's shoulder, "Don't worry, I know it! It took so much for you to restore my cultivation, I won't spoil it."

Thinking of this, Gu Yueming's originally complicated mood relaxed a little, and he became more and more calm.

Seeing the clarity restored in Gu Yueming's eyes, Wang Long was satisfied, "Well, then I'll go!" After finishing speaking, he rushed downstream very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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