Ares out of prison

Chapter 912 Dangerous

Chapter 912 Dangerous
After a whole night of rescue, Wang Long was considered out of danger.When Wang Long was pushed out, Sun Zihan also followed.

When he came to the ward, Sun Zihan felt distressed when he saw Wang Long's pale face.

He had already woken up, Wang Long found a pill from the secret place, and he got better soon after taking it.

"You're fine. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you outside?" Sun Zihan held Wang Long's hand coldly.

Wang Long smiled, it was all over, besides, he felt much better now.

"Silly girl, I'm fine, not to mention, I feel much better now."

Sun Zihan also smiled. The operation has just been completed, and it will not be cured so soon.

"Let me take care of you during this time. I'll cook chicken soup for you to nourish your body."

She knew that Wang Lung would definitely need to replenish his body this time.

Wang Long also didn't want Sun Zihan to worry about himself, he said, "I promise, nothing will happen next time to make you worry."

He held Sun Zihan's hand even tighter.

As long as Sun Zihan is safe and sound, Wang Long will be fine.

Gu Yueming and Ye Kuang also came. Seeing that Wang Long was out of danger, the tense tendon in his heart let go.

The two stood at the door, seeing Sun Zihan talking to Wang Long inside, they didn't know whether to go in or not.

"Why don't we go in and have a look?"

Gu Yueming was about to step in, but she was afraid of disturbing the conversation between the two of them.

Ye Kuang looked over from a distance, Wang Long was fine, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Let's not bother the two of them, they are chatting happily."

He didn't want to be seen as anything.

Gu Yueming thought about it, yes, the two of them chatted so happily, it would be bad if they were suddenly interrupted.

"Then let's wait at the door."

He thought about waiting until the two of them finished talking before going in to take a look.

Ye Kuang felt that it was unnecessary, because Sun Zihan would stay inside forever.

"No need, we are all busy with our own business. Wang Long is fine, so we can rest assured. Now that he has Zihan by his side, we don't need to worry too much."

Sun Zihan glanced at Wang Long.

"You go to rest first, in the evening, I will prepare chicken soup for you."

She could see that Wang Lung was a little tired.

Wang Long held Sun Zihan's hand and refused to let her go. How could he have the heart to let Sun Zihan do this.

"You should rest too, look at your dark circles."

He took a closer look and saw the dark circles under Sun Zihan's eyes.

Sun Zihan stayed up all night last night just to wait for Wang Long to come out safely.

"It's nothing, it's just dark circles." She didn't think it was a serious problem, as long as she got a good night's sleep, the dark circles would disappear.

"Then go to sleep first, and then make me chicken soup."

Wang Long looked very distressed, he didn't know that he had caused such trouble to Sun Zihan.

Sun Zihan nodded, and she said, "Okay, I'll sleep first, and then I'll make chicken soup for you to nourish your body."

She also has a sense of proportion, seeing Wang Long is good, she is already satisfied.

Wang Long nodded, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

"Nurse, help me take a look, I'm going to take a rest."

Sun Zihan felt a little tired, and was about to go to the rest room, but worried that no one would take care of Wang Long here.

After all, the operation has just been completed, so there will inevitably be some problems.

The nurse heard the sound and saw that Wang Long had fallen asleep, and said, "It's okay, you go to rest, I'll just watch over here."

"Then I'm in the lounge. If anything happens to Wang Long, just come and find me."

Before leaving, Sun Zihan still looked at him reluctantly.

The nurse nodded. Wang Long was just out of danger and needed constant care. She also understood Sun Zihan.

After Sun Zihan fell asleep, he went downstairs to the hospital and bought a chicken to make soup.

Ye Kuang took people to deal with the treasures left by the Blood Fiend Sect branch, and Gu Yueming returned to the Flying Dragon Club.

At night, Sun Zihan made chicken soup for Wang Long and came to the hospital bed.

Wang Long woke up a long time ago. After taking the pill, he got much better. I believe he will be back to normal in a short time.

"Here comes the chicken soup, how about you try it?"

She put a lot of supplements in it, I don't know if Wang Long can take it.

When Wang Long smelled this smell, he suddenly had an appetite.

"It smells really good."

Sun Zihan ate a bowl for Wang Long, and immediately, he felt warm in his heart.

A week later, Wang Long felt that his injury was almost healed, and wanted to go back.

Sun Zihan was very nervous when she saw that Wang Long wanted to be discharged from the hospital so soon. She couldn't believe it. It was only a week and everything was healed?

"Wang Lung, wait a moment, I'll call the doctor."

She wanted to wait for the doctor to confirm it. She couldn't say that Wang Long felt that she was well.

Wang Long didn't think it was necessary, his own body knew it best.

"Zihan, I'm fine, don't worry, there's no need to call a doctor."

Sun Zihan was still worried and called the doctor.

The doctor checked Wang Long's body and was taken aback. He didn't expect that people who had escaped death at that time could recover so quickly. Normally, it would take ten days and a half months to slowly regain their vitality. However, Wang Long only Recovered in a week.

It was a medical miracle, and it terrified him.

"You recovered quickly, which can be regarded as a medical miracle."

said the doctor in that professional tone.

Sun Zihan didn't expect Wang Long to recover so quickly.

When Wang Long saw the doctor, he also said that there was no problem, and he should be discharged from the hospital.

"Zihan, let me tell you everything, I know my own body."

He didn't want to stay in the hospital anymore, it was stuffy inside, it was time to go out for some air.

When Sun Zihan heard the doctor's words, she was relieved, but what if there were sequelae.

"Whether I need to be observed in the hospital for a period of time, I am a little worried that something will go wrong in the future."

She was still worried that there would inevitably be problems if she was discharged from the hospital so soon.

It's hard for the doctor to say about this, but it seems that Wang Long's health has recovered.

"This needs to be discussed with you. Wang Long's current health can be said to be almost good."

Wang Long didn't want to stay any longer, why did he stay when he could be discharged from the hospital.

"Zihan, don't think too much, I know it myself."

Wang Long felt that Sun Zihan was thinking too much, although it was useful sometimes.

Sun Zihan looked at Wang Long. Now that he was alive and kicking in front of him, he should be fine.

"Alright then, let's go."

In the end, she was also relieved. After all, Wang Lung recovered quickly, probably because he survived a catastrophe, so there must be future blessings.

Wang Long nodded, he could go out to get some fresh air, and it was quite uncomfortable to lie in bed for so many days.

Afterwards, the two completed the formalities and walked out of the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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