Ares out of prison

Chapter 92 Manager Xu

Chapter 92 Manager Xu

Wang Long shook his head: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you a few questions."

Long Fei was a little puzzled, so she asked if she wanted to, what kind of operation was taking a picture suddenly?
For some reason, she seemed to sense a hint of conspiracy...

"You...what do you want to ask?"

"Is there something wrong with Zihan's company recently? How do you think she's not in the right state these days?"

Hearing this sentence, Long Fei was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and replied:

"This... I'm not very clear either."

But before he finished speaking, Wang Long suddenly pointed the phone screen at her.

What I saw on the screen was the picture of counting money with my eyes shining.

"I've already recorded the picture of you collecting money. If you don't explain it, I'll show this picture to you, Mr. Sun."

Long Fei was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Wang Long in disbelief.

"Didn't you say that this is a bonus that Mr. Sun gave me?"

"I don't even enter the gate of your company very often, how do I know what awards are not bonuses?"

Not to mention the bonus, Wang Long doesn't even know what this Secretary Long usually does, so how could he help Sun Zihan send her money for no reason?
It's just that he knew in his heart that no one would refuse the benefits brought to his door, so he could easily find any reason to get Long Fei hooked.

"Hurry up, otherwise, if your President Sun finds out about this, what do you think will happen to her?"

Long Fei suddenly felt like crying.

I have been in the workplace for so long, and today is the first time I have experienced what it means to be sinister!
But things have come to this, if Sun Zihan really finds out, he will be fired!

There was no other way, Long Fei had no choice but to say in a deep voice: "But even if you ask that, I don't know!"

Long Fei said that she also noticed that Sun Zihan's state was a little abnormal these days, but no matter how she asked, Sun Zihan refused to reveal what happened. After a long time, she didn't care so much.

Looking at Long Fei's expression, it seemed that he was not lying. After thinking for a while, Wang Long continued to ask:

"Then did she encounter any difficulties at work during this time?"

"This... I usually just help Mr. Sun sort out the documents. Mr. Sun never lets me interfere with business matters!"

Upon hearing these words, Wang Long couldn't help shaking his head with a helpless look on his face.

"Then how did you become a secretary?"

Long Fei was speechless.

Originally, I was thinking of getting something out of her, but I didn't expect this person to be a secretary in name, but actually a handyman!This time the money was also spent, and the result was a question and three questions!

"Is there no one in your company who knows about Zihan's work?"

"Sun is always a very cautious person. She rarely discloses to others about the company's affairs."

As Long Fei was speaking, she suddenly remembered something, and then changed the topic.

"That's right! I suddenly remembered that there is one person who should know!"

"Who?" Wang Long asked hastily.

"Secretary Long, you don't go to work during working hours, what are you doing here?"

Before Long Fei could answer, a rough voice suddenly came from behind Wang Long.

Looking back, I saw a white-haired man who looked to be five or sixty years old standing behind, looking at Long Fei with pity.

"Manager Xu..."

The man glanced at Wang Long, and then showed a puzzled expression.

"You don't seem to be from our company, do you?"

"Oh, he's Mr. Sun's husband, he's here to see Mr. Sun for something!"

"What about Mr. Sun's husband? Isn't it our company's rule to prohibit outsiders from entering?"

Manager Xu said such a sentence coldly, and walked directly between the two of them.

When passing by Wang Long, he even cast a disdainful look at him!

Wang Long frowned slightly, and looked at this person with a puzzled expression.

"I didn't offend him, why did you take gunpowder early in the morning?"

"Manager Xu has that kind of temper, don't be as knowledgeable as him!"

Long Fei comforted him. At this moment, Wang Long suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with this man's expression.

He suddenly realized: "You are not talking about him, are you?"

Long Fei Nuonuo nodded: "He is the manager of our company, and he has to take care of the company's affairs, large and small."

"This is really..."

Wang Long held his forehead with helplessness on his face.

Just now I thought there was something wrong with this person, but in the blink of an eye I had to ask him about things.

"Wang...Mr. Wang, should I return the money to you?"

As Long Fei said, she slowly handed over the money to Wang Long, with a reluctance on her face.

Without further ado, Wang Long took the money back.

Really just accept it!

Long Fei's heart ached...

But there is no way, I am a person of status anyway, so I have to pay attention to my image!

"Where is Manager Xu's office?"

"At the end of the corridor on the sixth floor."

Wang Long nodded in agreement, and went straight into the company building.

Looking at his back, Long Fei had already skinned this man so many times in his heart.

Follow the elevator to the sixth floor, and sure enough, at the end of the corridor, I saw a sign with the general manager's office on the door.

Wang Long sorted out his thoughts and was just about to knock on the door when he vaguely heard an indescribable sound coming from inside the house.

"Manager still at work...don't..."

"Don't worry, who else will come and go in and out of my office except you, come here and let me touch it!"

Wang Long couldn't help frowning slightly, thinking that this ugly old man, who looks serious, actually did such a thing behind his back!

A bold idea emerged in Wang Long's mind.

Without saying a word, he kicked the door open with a bang!


The screams of a man and a woman pierced the sky.

I saw two disheveled people hugging each other on the sofa, getting dressed in a hurry.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were busy!"

Wang Long looked at Manager Xu jokingly.

The female secretary blushed, and hurriedly fled from the office without even bothering to fasten her buttons.

"Are you mentally ill? I don't know how to knock on the door first!"

Manager Xu put on his pants while cursing.

Although he had tried his best to be as quick as he could, Wang Lung still saw his short...

"Ahem, I'm really sorry. I thought you must be dealing with work matters during working hours. I didn't expect you to have this...part-time job."

Hearing that Wang Long humiliated himself in different ways, Manager Xu suddenly became angry.

"Who allowed you to come in? Get out! Get out immediately!"

Seeing his angry look, Wang Long felt like laughing even more.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first, but you have to think carefully about what the consequences will be if this matter is found out by others!"

After saying this, Wang Long turned around and walked straight outside.

"and many more!"

(End of this chapter)

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