Chapter 935
Wang Long knew that Li/Pengfei might have doubts: "Zihan came with us, don't worry, she will be fine with me."

Li/Pengfei didn't think too much, after all, he didn't have any objection to the people Wang Long brought.

Later, Wang Long introduced Su Yunmen, Wang Zhe and others to Li/Pengfei.

Since Li/Pengfei met them for the first time, he didn't know the strength of the other party, but it seemed that they were all young, so maybe they didn't have much strength.

He pulled Wang Long aside and said softly: "They are newcomers, they must have no experience, so they won't hold us back."

Wang Long smiled. He didn't expect what Li/Pengfei would think. Although he didn't know where his confidence came from, he still wanted to say something.

"They're not bad, don't look at their young age."

He glanced at Wang Zhe. In fact, he is also very optimistic about them. If they can be serious, they will definitely live up to his expectations.

Li/Pengfei couldn't believe it. Just by looking at their appearance, they couldn't tell how powerful they were.


He looked at Wang Lung with that unbelievable look.

Wang Long smiled. He didn't expect that Li/Pengfei couldn't believe this fact. How could the people he was optimistic about be so bad.

"Could it be that you are questioning my vision?"

He can bring people over, which shows that he is optimistic.

Li/Pengfei didn't dare to question Wang Long's vision. He just didn't believe in their strength. When he heard what Wang Long said, he also believed it a little bit.

"How dare I question your vision, just talk casually."

He was worried that he had said the wrong thing, so it would be better to say less.

Seeing Li/Pengfei like this, Wang Long probably didn't believe in the strength of Wang Zhe and others. In this case, why not convince Li/Pengfei and let them compete.

"Since you don't believe it, you guys should come and compete to see who is the best. Li/Pengfei, what do you think?"

He looked at Li/Pengfei's reaction.

Li/Pengfei didn't expect Wang Long to be serious, but he really wanted to see what's so good about these young people.

"Okay, I just want to see what's so great about these young people."

Wang Long smiled, then clapped his hands and asked Wang Zhe to fight.

Wang Zhe stood in front of Li/Pengfei, not a little nervous.

Soon, the two sides scuffled together.

It didn't take long for Li/Pengfei to feel the power of the other party. He didn't expect to be so powerful at such a young age. He felt admiration.

Seeing Li/Pengfei's move, Wang Zhe reacted quickly, and quickly thought of a way to fight back.

Soon, the two were tied.

Seeing this scene, Li/Pengfei smiled a little, feeling guilty and sorry at the same time.

I don't know if he can take back what he just said.

Wang Long came up and looked at Li/Pengfei. He also understood Li/Pengfei's mood. very normal thing.

"Li/Pengfei, how about it, be convinced."

We still have to prove it with strength, otherwise, Li/Pengfei still can't believe it.

Li/Pengfei nodded, he said something wrong just now, he felt sorry, and immediately said: "I'm sorry, I underestimated you just now."

When Wang Long saw Wang Zhe, he didn't know what Wang Zhe was thinking.

In fact, Wang Zhe doesn't care about these things. If they stay here for a long time, people will naturally see their strength.

"It's okay, we're new here, it's normal not to know us."

Wang Zhe is very carefree. When he comes here, everyone is a comrade-in-arms.

Wang Long smiled, he didn't expect Wang Zhe to be so generous.

Sun Zihan was a little worried, whether she would disturb them with her big belly, after all, beating and killing would be bad for the children.

"Wang Long, or else I'd better go back, you're right, it's too dangerous here."

She was worried that her child would be frightened again. After all, if there was a real fight, it would be difficult to guarantee that the child would not be hurt.

Wang Long touched Sun Zihan's belly, there are so many people here who can protect her, Sun Zihan can rest assured.

"Don't worry, there are so many people here to protect you, I don't worry about leaving you alone at home now, although there are housekeepers and others, but sometimes they can't solve things when they encounter problems, so they leave you at home." By my side, I can feel at ease.”

As he said that, he held Sun Zihan in his arms. After going through this kind of thing, he didn't want Sun Zihan to leave him.

Sun Zihan believes that the overall situation is the most important thing. After all, the child has just narrowly escaped death, and she doesn't want the child to follow her.

"But this child, I don't want him to suffer with us."

Although she previously thought it was boring to raise a baby at home alone, this is the best protection for the child.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's all here. Relax. I will protect this child. Don't worry."

Sun Zihan thought about it for a while, and she came here. Since she wanted to come without fear at that time, she couldn't easily go back on her word at this moment.

Seeing what the two were talking about, Li/Pengfei leaned forward and asked, "Wang Long, do you need any help?"

Wang Long shook his head: "You call the other members first, let's discuss it later."

Li/Pengfei nodded and left.

"Okay, you can take a good rest here. It's okay. I've actually thought about everything you've considered. Now you just need to rest here with peace of mind. When it's time to leave, just follow me."

Long before, Wang Long thought of countless possibilities.

Sun Zihan thought about it, yes, she didn't want to leave Wang Long at that time, and now that she can follow him, she should be happy.

"you're right."

After speaking, he sat at the place arranged by Wang Long.

Because Wang Zhe and the others just came here, they don't have much experience, so they still need Li/Pengfei to guide them.

"Li/Pengfei, please take Wang Zhe and the others along for a while."

Li/Pengfei didn't dare to be that. From the perspective of ordinary strength, they were about the same strength and could cultivate together.

"They are about the same strength as me. We can practice together. Let me lead them. This is a bit of an exaggeration."

He might be able to say this before the competition, but now, he won't.

"The key to those newcomers is that they don't have much experience. You just need to guide them a little bit. They learn quickly."

Wang Lung trusted them a lot, because each of them was talented.

Seeing that Wang Long had given him a task, Li/Pengfei had no choice but to agree.

"OK then."

(End of this chapter)

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