Chapter 94
After receiving so many slaps in a row, Manager Xu's head is now as swollen as a pig's head.

With his current appearance, if those employees in the company saw him, he would probably laugh out loud.

"That's right! That's right! I deserve it, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Manager Xu nodded desperately, fully catering to Wang Long's words, for fear that if he said something wrong, he would be slapped again.

Only then did he truly realize that this Wang Long is no useless person, he is simply a devil!

A casual slap can make someone dizzy, so if he uses all his strength, wouldn't he be beaten half to death with one punch?
And there was that unknown force just now.

Although until now he has not figured out what kind of force it is.

But what is certain is that this Wang Long is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Therefore, it is better to follow his will first, saving your life is the most important thing!

"So can you answer my question now?"

Wang Long moved his wrist and made two clucks. The sound made Manager Xu's scalp tingle and his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes! I'll tell you everything!"

Under Wang Long's intimidation, Manager Xu finally revealed the inside story of the matter.

"Recently, our company has reached a cooperation with a foreign cosmetics company to develop a new project together. The other party sent us a high-tech talent to take full charge of this research and development work."

"In order to hire this person, Mr. Sun spent a lot of money, but now seeing that the research results are about to come out, this person just sits on the ground and asks for ten times more than before!"

"With so much money, it's about to catch up with the total investment in this research and development. Mr. Sun didn't agree. I didn't expect that person to just quit! Now the deadline for cooperation is coming soon, but the research results are delayed. If you can’t get it out, Mr. Sun has been worrying about this matter for a while, so even if you want to help, there’s nothing you can do!”

Although Manager Xu's words were a bit harsh, they were not unreasonable.

After all, Wang Long didn't know the specific project he was researching, so it was impossible to reverse the situation.

"Shouldn't we have signed an agreement before the cooperation? The other party suddenly breached the contract, so you can sue him?"

Manager Xu shook his head: "Of course Mr. Sun has thought of the things you can think of, but for various reasons, this matter has become very complicated. It is not easy to win this lawsuit, and the investment may be more !"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long understood the seriousness of the matter.

No wonder Sun Zihan looked so dignified before. Thinking about it carefully, this matter is really tricky.

It seems that the only way to solve this matter now is to start from the root cause...

"You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Manager Xu shook his head like a rattle: "No, no! Absolutely not! Even if I have the guts of a bear, I wouldn't dare to lie to you!"

Looking at his swollen face, he probably didn't have the guts to lie.

"Remember, just work hard during working hours. Your boss Sun pays you, not for you to come to this place to do those dirty things."

After Wang Long put down such a sentence, he got up and left the general manager's office.

Hearing his footsteps fading away outside the door, Manager Xu felt a long sigh of relief.

This bastard is really ruthless!
Manager Xu touched his face tentatively, but it was still red and swollen, and even a slight touch would cause unbearable pain.

"No, it can't be so cheap, this guy!"

Manager Xu muttered to himself angrily, then picked up the phone on the table.

"Xiao Liu, there is an intruder in the company, please call the police for me!"

"If you're told to go, then go, why so much nonsense!"

The secretary on the other end of the phone didn't dare to neglect, and quickly agreed.

Not long after, a group of police officers came to Manager Xu's office.

Seeing his face, it is not difficult to guess that he was indeed beaten up.

"When did the man who hit you leave?"

"Half an hour ago! Comrade policeman, look at how he beat me up, look at my face! You have to make decisions for me!"

After seeing two young men in police uniforms look at each other, they immediately said:

"We need to check the company's monitoring, please help me to show the way!"

"No problem! This way please!"

Manager Xu's heart felt dark for a while, let you go crazy, let me see if the police can catch you, can you still go crazy!
But the result of calling the surveillance system surprised him.

All the surveillance probes up and down the company did not capture the video of Wang Long entering the company building.

And the surveillance in the corridor outside the manager's office didn't capture any pictures.

Instead, he captured a picture of the disheveled secretary running away from his office in a hurry...

"Mr. Xu, what's going on?"

Manager Xu panicked.

Now regardless of how Wang Long perfectly avoided the capture of all the cameras, he had to explain for a long time about the scene just now.

"This... actually this is my girlfriend! We had a quarrel in the office, you see how ruthless women are!"

Manager Xu hesitated for a long time before he finally came up with a reason to prevaricate.

If they knew that they forced their subordinates to do this kind of thing, it might not be Wang Long who was taken away today.

"Mr. Xu, do you know that false alarms are illegal! Sorry, please come with us!"

Hearing these words, Manager Xu panicked even more, frowning quickly, pretending to be pitiful.

"Comrade policeman, I was also confused for a moment. You can see that my face has been beaten like this. Forget it!"

Manager Xu chattered at the side, and finally sent the two away after being soft and hard.

This is a good time, originally thinking of taking revenge on Wang Long, but in the end, he was almost sent away!

This Wang Long was really lucky, and he even encountered all the monitoring blind spots perfectly.

Although I don't know how he did it, but Manager Xu has secretly decided that he must take revenge on this ignorant boy!
"Don't you want to help Sun Zihan? Then I want to trouble her!"

A malicious smile appeared on Manager Xu's face, and he immediately took out his phone.

"Xiao Liu, help me find Vice President Chen and Vice President Zhao, and say that I have something to discuss with them."

After hanging up the phone, Manager Xu walked out of the guard room.

"Manager Xu!"

Before he could take a few steps, he heard someone calling him from behind.

I saw the security uncle in the guard room handing him an ice pack!
"Try it, this thing works."

Seeing this scene, Manager Xu was stunned.

Really... so swollen?
(End of this chapter)

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