Ares out of prison

Chapter 945 This is a dream

Chapter 945 This is a dream

Wang Long looked at Sun Zihan, he didn't want Sun Zihan to deceive himself.

"What happened to you?"

Sun Zihan only told the truth at this time.

"Actually, I sprained my ankle, and Gu Yueming carried me along the way."

Wang Long felt sorry for Sun Zihan, who came all the way here and was still pregnant with the child.

"I told you not to run around, just look at you."

He sighed and was a little angry. He didn't expect that Sun Zihan had sprained his ankle and kept hiding it from himself.

Sun Zihan knew he was wrong, and it wasn't Gu Yueming, she couldn't get here yet.

"Sorry, I know I'm wrong."

She lowered her head, unwilling to meet Wang Long's eyes.

Wang Long thought about it, and this was also Sun Zihan's kindness. Although there was a problem in the middle, he also appreciated the kindness.

"Come on, I'll carry you along."

He could see that Gu Yueming was a little tired after walking all the way with Sun Zihan on his back.

Sun Zihan was a little overjoyed, but he didn't expect that Wang Long didn't care about his fault anymore.

"You have forgiven me?"

She couldn't believe it.

Wang Long smiled. He wouldn't blame Sun Zihan. He was also to blame for this matter. He had been away from Sun Zihan for too long, which made Sun Zihan worry.

"There is also my problem here, I admit, you come up, I will carry you on my back, the master must be tired."

He didn't want Gu Yueming to continue walking with Sun Zihan on his back, because there was still a long way to go, and he was afraid that Gu Yueming would not be able to bear it.

Sun Zihan smiled and went up, but she was a little worried that if she was like this, she would disturb everyone.

"Wang Long, have I dragged you down by doing this, or don't you just leave me alone?"

She looked at her child's child and regretted saying this. Even if she didn't think about it for herself, she had to think about it for her child.

Wang Long felt that Sun Zihan was talking nonsense, and no matter what, he couldn't abandon Sun Zihan.

"Zihan, what are you talking about? How could we abandon you? Just protect the child in your stomach. I'll hold you."

Sun Zihan felt a little guilty. He didn't expect that he would cause so much trouble for everyone.

Wang Long hugged herself, and she felt safe for a while.

Gu Yueming saw an exit, which seemed to lead to the outside.

"Wang Long, look over there, is it the exit?"

He saw something shining, it seemed to be, and it didn't seem to be, he didn't want to be sure, anyway, it was not far away, they could go and have a look.

Wang Long also noticed it, maybe it was, he didn't know very well, the first time he came here, he was not familiar with the place, so he could only explore slowly by himself, and now there was no big boa constrictor by his side to lead the way.

"Let's go and have a look, maybe it's true, if it is, we can leave here earlier."

Wang Long couldn't wait to go out and heal Sun Zihan.

Several people walked in that direction.

But as they walked, they found that the place where the door appeared had changed the direction.

Gu Yueming was very puzzled, maybe they went in the wrong direction.

"Did we go wrong, and now the door appeared next to us again."

He remembered that they obviously walked straight in the direction of the door.

Wang Lung turned around, and indeed, the door changed direction again, and it was getting further and further away from them.

I'm afraid it won't move.He couldn't help but wonder.

"Will this be a trick?"

Wang Long looked around, and it seemed that the door would move after a period of time, and there was no fixed position at all.


Gu Yueming looked at the door for a long time and found that it could indeed move by itself.

It seemed that they had to move to that place in a short time before they could grab the door.

"No, we need to move faster, this door will move every once in a while, I think we should move faster, maybe we can catch up."

Wang Long thought for a while, and then quickened his pace.

Sun Zihan couldn't bear it, and the child in her belly followed suit, and it started to hurt from time to time.

"Go slowly, my stomach hurts."

She endured it for a long time, and found that her stomach hurt more and more, which might be due to fetal gas.

Only then did Wang Long stop and put Sun Zihan down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about you just now, are you better now?"

He thought for a while, probably because he ran too fast just now, and he didn't consider that the child couldn't stand running around.

Sun Zihan sat down and regained his composure. Wang Long ran so fast that she couldn't bear it for a while.

"No, you're running too fast, run slowly."

Wang Long felt a little helpless, if he slowed down, the door could only disappear from his front.

But for the sake of Sun Zihan's health, he planned to ensure Sun Zihan's safety first.

"Let's think of other ways."

Gu Yueming saw that Sun Zihan was so uncomfortable, and he didn't want Wang Long to continue running around, maybe there are other ways to get out here.

Wang Long thought about it too, they need to find other ways.

He was about to stand up when he felt a sharp pain unexpectedly.

Sun Zihan stabbed Wang Long with a knife.

"You, why are you doing this?"

Wang Long spat out blood from the corner of his mouth. He couldn't believe what he saw, and he didn't know why Sun Zihan wanted to assassinate him.

Sun Zihan stood up with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Wang Long, but I already have someone else in my heart."

He only saw her slowly standing beside Gu Yueming, and then took Gu Yueming's hand.

"Actually, Gu Yueming and I are already together. I came today to tell you something."

After speaking, the two looked at each other.

Wang Long looked at Sun Zihan's happy look, he couldn't believe it, all this was true, how could Sun Zihan be with Gu Yueming.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of the reason.

"Why, you tell me?"

He suddenly felt pain, more painful than a knife stabbing himself.

Sun Zihan smiled, there was no reason, she smiled even more happily: "Wang Long, obviously you found out too late, in fact, I have been with Gu Yueming for a long time, it's just that I didn't know it, I deceived you so much It's been a long time, I'm really sorry."

Wang Long didn't want to listen to Sun Zihan's words, and felt that her words pierced his heart. He didn't expect that he would give his heart and soul to Sun Zihan, but in the end, he turned out to be a clown.

Wang Long felt as if he was being pierced by thousands of arrows.

He found that his vision was slowly becoming blurred, and for a while, he realized that this was not real, it was a dream.

He forced himself to be awake, to open his eyes.

Then, he saw a piece of darkness.

Wang Lung was lying in a cave at this moment. There was no one there, and it was so dark that he couldn't see anything.

(End of this chapter)

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