Ares out of prison

Chapter 991 Chapter Family

Chapter 991
At this time, Sun Zihan was personally receiving a big client. The surname of the other party was Li. He was a middle-aged man who was somewhat bald.

"Mr. Sun, check if there is something wrong with the contract. The responsibility of Party A is not clear, and the specific date of remittance is not marked."


"Part Four, Article No. 11."

Sun Zihan turned to that one, looked at it, and said, "Yes, Mr. Li, did you read it wrong?"

"No, indeed not, come and have a look."

Sun Zihan frowned slightly, so he got up and went to have a look.

"Is there something wrong with the typesetting, and it's printed on the next page?" She sat next to Mr. Li and took a look. The contract was clearly written, and the typesetting was correct.

So Sun Zihan showed him his finger and said, "Mr. Li, isn't this right here?"

But it was just this stretch of the hand that allowed the surname Li to seize the opportunity.

"Where is where?" Mr. Li asked, and reached out to point, taking the opportunity to touch Sun Zihan's hand.

Sun Zihan withdrew his hand like an electric shock, looked at the bald man in front of him in horror, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Mr. Li showed a wretched smile, raised his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into..."

Although he said he was sorry, the raised hands were dishonest and stretched straight towards Sun Zihan's chest, so frightened that Sun Zihan jumped up from the chair, and when he raised his hand, he slapped him with a crisp sound. .

"Mr. Li, please respect yourself!" Sun Zihan was angry and ashamed, his face flushed.

Mr. Li took the slap, covered his face with his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and said, "Don't...don't get me wrong! I didn't mean to..."

"Crack!" A strong hand grabbed his wrist, which hurt him so much.

"What isn't it? I saw and heard everything just now."

When Mr. Li raised his head, he found a pair of burning eyes staring at him, and the owner of these eyes was a handsome man.

After seeing who was coming, Sun Zihan said happily, "Honey, you're back!"

"Well, did you miss me?" Wang Long said softly.

"Of course, I think about you every day."

"My dear, could it be that you are... Wang Dong?" Boss Li panicked now. He had heard about Sun Zihan's husband. He heard that he was a cultivator with a background in black and white circles, so he was not easy to mess with.

Just now I was obsessed with sex, and I completely forgot about it.

"It's over, it's over, damn Sun Zihan looks so beautiful." Boss Li thought to himself.

Wang Long turned to Boss Li again. He who was full of smiles just now changed into a man-eating expression, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger.

"Boss Li, what did you want to do just now?" Wang Long forced a smirk.

Boss Li screamed in pain and begged for mercy: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I really don't want to do anything!"

Hearing this, Wang Long snorted, pushed Boss Li to the ground casually, threw the two contracts in his face, and said coldly: "Sorry, this contract is not suitable, you should find another place." Come on! Security, see off the guests!"

Boss Li was terrified a long time ago, and before the security guard could do anything, he scrambled out the door with two contracts.

Sun Zihan breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily, "Honey, you are so handsome!"

As she spoke, she hugged Wang Long.

"Small meaning, small meaning." Wang Long also embraced his wife deeply in his arms.

At this time, a security helmet came in from outside the door and asked, "Mr. Wang, who are you sending it to?"


"Sorry to bother you." After seeing clearly, the security guard immediately shrank back and locked the door.

The two continued to make out, but Sun Zihan suddenly cried. Wang Long was confused by this, and asked him what was wrong?
Sun Zihan cried and said, "Why have you been away for so long this time, you miss me to death."

"Oh, I went out to deal with a big event this time, that's why I was delayed for so long."

"Ah, something big? Husband, are you not hurt? Are you all right? Is it particularly dangerous?"

Wang Long comforted: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's not that dangerous, and it's all over. From now on, nothing can threaten us. I'll stay with you mother and daughter, okay?"

Sun Zihan wiped his tears, nodded and said, "Well, it's good that you're fine. If it's not necessary in the future, don't go out in person like this. My loneliness is second, and your safety is the first."

Wang Long helped Sun Zihan straighten her messy hair, and kissed her forehead: "Well, don't worry, I will."

"Husband, I love you." Sun Zihan nestled happily in Wang Long's arms.

"I love you too, honey," he responded.

"You look quite listless, haven't you had a good rest?"

Wang Long yawned, and said helplessly: "Yesterday, those old stubborn people from the Ancient Martial Arts Association insisted on holding a celebration party for me. They held it until midnight, which made me sleepless all night after driving back."

"Oh, why don't you sleep there all night and come back?"

Wang Long hooked her nose and said, "Because I'm afraid you will suffer from lovesickness."

Sun Zihan blushed: "Hmph, who is suffering from lovesickness, I think it's you?"

"That's right, it's me, I miss you so much, wife, let me kiss you."

Sun Zihan pushed him away: "Okay, don't be poor, sleep in the company today, let's pick up Tiantian together in the afternoon, and don't let her and her classmates see my father in such a mess."

"Yes, this is the end, I will go right away!"

"Wait a moment!"

"Anything else?"

"Didn't you say you want to kiss me? I agree."


Although he was very excited to come back, Wang Long ate two ammunition, had a battle with the blood fiend sect master, and stayed up all night. He was tired after all. He lay down on the bed in the darkroom behind the office and fell asleep soon.

He slept from seven o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon before finally getting up.

This is also the only peaceful sleep he has had during the recent period.

He got up from the bed, and finally felt a rare relief, and the nerves that had been tense were finally relaxed.

Wang Long quietly walked out of the darkroom, and found that Sun Zihan was working at his desk. His capable and neat appearance made him look like a strong woman.

Although Sun Zihan looks like a little woman in front of him, she is not a vase. She is very capable in business, and she is not an easy person who can start such a big company from scratch.

Sitting behind Kuanda's office, Sun Zihan, with his hair tied up and eyes full of charm, has a special charm.

Wang Long sighed in his heart, he really found a good wife who can go out of the living room and down to the kitchen, he is so lucky and happy.

"Hey, Wang, how long are you going to spy on me? Are you going to pick up your daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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