Ares out of prison

Chapter 993 Her Master

Chapter 993 Her Master
"Wizard? What wizard?" Wang Long asked.

Gu Mingyue said: "I said that your daughter, with strange bones and extraordinary meridians, is a prodigy in practice!"

"Oh, is that so? Master, you also said that I was a genius back then."

"Hmph, I was just trying to make you happy. Compared with your daughter, which green onion is this worthless thing like you?"

"Ah this..."

Wang Long sighed and said, "Oh, it's a pity that I'm old and my health is getting weaker and weaker. I'm no longer suitable for accepting apprentices. However, if you plan to let your daughter practice, I can introduce you to Master."

Although it was a question, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Gu Mingyue really wanted Wang Tiantian to practice.

Sun Zihan leaned closer to Wang Long's ear and asked, "Is it too dangerous?"

Wang Long was also a little worried, so he changed the subject and said, "Let me think about it again. By the way, Master, how is your injury? Will it damage your cultivation?"

Gu Mingyue snorted, and said: "This time the old man really capsized in the gutter, and was shot by a young man. But it doesn't matter, the old man's cultivation is not so easy to damage, these few days I can Get over it."

"That's good, that's good, then we won't bother you."

In the evening, Wang Long and Sun Zihan and his wife sat on the bed and discussed the matter of Gu Mingyue asking Wang Tiantian to practice during the day.

Sun Zihan said: "I don't want Wang Tiantian to practice, it's too hard."

But Wang Long said: "Don't spoil the child too much. You can be a master only by suffering through hardships. My master has always had his eyes above the top, and there are not many people who can be admired by him. It’s a rare opportunity to say the least.”

"But, is it too dangerous?"

Wang Long just wanted to say that there would be no danger in practicing, but he stopped.

No, no, Zihan probably didn't mean that.What she meant was that it was too dangerous to fight and kill, and she didn't want Tiantian to be involved in vendettas like her father.

However, it's not that Wang Long hasn't thought about this, he also wants his next generation to jump out of this vicious circle and protect them.It is precisely because of this that he chooses to face the lord of the Blood Fiend Sect alone, doesn't he?
But in this world, there are some bureaus that you can't enter if you want to enter, and exit if you want to exit.

Although Wang Long has taken care of everything now, what about the future?Didn't my master just get a black gun?
"Zihan, I understand what you mean, but don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't allow anyone to hurt you."

Sun Zihan nodded and gave a hum, Wang Long knew that she agreed.

"Zihan, it's really hard for you to marry me."

"Don't say that, this is my choice, I will always love you."

"Well, I'll always love you too."

"However," Sun Zihan said suddenly, "we still have to respect Tiantian's own wishes in this matter."

Of course, we'll ask her tomorrow. "


Wang Tiantian tilted her head and thought for a long time, and finally asked: "As long as I go to practice, can I become as powerful as my father?"

Wang Long replied with a smile: "You will become stronger than Dad!"

"Then I will go to practice!" Wang Tiantian said decisively, "I want to become stronger than my father and protect my parents!"

Hearing what Tiantian said, Wang Long was so moved, he hugged himself, beat his daughter and kissed him non-stop.

"My good daughter has grown up and is becoming more and more sensible. However, cultivation is very hard, you can't give up halfway."

"Well, I will!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Mingyue, who was at the side, also praised her sweetness and understanding.

Just do what you say, Wang Long plans to find a master for Tiantian.Gu Mingyue said that she has a friend with a very high level of cultivation, and she can introduce Wang Tiantian as a master.

Wang Long was quite at ease with his master's arrangement, so he agreed wholeheartedly.Let Master quickly invite his friend to come to sit at home.

So that day Gu Mingyue broadcasted his friend's phone number. For some reason, during the call, Wang Long always felt that his master was very afraid of his friend.

This is strange, it stands to reason that people like Gu Mingyue are among the best in the cultivation world in terms of strength and seniority, so why are there people he is afraid of?It shouldn't be.

And taking care of Mingyue's character with eyes higher than the top, he has never been afraid of anyone

"Okay, no problem, everything is up to you." Gu Mingyue hung up the phone with a smile, and then breathed a sigh of relief, as if the death row prisoner had received an amnesty.

"Master, who is the opposite?"

Gu Mingyue immediately changed into his previous face again, rolled Wang Long's eyes and said, "Don't worry about it, just leave this matter to the teacher. My friend, he will be there in the afternoon."

"Is it so early?" Wang Long shivered for a moment, quickly called the butler over, and told him, "Lao Li, hurry up and arrange a grand banquet. We are going to have distinguished guests at home this afternoon. Give me the highest specification! Take out all the good things."

Seeing Wang Long's attitude, Steward Li naturally did not dare to be negligent, and immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, Patriarch, I will definitely handle it well."

But Gu Mingyue waved her hand and said: "No need, let's avoid it, my friend doesn't like to engage in this kind of ostentation, and she said, come and pick up Tiantian in the afternoon and then go back. You should put this new one Come to my farewell dinner."

"Ah?" Wang Long was confused by him. He heard that his master was really stubborn. When did he say that he would hold a farewell party for him?

Gu Mingyue glared at him: "Why don't I deserve you to hold me a dinner party with the highest standard once I try it?"

Wang Long was sweating profusely and said, "How can I do it? I'll do it for you when the time comes, I'll do it for you!"

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon, Wang Long and Sun Zihan packed Tiantian's luggage, and they were waiting for that person to come.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the doorbell rang, and everyone opened the door to see an old lady walking in.

Gu Mingyue went up immediately, and greeted her with a smile.

"Okay, don't be poor, where is the Wang Tiantian you mentioned?" But the old lady didn't mean to be polite to him at all.

Gu Mingyue was devastated, so she had no choice but to bring Wang Tiantian over.

The old lady looked up and down, with a look of surprise on her face, and said, "Well, he is indeed a genius in practice. Well, come with me."

As he said that, he grabbed Wang Tiantian's wrist and was about to walk out.

"And you old ghost, don't pretend to be sick here, you'll be cured a long time ago!" The old lady grabbed Gu Mingyue's ear with her other hand and pulled him out as well.

"Hey, hey, don't stop, it hurts!"

Wang Long and his wife sent the three of them out in a daze.

Sun Zihan asked, "Is this old lady your master's old friend?"

"I think so too."

After sending Tiantian away, Wang Long thought that he hadn't lived with his grandson for a long time, so he planned to take her on a trip abroad

(End of this chapter)

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