Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 103 Top Mathematicians

Chapter 103 Top Mathematicians

Fifty pages!
A full fifty pages!
Ye Feng wrote a full fifty pages of proof formulas on his computer!
The few people around, whether it was Mr. Xu and the others, or Chen Lu and the others, were all stupefied with capital letters on their faces!
What the hell is this too exaggerated?

Not to mention whether Ye Feng's argument is correct or not, but to say that Ye Feng's abnormal hand speed is not human, which shocked everyone severely.

Hold a slot!

No wonder Mr. Ye Zi can open ten new books!
Nima's hand speed is too damn fast, right?

Fifty pages of mathematical formula arguments, Ye Feng actually spent less than an hour?

After Ye Feng typed the last character, he stretched himself, pointed at his computer, turned his head sideways and said to Chen Lu: "Do you understand?"

"Ah? Uh..."

Chen Lu is more than 30 years old, and she is also known as the youngest professor of Haida University, but at this time she can't speak a word.

Do you understand?

I'm sorry. I do not understand……

Seeing that Chen Lu didn't speak in embarrassment, Ye Feng looked around at the old professors behind him, and said softly, "Goldbach guesses what you all know?"

Of course they know!

"Well, can we take a closer look at your argumentation process?" An old professor said with some embarrassment. They were standing behind Ye Feng just now, and what they saw was not very real, and Ye Feng's typing speed was really high. It was too fast, their eyes couldn't keep up with Ye Feng's hand speed.

Ye Feng smiled, "Please go ahead."

After finishing speaking, he sat back in his seat and drank tea leisurely.

To be honest, Goldbach's conjecture, even in the original world, has not been fully demonstrated.However, the current Ye Feng is different, his strength in mathematics is definitely far beyond any contemporary mathematician!

He doesn't even need to stand on the shoulders of his predecessors, he is a giant himself!

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Chen Lu's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Professor Zhang?"

"Well, I know, there is something wrong here, let me ask."

Chen Lu walked to the side of the group of old professors, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, the time has come, the exchange meeting has already started, how about we..."

"What exchange meeting! I'm not going!"

Before Mr. Li could speak, one of the old professors waved his hand impatiently.The rest of the people, including Mr. Li, didn't even turn their heads, they were concentrating on flipping through Ye Feng's computer.

Seeing the situation, Chen Lu could only smile wryly, "Hey, Professor Zhang, we can't get away now, Mr. Li and the others temporarily decided to withdraw from this exchange meeting..."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Lu looked helplessly at the national treasure level masters in front of her.

Originally, today was the World Mathematical Exchange Conference held by Haida University. As a professor of Haida University, Chen Lu wanted to bring some masters out to drink tea and relax before the exchange meeting. , but now it’s all right, these national treasures don’t even go!
However, this is also normal.

The six people present are all the top mathematics masters in the country, and they are even well-known in the world.At this moment, they saw that Goldbach's conjecture, which has troubled the world for hundreds of years, was pushed to a new level by an unknown young man in a teahouse, and even solved.

How can this not shock them?
"The quintic equation formula?"

"A collection of decimals? This is useless!"

"No! This hb numerical calculation can be connected with k? It's too critical! This step is too critical!"

"Huh? Why hasn't the value of k changed? Impossible! Turn it over and read it again!"

"That's right! That's right! The Csc formula was used so cleverly by him! A genius! A stroke of genius!"

"Huh? This is the principle of bsb operation! Who of you understands the second operation of bsb?"

Suddenly, when I saw the seventh and eighth pages, a calculation stumped the six top mathematicians present.

"This...Professor Wang from Haida University seems to be an expert in this field."

"Professor Wang Lunwang?"


"Xiao Chen! Contact your professor Wang Lun of Haida!"

Although Chen Lu couldn't understand Ye Feng's argument, she still watched and studied from the sidelines. When she heard Mr. Li and the others talking, she immediately took out her mobile phone to contact Professor Wang.

"Huh? This is the curve-ellipse equation model, who is an expert in this field?"

"Academician Zhao from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Xiao Chen! Contact Academician Zhao!"


"Huh? Emma's Three Theorem? Who is the authority on this?"

"Dean Liu of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University!"

"Xiao Chen! Contact Dean Liu of Peking University!"


"Waltz sixteenth operation?"

"Old Li from Tsinghua University!"

"Xiao Chen! Contact Lao Li!"


"Xiao Chen! Contact Professor Wang of Yinhe Laboratory!"


"Xiao Chen! Professor Qian Zeming of Peking University!"


"Little Chen!..."


Chen Lu is now like a correspondent.

a phone call.

five calls.

ten calls.

Chen Lu didn't even know how many phone calls she had made, some out and some back. Professor Li and the others not only let Chen Lu contact the most authoritative mathematics masters in the domestic mathematics field, but even mathematics-related institutions, because they needed Some professional computer and related team support.Although some of Ye Feng's calculations and calculations were understood by some of them, mathematics is an extremely rigorous subject after all, and there is no room for sloppyness, and there is no room for mistakes in any place, and it needs strict argumentation and support. , so the support of the team is extremely necessary.

Moreover, mathematics is also divided into categories.

Some study linear algebra, some focus on equation functions, and some think about geometric theorems, etc. Although at their level, every mathematician must be familiar with other aspects besides their own main research and field. Understand some, and even some are very proficient.

However, there is still a big difference between proficiency and authority. In the field of mathematics, few people are omnipotent, and there will always be a focus.

For example, like those singers, some singers are professional singers of love songs. If you ask him to sing rock and roll, he can definitely sing even better than those non-professional singers, but no matter what, he must be It can't compare to someone who plays rock and roll professionally.In the field of mathematics, this is also the case.Naturally, for the demonstration of Goldbach's conjecture, we must find the most authoritative people in various fields.

In the auditorium of Haida University, the triennial International Mathematics Exchange Conference is being held at this time.

The successful holding of this year's mathematics exchange meeting by Longguo this year is undoubtedly the recognition of Longguo by the international mathematics community in the field of mathematics in recent years.This grand event in the mathematics field has gathered top masters from all over the world, and many well-known domestic mathematics masters will naturally not be absent.

It is a great honor for Haida University to host this exchange meeting.The entire school attaches great importance to this exchange meeting, and there will never be the slightest mistake.

"Principal, Mr. Li said that there are important things to deal with, so he won't come over."


The principal of Haida University was a bit confused. Mr. Li and the others, as national treasure-level masters in the domestic mathematics field, didn't they come a long time ago?And the school also arranged for the reception teacher to receive them, so why don't they come now if they can't come?If Mr. Li and the others don't come, half of the country's mathematics world will be missing!

How does this make people in other countries think?
This is equivalent to when you treat guests to dinner, but the host says that he has something to do, so you can eat by yourself, and I will not go.

Then they shouldn't be in a hurry with you!
(End of this chapter)

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