Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 110 Ye Feng's Romance

Chapter 110 Ye Feng's Romance

It was noon, Ye Feng and Su Ning both got up.

In the living room, the little guy giggled while watching the cartoon on TV while holding the milk.

My sister-in-law sat on the sofa, looked at the two people who walked down the stairs together, smiled wickedly, and said to Ye Feng meaningfully: "Brother-in-law, you can do it."

Ye Feng chuckled, and looked at Su Ning beside him.

Originally, Her Lady Queen was a little embarrassed, her pretty face was pink, but when Su Ling said that, her face turned even redder.While going downstairs, the jade hand touched Ye Feng's waist, pursed his lips and gave Ye Feng a white look, and grabbed the soft flesh of Ye Feng's waist with his hand, just for a while.

"It hurts..."

It really hurts!
Ye, who was in pain, bared his teeth and yelled, with his hands around his old waist, he jumped down the stairs in three or two steps, oops non-stop.

Seeing Ye Feng's funny look, the sister-in-law couldn't stop giggling, Su Ning walked up the stairs wearing slippers, and the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Brother-in-law, hurry up and cook, your daughter is already hungry. Look at her, she has already drank three cans of milk." Su Ling leaned on the sofa and gestured towards Ye Feng to the baby in front of her. Several empty bottles.

"It's not Yiyi! It's not me! It's not me! Boom~"

The little guy was watching the cartoon and giggling, when he suddenly heard his aunt frame him, the little baby quit immediately, hugged his milk bottle, turned his head and said coquettishly: "My aunt drank it! Hmph, bad aunt!"

Su Lingqiao blushed, she pouted at Yiyi and wrinkled her nose, "Bai is so kind to you, hum!"

The little guy was not to be outdone, Shui Ling's big eyes rolled up, and he raised his head, "Hmph!"

Looking at these two vindictive babies, Su Ning shook her head helplessly, feeling tired.


I didn't eat lunch at home.

A romantic French restaurant, originally Ye Feng didn't want to come to a western restaurant, he has never been interested in western culture.However, his sister-in-law had to come, and he was helpless.

"Brother-in-law, why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

Along the way, Su Ling did not know how many times she asked, but now that she was at the right place, the sister-in-law was still asking!Ye Feng's mentality is going to be blown up by questions!
Your brother-in-law, can't I invite your sister out for a meal?
Is there any need to make such a fuss!
"Waiter, please come here, we want to order."

Seeing Ye Feng's disgusted look, Su Ling stuck out her tongue and turned to call the waiter.

"I want this, this, and this, that..."

Su Ling crackled and ordered several dishes. The little guy looked anxiously, hugged his aunt's arm, and said softly: "Yiyi wants to eat this, eat this!"

Su Ling raised the corner of her mouth, "It sounds nice."

The little baby has no bones at all, so he said directly: "My aunt is the best, the most beautiful!"

Su Ling felt at ease when she heard that, her big eyes became a line of laughter, rubbed Yiyi's little head, and praised, "Good baby."

The little guy was also very happy, looking at his aunt with a smile.


Ye Feng covered his mouth and coughed, looked at Su Ling and said, "It's almost done, show your sister."


Su Ling exaggeratedly drew a long voice, and looked at the two sitting on the same side in a funny way.

Su Ning didn't have any special reaction this time, she took the menu openly, ordered two of her favorites, then tilted her head and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Ye Feng stretched his neck and approached Su Ning, and looked around, then asked in a low voice: "Is there any beef stew with potatoes?"

Su Ning: "..."

Su Ling: "..."


"Just kidding, just kidding." Ye Feng smiled awkwardly, "Enliven the atmosphere, enliven the atmosphere, purely to enliven the atmosphere."


The meal was finished with Ye Feng's intentional or unintentional activity, whether it was the little baby, the sister-in-law or the queen, everyone ate this meal very happily.

Walking on the street, Su Ning and Sister Su Ling were holding hands, Her Lady Queen would sneak a look at Ye Feng who was holding the child next to her from time to time.

1.8 meters seven, although a little thin, objectively speaking, Ye Feng looks really handsome, especially the father and daughter laughed along the way, and I don't know how Ye Feng made the little baby happy.

Is this still the bastard in memory?

In Su Ning's memory, she has never seen Ye Feng's smiling face, and she can't see Ye Feng several times a year, and every time she meets Ye Feng, she always has an impatient face, or a deadpan zombie face.

Su Ning has never dreamed of shopping like this before.

"Sister, let's go and look at the clothes? It's going to be winter, let's go pick out some thick clothes."



in the mall.

"Sister, brother-in-law, do you think this sweater looks good?"

Su Ling held a snow-white sweater and gestured on her body.

"Looks good." Su Ning nodded, and reached out to help her sister tidy up, "Change to a high collar, this neckline is too low." My sister suggested.

The shopping guide next to her also responded: "Miss has such good skin and such a tall figure. Wearing a white sweater, whether it is paired with jeans or stockings and shorts, it is very enviable to walk on the street." To be honest, when the shopping guide looked at this family, his eyes were full of astonishment. They were all beauties. Although Su Ning was wearing a big sunglasses, she couldn't see her face clearly, but her queen-like temperament was not enough. I know how many people are envious.There is also the little baby being held by the father, who can really cut people to death. I don't know how much disaster it will bring to the country and the people when it grows up.

Well, I have to say that although Su Ling is not as mature as a queen like her sister, her lively and agile temperament can be regarded as having her own merits.Of course, this is mainly because both sisters have good looks.Where is that super good looks? Su Ling looks good in anything she wears.

However, Ye has a different opinion.

"What kind of rags are these? These few pieces of cloth cost thirty thousand? Isn't this a scam?"

Ye Feng hugged Yiyi and said with a look of disgust.

The shopping guide's face, which was originally full of smiles, suddenly collapsed. He looked at Ye Feng with disdain, wondering if these people belong to the same family?

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Su Ning didn't say anything, Su Ling just oh, and put the clothes back.

Normally, no matter if it was Su Ning or Su Ling, as long as she liked this dress, she would definitely buy it.As for the price, honestly, they never look at the price.

However, it was Ye who settled the accounts today, and it was Ye who insisted on paying for the meal just now.

Well, that meal cost [-], and someone Ye almost smashed his dilapidated shop at that time.

In order to avoid extra problems, and thinking about my brother-in-law, it seems that he is not too rich, so forget it, I still don't buy it.

"What about this one?" Su Ling took another fancy to a small furry waistcoat, perhaps because she was used to it, but she didn't ask the price.

"How much? Twenty-one thousand? Why don't you go grab it!"


After visiting several stores, Su Ling also fell in love with several clothes, but Ye immediately exploded when he asked the price.Later, Su Ling didn't even bother to look at it. Seeing her brother-in-law like this, just stroll around casually.


Ye Feng stopped suddenly while walking, "Do you want to try that one?"

Ye Feng pointed to a gray mid-length mohair sweater cardigan, turned his head and said to Su Ning.

Su Ning was slightly surprised, let her try it?

The sister-in-law next to him reminded: "Brother-in-law, did you ask the price?"

Ye Feng shook his head, then said to Su Ning, "Go and try first."

Su Ning hesitated, thought about it, and tried it anyway.

Since it is a coat, there is no need to go to the fitting room.

When Su Ning put it on, Ye Feng walked around her twice, and finally nodded, "Not bad."

"Brother-in-law still has a good eye?" the sister-in-law said in amazement.

The dress Ye Feng picked is really good, with gray style and loose design, wearing it on Su Ning outlines a lazy style for her, just like a queen relaxing in the afternoon.

Su Ning also liked it very much.

"Well, that's all, give me five packs!"

Ye Feng opened his mouth lightly and said five pieces, without even asking the price, which really made the sisters a little bit astonished.

Is this still Ye Feng?

When did you get so angry?

"Brother-in-law, don't you have a fever?"

"Go, go, go."

Soon, the waiter wrapped it up, and said with a smile: "Sir, the total is 15 yuan, and it's 15 yuan for you."

Ye Feng didn't speak, didn't even blink his eyes, and took out a card directly.

"Welcome next time."

Such a heroic Ye Feng really made Su Ning and her two admire each other.

He was so picky just now, but in a blink of an eye he became such a rich man?
"Brother-in-law, I want that!"

"No way! It costs thirty thousand for such a shabby dress? Thirty thousand can buy a car!"

"Oh fine."


Su Ning looked at a purple sweater in front of her. Su Ning liked this color very much.

Ye Feng: "Wrap this up."

"Sir, the total is [-], including your [-]."

"Swipe your card."


"Brother-in-law, this dress is so beautiful."

"Too expensive to afford!"


Su Ning glanced at the pair of pants, just one glance.

Ye Feng: "Pack up those pants."


After shopping around for a long time, Su Ling could tell that his brother-in-law was not stingy at all, he just didn't want to buy it for himself!

As long as it is what I like, my brother-in-law will say it is expensive!

As long as my sister likes it, no, just take a look at it, no matter whether you like it or not, Ye Feng doesn't even ask the price, and doesn't even blink his glasses, just pack it up!
Angry baby!
Dead brother-in-law!Smelly brother-in-law!
Seeing her sister's pouting and unhappy face, Su Ning couldn't laugh or cry, why is Ye Feng like this, he only bought it for himself, not for that girl Su Ling, and didn't wait for Su Ling to get angry?

"Sir, take a look at this shirt. It really suits you very well. Don't you think about it?"

Ye Feng didn't even look at it, and directly refused: "No need."

Seeing this scene, Su Ning realized that Ye Feng had never bought anything.

Not only Ye Feng, but even the little baby who is usually spoiled by Ye Feng, would be rejected by Ye Feng with various reasons if he wanted to buy anything today.

When did Ye Feng reject the little baby?
Looking at Ye Feng's big and small bags that he could hardly hold in two hands, it seems that he bought them all for himself.

What does he... mean?
For a moment, Su Ning felt her heart beat a little faster.

PS Thank you for the rewards of the name of Huangzhi, plus more, and thank you for your various supports.

(End of this chapter)

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