Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 112 Ye Feng's Interview

Chapter 112 Ye Feng's Interview
In the past, Su Ning actually had a lot of doubts in her heart.

Why did the four Ye Zi appear so abruptly?And still appear together?

Why are "Confucianism and Taoism" written by Ye Zi and "Da Tang" written by Zi Ye so perfectly complementary?

Why do the four of them sometimes speak in the same tone?

Why do the four of them have inexplicably similar voices when they sing?
Why did Ye Mao know Su Ning so well during the Qixi Festival recording?


Now it seems that Ye Zi and the four of them really have a lot of doubts.

It's just that the performance of the four of them is really too strong and too perfect, no one dares to associate it with the opposite.Therefore, many problems have been ignored by everyone intentionally or unintentionally.Including Su Ning, if Ye Feng hadn't admitted it personally, if Ye Feng hadn't personally given her a circle of celebrities, then Su Ning might never have dared to imagine that they would be alone!

This is really too heaven-defying!
But it was not this that made Su Ning fascinated.

Rather, this person is Ye Feng.

If this person was someone else, Su Ning might only be shocked, but this person is Ye Feng. Apart from being shocked, Su Ning's heart is more complicated.

Looking at Ye Feng, she really didn't know what to say, her heart was full of complexity and disorder.

Not a word could be said.

"Go to sleep, it's getting late."

Ye Feng didn't say much, just hugged the baby who was already asleep, and went back to the house on his own.

For Su Ning, this news may really be beyond her cognition. It will take some time for Su Ning to regain her senses.

It's not that I can't accept it, but I just need to digest it slowly.


Early in the morning.

Ye Feng and Xiaobao got up, but Su Ning and Su Ling were still sleeping, maybe they were so shocked by the shocking news last night that they didn't sleep well.

Prepared breakfast for the two of them, and left a note, "My daughter and I went to work", and Ye Feng took the little baby out.

Ever since a computer with top-level configuration and ultra-high-definition graphics and zero-lag lag was installed in the teahouse, Ye Feng is now more and more active at work.

Soon, Ye Feng drove to the door of the teahouse.

Whoa, what's going on?
Looking at the crowd of people around the door, Ye Feng was really taken aback.

At the entrance of Yefeng Tea House, professors Li, Chen Lu and other mathematicians from Haida University, as well as Principal Wu from Haida University, were surrounded by reporters with long guns and short cannons.

"Elder Li!"

"I'm a reporter from Xinhua News Agency. What's your opinion on the proof of Goldbach's conjecture?"

Mr. Li laughed, and said in high spirits: "I didn't expect to see the top ten conjectures being solved in my lifetime, and I didn't expect that I would witness this historic moment with my own eyes." Mr. Li pointed The teahouse with the closed door behind him said proudly: "It was in this teahouse. I was there with several old professors at the time, and witnessed with my own eyes that Professor Ye from our school successfully solved Goldbach's conjecture! It can be said that this is The most influential event has happened in our Republic and even the world's mathematics community in recent decades! Professor Ye is the pride of our mathematics community, and even more so, the pride of our Republic!"

Professor Chen Lu next to him also said to the media: "At present, we have established a 'Checking Working Group' in Haida University, and we have received strong support from the state. At that time, Haida University will invite the best mathematicians from home and abroad to participate. , as soon as there is a result, we will announce it as soon as possible.”

In the past, many mathematical conjectures in the world were put forward one by one and then solved one by one. The role played by the mathematicians of the Republic in this is nothing more than going abroad again and again to participate in the verification or listen to the conjectures. side report.And this time, Ye Feng made a big face for the Republic!This time, the Longguo Mathematics World is the protagonist!

"I don't know when Professor Ye applied to Haida University? As far as we know, Professor Ye was a well-known existence in the literary world before he demonstrated Goldbach's conjecture. Whether it is novels or poems, Professor Ye has achieved impressive results, I wonder what President Wu thinks about this?"

Principal Wu was obviously prepared for this, and he said calmly: "As for the question of when our school hired Professor Ye Feng, what I want to say is that Professor Ye is a selfless person. As early as three years ago, we The school has already signed a labor contract with Professor Ye, but Professor Ye has been keeping his anonymity in order to study Goldbach's conjecture, and never publicized it in front of outsiders."

"As for some of Professor Ye's creations on the Internet in his spare time, we at Haida are very grateful to the seniors and fans in the literary world for their extreme affirmation of Professor Ye. We can only talk about the world of geniuses. We can't understand it. Maybe Wen understands and It is also the reason why Professor Ye can solve the problems that human beings have been helpless for hundreds of years."

At this moment, just as Ye Feng got out of the car with the baby in his arms, someone called out, "Professor Ye is here."

These reporters were like lightning, they quickly surrounded Ye Feng who hadn't reacted yet, and those reporters who were still interviewing Principal Wu also withdrew immediately, and rushed over there with their cameras on their shoulders.

"So, the literary literacy of mathematics workers is also..." Principal Wu accepted the interview with a red face, and was talking, but in the blink of an eye, he found that there was no one in front of him. Principal Wu almost stumbled. I was so embarrassed that I almost scolded people, isn't this too much for you?
But there is no way, everyone knows that Ye Feng is the protagonist, and no one can steal his limelight.

"Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye!"

A group of Chinese and foreign reporters surrounded Ye Feng, who was holding Yiyi, and the little baby felt a little uncomfortable when the flashing lights flashed. Ye Feng quickly covered the baby's eyes with his hands.

"Professor Ye, how did you manage to combine arts and science?" A female reporter shouted holding a microphone.

Ye Feng was a little helpless, but he could also understand these reporters, everyone was here to make a living, and it was not easy for anyone.

"Ahem." Ye Feng cleared his throat, and said to the female reporter with a serious face: "It's actually very simple to study both arts and sciences, as long as you read more books, read more newspapers, play more games, and sleep more. As long as you do this, you Can become as good as me!"

"Professor Ye, what is the belief that supports you to complete this shocking feat for three years in anonymity?" A reporter asked excitedly.

When Ye Feng heard this question, he was stupefied.

What the hell is three years?
Still incognito?
Why don't I know?
It may be that the reporters agree with this question, and another female reporter said: "Are you trying to prove to the world the ancient wisdom of our country and our nation? Or leave it to our future generations that perseverance can succeed. Faith? Or are you just working for the advancement of humanity?"

"Is it because our country's position in the world's mathematics circles has been unsatisfactory in recent years, and this has inspired your determination to rise up?"

The reporters were guessing, but everyone was still waiting for Ye Feng's answer.

For the country?

For the nation?

For humanity?

Or for dignity?

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a blank face: "Didn't you say there is a bonus of 500 million?"

The reporters almost vomited blood, but luckily Ye Feng made a sharp turn, "Of course, I'm definitely not doing it for such a small amount of money."

That's right!

This is what the greatest mathematician of our Dragon Country should look like!
"I mainly think that wisdom crystal is not bad!"

This time the reporters really vomited blood, "Huh?"

Upon hearing this, Professor Li and others who had followed him rushed forward and shouted, "Professor Ye!"

Principal Wu also stared wide-eyed, and hurried forward to block the reporters, "Don't record this episode! Don't record it!"

Many Haida professors who came with him quickly gave Ye Feng a wink, big brother, even if you think so, don't say it so ostentatiously, this shows how low the level of our Longguo mathematics circle is!
Ye Feng also quickly changed his words, and smiled at the camera: "Just now I was joking for everyone, what kind of wisdom crystal? I don't even know it's purple, so why would I care when it will be delivered?"

Reporters: "..."

Professor Li: "..."

Principal Wu: "..."

Seeing everyone's speechless expressions, Ye Feng coughed in embarrassment, why are you looking at me so contemptuously?I said I don't care, okay?

"To be honest, the question you asked was actually asked by our teacher a similar question when I was in elementary school." At this time, Ye Feng said seriously.


"When you were in elementary school?"

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Ye Feng's serious appearance, the reporters became interested one after another, even Professor Li and the others were very curious.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng eagerly.

"Once upon a time, when I was just in the second grade, our class teacher asked all of us, why do you study?"

why do you study
As soon as Ye Feng's words fell, everyone present was a little dazed and fell into short thought. Even the old professors frowned slightly.

Yeah, why are you studying?
In fact, many people have never thought about this question.

Many people asked me to study at home, so I went to study.

Or if you are so young, why go there if you don’t study?

Or many people would tell them at home when they were young that only by studying hard can they find a good job when they grow up.

Almost always.

"Then how did you answer?"

"Me?" Ye Feng smiled, although he was hugging Yiyi, but at this time Ye Feng still kept his body straight, looked up at the sky at a standard 45-degree angle, and said sonorously: "I said..."

"Read for the rise of China!"


The originally noisy scene suddenly quieted down.

Studying for the rise of China?
This simple sentence actually made everyone present feel excited.

Good sentence to read for the rise of China!
What is the purpose of Ye Feng's "incognito" argument for Goldbach's conjecture?
For the country?

For the nation?

For dignity?

Nor is it!
He is arguing for the rise of China!

Immediately, there was a thunderous applause at the scene, whether it was the reporters, the professors of Haida University, or even the students who were watching, they all expressed their hearts for this young but proud young man. Mathematicians applaud.

For the rise of China!


The applause lasted for a minute, and when the applause gradually stopped, a male reporter who was closer to Ye Feng asked excitedly: "Professor Ye, as a professor of Haida University, will you continue to devote yourself to academic research or Do you want to devote yourself to passing on your reading philosophy to the students of Haida University and even the whole of China?"

"As a professor of Haida..."

Ye Feng is also surging now, I have to say that the words said by the great man back then are really exciting, even a neurotic like Ye Feng can't help but feel blood in his heart when he hears these words.

However, Ye Feng, who was full of enthusiasm, only spoke halfway, and the smile on his face gradually froze.

Not quite right!

Haida's professor?
Professor Ye?
I always thought you guys were honorifics!

When did I become a professor at Haida University?
I don't know why!
"Cough, cough, as for Professor Ye's future work arrangements, it mainly depends on Professor Ye's thoughts. Whether it is concentrating on academics or concentrating on education, we at Haida University will definitely support Professor Ye with all our strength, and we will never disappoint the people of the whole country. expectations. Well, this is the end of today’s interview, thank you friends from the media.”

Seeing Ye Feng's expression that was getting out of control, Principal Wu quickly ended the interview, and Professor Li and Chen Lu also quickly pulled Ye Feng aside.

(End of this chapter)

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