Chapter 127
Dean Ma Luan rushed over with a few leaders at a trot.

Looking at the cheering students from a distance, the faces of these people changed instantly.

Taking a closer look, shit, what are you holding in your hand?



Did you loot all the logistics?

What a mess!

Does it look like a student at all!

"The bastards in front, let me stop!"

Dean Ma was so angry that he almost fainted, roaring like thunder.

After all, it's the dean. Dean Ma's voice is in charge, and the large group of students in front stopped immediately.

"Do you still have a little discipline? Ah! Do you still pay attention to school? Ah! This is why you are sent to school to learn? Ah! Look at each of you, how do you look like a student? Ah!" Ma The dean scolded the street angrily, and roared as he walked towards him: "Let me see who is in charge, so lawless!"

Pulling away the crowd, Dean Ma angrily walked forward.


"The leader must be fired!"

"Is this okay? What is this trying to do! Do you know the nature of this? Do you know how bad this effect is?"

"Let me see who ate the ambitious leopard... Um, Mr. Li?"

Ma Luan, who was originally angry, was stunned when he saw the group of people walking in the front.

"Old Li, Professor Wang, Professor Qi, Professor Chen Lu... What, what's going on?"

"Expulsion? Let me see who you want to expel!" Mr. Li was already full of anger, but Dean Ma rushed to the muzzle of the gun. Isn't this courting death?
"Uh, Mr. Li, listen to my explanation."

"Explain? Explain what?" Mr. Li immediately scolded his head and covered his face, "Everyone else is riding on your neck to shit, and you still have the face to yell from here? What did you, the dean, do? Huh? Can you still do it? How can you let others poach you from the professors in your department and show off your power?"

"Old Li, I..."

"You what you! You have such awe and prestige, you go to play with Zhao Huangming! Don't you have the ability? You go! You go to Zhao Huangming! You go to Wu Dehai!"

"It's not Mr. Li, what's going on here?"

Looking at the group of black-faced professors in front of him, they are almost the oldest group of people in the Department of Mathematics. He can't afford to be messed up, and now he wants to die.I don't know anything, and when I came here, I was scolded by Mr. Li in front of so many students, is it wrong?

Looking at this group of ancestors who were even more angry than he was just now, Dean Ma hurriedly said cautiously: "The main reason is what is going on. I don't know anything now."

Perhaps it was because Mr. Li was tired of scolding, panting heavily, he glared at Dean Ma, and said with distaste, "What if I count on you? Ha!"

Dean Ma twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't dare to talk back. At this time, Professor Wang Lun gritted his teeth and interjected: "Professor Ye, I have been transferred to the Chinese Department as a substitute."

"Hey, what's the big deal for me? We don't need to be so exhausting. It hurts your body. Mr. Li, you have to pay attention to your body. Where is Professor Ye going to substitute for... um? Who? Where? gone?"

Dean Ma was dumbfounded.

Professor Ye?
Which Professor Ye?
"Professor Ye Feng, I've been transferred to the Chinese Department as a substitute." Chen Lu was a little speechless, which was exactly the same as Mr. Li's reaction at that time.

"Wait a minute, let me take it easy."

After Dean Ma stood there for three seconds, he covered his head and began to shake a little.

"Dean Ma!"

"Dean, are you all right?"

The leader who followed him quickly stepped forward to support him.

"Zhao! Huang! Famous! I and you are at odds with each other!"

Dean Ma's eyes were red, and he yelled to the side: "Hey, give me a set square! I have to stab him to death today!"

"Dean, calm down!"

"calm down!"

"It hurts so much!"

The people on the side hurriedly pulled.

"Call me for someone!" Dean Ma was so hoarse.

One minute later, the Mathematics Department broadcast: "Urgent notice, urgent notice, all students who are currently at school and have no classes, go to the Chinese Department immediately to gather! Urgent notice, urgent notice, all students who are currently at school and have no classes, go to the Chinese Department immediately Gather in the Chinese department. Attention, attention, each person should bring as much as possible a teaching aid, set square, ruler or compasses, if not, please go to the logistics office to get it!"


Such a menacing army has already assembled and set off with the magic weapon, and the party over there, Ye Mou, has just finished his majestic appearance.

Dean Zhao saw that it was getting late, and everyone had no problems, so he stood up and clapped his hands, and said to the students: "Okay, this is the end of today's exchange meeting, tomorrow's specific course schedule, this afternoon's academic affairs The department will notify everyone, students who have classes tomorrow, remember to come to class on time."

Immediately, there was another round of applause.

Ye Feng smiled, this is everyone's recognition of him, and Professor Ye expressed his satisfaction.

It's past nine.

get out of class has ended.

Just as Ye Feng was about to leave with Principal Wu, enthusiastic students immediately surrounded him.

"Professor Ye, can I ask for an autograph?"

"Professor Ye, can we take a photo together?"

"Professor Ye, I have a question about literature that I would like to ask you. Can I treat you to a meal at noon?"

"I want to treat you to dinner too, no, I have a problem too."

"Yes, I have it too."

More than half of the students have left, and many of them have classes.Da Na, the remaining half of the students, are so enthusiastic.There are men and women, chatting around Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was very happy, and said that it was not an example, but he smiled and signed for a few classmates who asked for autographs, but he didn't agree to take a group photo. After all, he is a teacher now, and some things are still inappropriate.

Principal Wu was very happy, and went out first, "Let's go first, don't wait for Professor Ye." Seeing Ye Feng being so popular with the students, Principal Wu felt that he asked Ye Feng to teach the Chinese Department It's so fucking wise!
Dean Zhao looked at Ye Feng, who was surrounded, and shook his head with a smile. He really didn't expect this world-class mathematics master to bring him such a big surprise.Whether it's the ancient essay about the teacher or the sentence "the sea of ​​learning is boundless, the sky is the shore, and the mountain of books is the peak of man's peak", Dean Zhao admires it from the bottom of his heart.

Professor Ye, amazing!

Indeed, Professor Ye is of course amazing, do you think this is a surprise?


When you go out, you will find that there are even bigger surprises waiting for you outside.

Ye Feng was still dealing with enthusiastic students in the classroom, and Principal Wu led Dean Zhao and several other professors in the department to chat and laugh and leave first.

Go downstairs.

Go out.

What's happening here?
Is there a party?
Who called this dark crowd of students?

No matter whether it was President Wu, President Zhao or whoever, they were all stunned when they saw the scene in front of the building.

Taking a closer look.

The small group of people in front looked familiar!

Isn't it Mr. Liu, Professor Wang Lun, and Professor Qi? Why is there Dean Ma Luan?

What are they holding in their hands?


What does that mean?
"Old Liu, Dean Ma, who are you?" Principal Wu walked over in bewilderment, and Dean Zhao and the others followed behind, with puzzled and ugly expressions on their faces. What's the matter?The party of your mathematics department is coming to our Chinese department?This is a bit deceptive!
"Wu! De! Hai!"

Seeing Principal Wu, Mr. Liu gritted his teeth and wanted to eat him. Feeling Mr. Liu's murderous eyes, Principal Wu was shocked immediately.

ps Thanks to Ding Junshan, the brother with a string of numbers without a name, and Yin Wuli for their rewards, and the support of everyone's votes and book reviews, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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