Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 138 The lonely chapter overwhelms Tang!

Chapter 138 The Lonely Chapter Overwhelms Tang! (Add more rewards for the name of Huang)
Even Zi Ye called Li Bai a poet and Du Fu a poet, but he never said that Li Du was better than the poets of the ancient Tang Dynasty!

Although the top ten Li and Du poets created by Ziye are excellent enough, the poets of the ancient Tang Dynasty are not weak either!At least on par with the top ten poets!

If it is said that the author Zi Ye's poetic accomplishments are unprecedented, after all, he has involved too many genres, and it is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, even Zi Ye himself dare not say which poem is more powerful than the ancient Tang Dynasty!
How dare you, Ye Feng, say it?
Do you really think that if you are juxtaposed with Zi Ye, you are on the same level as Zi Ye?
Now the poetry world, or the cultural circle, usually put Zi Ye and Ye Zi together, but to be honest, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Zi's achievements in poetry are far inferior to Zi Ye.

Although "The Supreme Sage of Confucianism and Taoism" is amazing, it is not enough to compare with "The Great Tang Dynasty"!
Ability to suppress "Da Tang" and the works of all poets in the Tang Dynasty?

Everyone doesn't believe it!

This kind of work doesn't exist at all!

Zhao Huangming shook his head, a little helpless, "Professor Ye has brought the superiority in the field of mathematics to the cultural world!"

Dean Hu laughed and said: "Idiots talking about dreams! Returning the first poem? Funny! How can such an arrogant person teach students well?"

The old professor of Tsinghua University curled his lips and said, "It's so small that it's rare to beat Professor Ye? Isn't it the number one? What a big deal!"

"Professor Ye is a bit rash." Principal Wu used to teach physical education, and he knew that what Ye Feng said was a bit nonsense.

Dean Ma twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing, but Professor Li said nonchalantly, "Just came back to teach mathematics."

The auditorium became noisy, talking about everything.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Feng was not surprised at all, and said softly: "This poem is called "Moonlight Night on the Spring River."

As soon as he spoke, there was silence below.

Spring River Flower Moon Night?
I have never heard of this poem!
Professor Ye wrote it himself?
Just hearing the name made the professors' hearts jump.

Spring, river, flowers, moon, night?

These five kinds of things embody the most touching and beautiful moments in life, and these five words alone make people feel refreshed.

The professors of the Chinese Department were shocked.

isn't it?
Isn't that true?
Zhao Huangming regained his energy, and Dean Hu became a little nervous all of a sudden. Those who are engaged in mathematics don't understand much, and they didn't react much when they heard the name, but the professors of the Chinese Department stared at him.

At this moment, the auditorium was quiet, and everyone was waiting for Ye Feng's next words.

Ye Feng didn't keep everyone waiting too long, he didn't have to think about it, he just recited:

"The tide of the Spring River is even with the sea level, and the bright moon on the sea is tidal."

At the beginning of the chapter, a magnificent picture of a moonlit night on the spring river was immediately outlined in everyone's minds.

Just the first sentence, many professors couldn't help applauding!
"It's not easy!" Zhao Huangming muttered to himself.

"This..." Dean Hu was a little dumbfounded, he felt something was wrong.

Ye Feng continued, "Where are the spring rivers without moonlight? The river flows around Fangdian, and the moon shines on the flowers and forests like hail; the frost in the sky does not feel flying, and the white sand on the river cannot be seen. Jiang Tian The same color without any speck of dust, the solitary moon in the bright sky."

Following Ye Feng's recitation, a majestic picture slowly unfolded before everyone's eyes.

The river tide is boundless, as if it is connected with the sea. At this time, a bright moon emerges with the tide. How spectacular is it?The moonlight shines thousands of miles away, which river is not illuminated by the moonlight?

Feeling the delicate brushwork, everyone seems to be brought into a mythical and wonderful world. The world outlined in the poem is so beautiful and peaceful, which makes people yearn for it.

"Who on the riverside saw the moon for the first time? When did the river moon shine on people?"

Hearing Ye Feng's thoughtful and questioning tone, feeling the thinking about the philosophy of life and exploring the mysteries of the universe contained in these two lines of poems, finally, some people couldn't help it.

"it is good!"

Someone yelled, and suddenly, there was a wave of applause.

Ye Feng smiled, ignored it, and continued: "There are endless generations in life, and Jiang Yue is only similar year after year." It seemed like an answer after thinking, or a sigh when he was helpless.Life is similar from generation to generation, and Jiang Yue is like this every year.

"I don't know who Jiang Yue treats, but I see the Yangtze River sending water."

The emotions at the scene had already been drawn by Ye Feng. After hearing this sentence, many people shook their heads and sighed.A lonely moon lingers in the sky, as if waiting for someone, but it can never be fulfilled.Under the moonlight, there is only the rapids of the great river rushing away.

What's wrong with Zhao Huang's name? Dean Hu could only smile wryly and helplessly. Jiang Yue has hatred, but Liu Shui is ruthless.

"White clouds are drifting away, and Qingfengpu is full of worries. Who's boating tonight? Where is Acacia Mingyue Tower?"

"Poor upstairs moon lingering, should shine on Liren's make-up mirror. The jade door curtain can't be rolled away, but it can be brushed back on the anvil."

"At this time, we see each other but don't hear each other. I hope that the moonlight will shine on you. The swan geese fly long and light, and the fish and dragons dive into the water to write."

"Last night, the dream of falling flowers in the leisure pool, poor Chun Ban did not return home. The river is flowing and the spring is dying, and the moon is falling in the river pool and the moon is slanting westward."

"The slanting moon sinks and hides the sea fog, and the Jieshi Xiaoxiang has an infinite road. I don't know how many people will return by riding the moon, and the falling moon shakes the river full of trees."

After Ye Feng finished his recitation, the scene became quiet.

They need aftertaste, they need to think.

This poem really shocked them too much!
In the entire history of poetry development, you can find everything you can think of in this poem!




This song "Moonlight Night on the Spring River", both in thought and in art, has reached an unattainable height!

This is an ancient masterpiece that combines poetry, painting and philosophy!The five scenes of spring, river, flowers, moon, and night run through the whole poem, but they are not limited to the scene in front of them.

Zhao Huangming stared blankly.

Dean Hu opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

The other professors of the Chinese Department were either traveling with their eyes closed or dumbfounded. The impact of this song "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" was too great. They had never thought that poetry could be so comprehensive and elegant!

There is no flaw at all!

Ye Feng on the stage appreciatively analyzed the poem regardless of the reaction of the professors.

"First, let's look at the title of this poem..."

Ye Feng spoke vividly and clearly, and later explained to the students why this poem can be called "the first".

"No matter which way you interpret it, it is perfect. I would like to ask, looking at the "Da Tang" series or the ancient Tang Dynasty, is there a poem that can surpass it?"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he asked with a smile.

Under the stage, Yaque was silent.

Ye Feng smiled, and said softly: "This is the so-called 'solitary article suppresses the whole Tang'."

The single article overwhelms the whole Tang!

Ye Feng's voice is very soft, but this sentence makes people's hearts surge!
Ye Feng was standing there, but at this moment, he was like the stars in the nine heavens, so far away!

What kind of person is this?
Press the whole Tang with one hand, I respect poetry!
The faces of some professors in the Chinese Department changed. Ye Feng's "single article overwhelms the whole Tang" was too domineering, and some people couldn't get used to it.

"Hmph! Who said this poem is perfect?" Dean Hu stood up with a cold face.

"Oh? What's your opinion on this classmate?" Ye Feng raised his eyelids and asked.

Hearing Ye Feng call him a classmate, Dean Hu suppressed the anger in his heart, and gritted his teeth: "The mainstream of the Tang Dynasty is modern style poetry, but what kind of style is your poem? You can hardly say it is ancient style poetry! Such a strange poem How can you be called king?"

"Oh, strange poetry?"

Ye Feng sneered.

"What! Am I wrong!"

Dean Hu said with a cold face.

Looking at Dean Hu, Ye Feng thought of Sun Meng, the president of the Poetry Association. When he wrote "Pipa Xing", Sun Meng criticized the style of this poem as weird, not poetry.

Weird poem?

Is there only Tang poetry and only verses and quatrains?
It's a big joke!
ps: Thank you for the reward of the name of Huang, and I will add more.At the same time, I would also like to thank Wandering Yun and Meow for their rewards, thank you very much, and thank you for your support of recommendation tickets and book reviews, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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