Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 148 Chapter 147 Heartfelt Applause

Chapter 148 Chapter 140 Chapter [-] Applause from the Heart
Ye Feng took out a few more lesson plans, which were excerpts from some ancient books, all of which mentioned the words "Yuefu" and "Ancient Yuefu".Without exception, in these sentences, if "Yuefu" is interpreted as the official office that manages temperament, it will not make sense at all!
If it was before, no one would pay attention to these small problems.

But now, everyone is sucking in air-conditioning!

Because, in these places, if you understand "Yuefu" as poetry, it will all make sense!

Today's poetry development history is incomplete!
If someone had said this before, I don’t know how many people would have scoffed.Even Ye Feng, when he first made this statement, how many blank eyes did he encounter?Look at the experts off the court, how many are there?More than 1000 people!
What are they doing here?
To support Ye Feng?
Oh, hold a fart!

This group of people, they all want to kill Ye Feng!
Do you question the history of poetry development that has been sorted out by generations of talents?

It's just extremely arrogant!

Cultural circles!
Poetry world!
One by one, the bosses came here in a rage!Some people even rushed over overnight!
What for?
Didn't he just want to kill Ye Feng, an arrogant person?

But now, the scene is silent.

No one dared to stand up to refute Ye Feng, no one could find the loopholes in Ye Feng's argumentation system!
Yuefu poetry!
No matter from which aspect, Ye Feng explained everything, and he also explained everything!

You said Ye Feng was talking nonsense?

Sorry, there is really a record in history!It's just that no one noticed before!
You say take out this kind of Yuefu poems?
Sorry, Ye Feng can really show it!

You say this genre of poetry has no value?
I'm sorry, Ye Feng told everyone with iron-like facts, what is meant by "a single story that overwhelms the whole Tang"!
Ye Feng on the stage was still constantly perfecting his own theory, saying: "Too many Yuefu poems of ancient poems have been lost in history. I don't know how many excellent works have no chance for today's people. It is precisely because of this , There are too few poems in the genre of Yuefu poetry, so they are gradually ignored by later generations."

Indeed, for this reason, the number of complete Yuefu poems in this world is really too small!Too little to classify them into one category, so little that no one notices and no one studies them!
But now, Ye Feng shouted out the three words "Yuefu Poetry" in a shocking way, making people in this world truly recognize this genre for the first time!
Even though people may not recognize it now, Ye Feng will definitely let them accept it.

"As time passed, Ye Feng was still making various explanations on the stage. At this time, no one questioned it anymore, even if they still couldn't accept it in their hearts. However, they couldn't question it!

Looking at the time, class was about to end, Ye Feng gathered what he said to one point, and finally made a conclusion, "Whether it is inferred from the track of historical development or from the few clues, the current The history of the development of poetry is incomplete, and the shortcoming lies in the Han Dynasty, and the history of lost music is called..."



Listening to Ye Feng uttering "Yuefu Poems" word by word, no one in the audience dared to respond!

Just in time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

"get out of class."

Ye Feng said something softly, but there was still silence off the court, no matter if it was a student, an expert or a professor, everyone responded.Ye Feng twitched his lips, this group of students still owes a lot of training, are they so rude?Don't you say hello to the teacher after class?

Alas, the world is going down!
Come on, pack up and get ready to go home.

Ye Feng didn't lose his temper this time, and started to tidy up the lesson plans on the table with his head down.

One page……

two pages...

ten pages...

Ye Feng slowly sorted out the lesson plan, picked up the little baby who was playing beside him, turned around, and was ready to step off the stage and go out.

However, the moment he turned around, someone in the silent audience began to applaud, and the next moment, the tide of applause almost overturned the entire auditorium. The bomb exploded directly in the auditorium.

The audience burst into thunderous applause!

ten people...

a hundred……

People stood up one after another, and all the few students present stood up!Although no one said the phrase "Hello, teacher", all the students were clapping desperately for Ye Feng!
Yes, indeed!

Few of the students could get in on what Ye Feng said at the end, and even many of them were dumbfounded!
However, this does not hinder the fearless and arrogant image that Ye Feng erected in their hearts!

That's right!

It is fearless!

It's proud!

Indomitable fearlessness!
Scorn the pride of truth!
So what if the world laughs at me?

So what if everyone refutes me?

I, alone, dare to challenge the world!
I open my mouth and dare to refute the mouths of all living beings!
For the persistence in your heart, for the truth you think, be fearless!

This is the biggest impact Ye Feng's these few lessons have had on this group of students!
Sometimes, the inherent truth is not necessarily correct!

Principal Wu also stood up and clapped his hands, clapping vigorously!

Zhao Huangming was even more excited, waving his fists!

Are you waiting to laugh at my big eyes and blind eyes?

Are you going to scold me Haida for messing around?

Today, Professor Ye made a big fuss for Haida, and proved himself for Haida!

Professor Zhao, Professor Qian, Professor Sun, Professor Li and other professors from the Chinese Department of Haida University stood up one after another and looked at Ye Feng on the stage excitedly.

Dean Hu of Peking University's Chinese Department had dull-eyed eyes, and was in a daze, motionless.

Director Li and Director Liu all had complex expressions, sometimes gloomy and sometimes joyful, which was unpredictable.

The rest of the experts, scholars and professors all lowered their heads and pretended nothing had happened when they saw that these leading figures had not moved.

However, everyone knows that the cultural circle has lost this time.

Although the classics that Ye Feng mentioned have not had time to check one by one, but that can't change the final outcome.

Because even they now believe that the history of poetry development is incomplete!
In fact, this is not a bad thing, and it can even be said that this is a great blessing in the cultural world, because completing the history of poetry development has greatly promoted the development of poetry.

However, this person is Ye Feng, a master of mathematics!

This is difficult for many people to accept.

Suddenly, Dean Hu sighed, stood up slowly, looked at Ye Feng and said "pa, pa, pa", and Dean Hu clapped his hands slowly.

Director Li and Director Liu were a little surprised, but they were not too surprised. They sighed secretly and stood up.

The rest of the people saw it, come on, the boss has stood up, so let's stand up quickly.

"clap clap"

In the entire auditorium, more than 500 people, no matter what mood they were in, clapped their hands together vigorously at this moment, expressing their inner respect for Ye Feng with applause!

That's right, respect!
At this time, Dean Hu really admires Ye Feng, a professor in the mathematics field, from the bottom of his heart!

Before coming here, to be honest, Dean Hu came to Ye Feng angrily and wanted to settle accounts with Ye Feng. In terms of words, Dean Hu really has nothing to say.It is true that Ye Feng is into mathematics, but in terms of poetry, Dean Hu has to admire both his ability to compose poetry and his research on poetry!
The reporters also exploded, taking pictures like crazy!

Before today, who would have thought it would end like this?A group of experts who came here aggressively from all over the world, which one is not eager to kill Ye Feng and Haida?But in fact?Counting from the beginning of the class, this group of experts in front of Professor Ye were all the same as elementary school students, and they were indoctrinated with Professor Ye's various ideas!This is simply one-sided suppression!So many experts in the field of literature and education were directly persuaded by Ye Feng in half a day alone?Just let Ye Feng feed a thousand pigs one by one, so he has to feed them for two days, right?
This shit is just nonsense!

 Thanks to Du, dddwei, 2777, lonewolf, Nianjiu, Su Dizong Xuanyuanzun, An Moxiong, Grandma Shrimp Roll for their rewards, and also thank you for your votes and book reviews for your support, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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