Chapter 151


"Ancient prose! This must be ancient prose!"

"Professor Ye is awesome! That's awesome! Whoever has trouble with Professor Ye in the future will have trouble with me!"

"Ma De, who dares to say that the professor is not a Chinese teacher?"

"Invincible! This ancient prose is invincible!"

Looking at this picture of Ye Fengfa, all the students of the Chinese Department laughed like crazy.

On the Internet, many spectators were quite curious, what kind of picture did Professor Ye post?People from the Department of Mathematics were stunned after reading it, but people from the Department of Chinese were laughing like crazy after seeing each one of them?
Many people clicked on this picture with a curious heart.

"One for one."

"One two makes two, two two makes four."

"One three makes three, two three makes six, three three makes nine."

"One four makes four..."

What is he?

Is this a ninety-nine multiplication table?
I don't know how many people have a look of bewilderment on their faces, and they looked back and forth several times!
In the end, I came to the conclusion that the ancient prose that Professor Ye mentioned was his ninety-nine multiplication table!


Really confused!

This group of watching big brothers reacted similarly to the people from the mathematics department.

That is full of confusion!

Is this thing ancient Chinese?

Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?

What about trouble?

My ancient text, your second uncle!

This is obviously a multiplication formula!
The people in the mathematics department were stupefied, and the crowd watching the excitement were stunned. However, the people in the Chinese department understood what Ye Feng meant, so they all revived with full blood, screaming and attacking the math department.

"Sorry, this is really an ancient text."

"Haha, isn't the scum in the math department dumbfounded? Don't you understand? Let us teach you!"

"The so-called 'one by one gets one' means that one multiplied by one is equal to one. This sentence is obviously used in ancient Chinese! Hahaha, it is not an exaggeration to say that the formula for multiplication is in ancient Chinese!"

"So if you can't understand, then let's tell you in a simpler and rude way. The multiplication formulas were sorted out by the ancients, recorded in classical Chinese, hahaha!"

"The multiplication formula that claims to be the cornerstone of the mathematics world is actually written in ancient Chinese. Are you desperate? Do you dare to say that the Chinese department is useless?"

"Some people don't learn Chinese, and they may not even understand multiplication formulas, so what kind of mathematics are they talking about?"

The people in the Chinese department laughed wantonly at this moment.

Those in the mathematics department were all dumbfounded, and they were all dumbfounded, and they were all speechless.

Those watching the excitement, seeing this reversal, all of them opened their mouths wide and stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

How can he play like this?

Even Zhao Huangming, who participated in the battle with a trumpet, was dumbfounded at this time. Is Professor Ye really too strong?Can all these things be connected together?Moreover, after a little thought, you can know that this multiplication formula is really ancient Chinese, but no one has noticed it.


At this time, Zhao Huangming really began to admire Ye Feng from the bottom of his heart!

The dispute between arts and science has been going on for so many years, who has thought of this thing?

On the other side, Dean Ma, who also uses a trumpet to online, has a black line at one end, what a scam!Professor Ye, you are a professor in the Department of Mathematics!How can I help the Chinese Department?

Seeing this group of people from the Chinese Department scolding Zhenghuan, Dean Ma wished he could strangle Ye Feng, the traitor, to death!
Just because of his one sentence and one picture, the mathematics department was directly rubbed on the ground!

However, at this moment, Ye Feng posted another post.

Similarly, a word, a picture.

"The so-called romance is nothing more than that."

Below is a picture.


"Hurry up!"

"Professor Ye posted a post again, look at the picture!"


"It's probably because Professor Ye can't understand the group of people in the mathematics department who don't understand romance."

A group of excited Chinese department buddies excitedly clicked on Ye Fengfa's picture, wanting to see what Professor Ye posted again this time.

But when they opened the picture, they were dumbfounded.

Because, on the picture, there is something like this:
What the hell is this?
function formula?

Is this what Professor Ye calls romance?

What the hell?

A group of liberal arts students expressed a look of bewilderment!
However, seeing this function formula, they suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Could it be that Professor Ye went back to help their mathematics department?
As soon as this idea came out, everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly turned to look at the group of people from the mathematics department.

so far so good!

Looking at the piles of question marks, the people in the Chinese Department felt relieved.

It turns out that this group of people from the mathematics department can't understand it either!

Really, looking at this formula, not only people from the Chinese department can't understand it, but even those from the mathematics department are confused!



What does this have to do with romance?
Dean Ma Luan, who was holding a mobile phone, was confused at first, not knowing what Ye Feng meant.However, the dean is the dean, even though you are wearing a trumpet for a vest, it is also your dean!
Looking at this equation, Dean Ma felt more and more strange.

This thing seems to be a curve function?

Thinking of this, Dean Ma took out a piece of paper and lowered his head to write and draw.

About a few minutes later, Dean Ma in the office suddenly stood up and blurted out, "Hold the grass!"

Staring wide-eyed and looking at the piece of paper in his hand with a face full of shock, Dean Ma felt his heart beat a lot faster.

"This this this..."

Looking at the function curve drawn on the paper, Dean Ma was so excited that he didn't know what to say!


It's ok?
I'll fuck him!

Looking at the xinxing curve on the paper, who the hell dare to say that there is no relationship between the two?

It wasn't until this moment that Dean Ma understood what Ye Feng wanted to express!
Is it romantic enough to use a function curve to express your love?

How dare your Chinese department say that we who do mathematics don’t understand romance?
When it comes to being romantic about mathematics, even we ourselves are so frightened!
Dean Ma, who was trembling with excitement, quickly announced the result on his own trumpet.

Immediately, everyone, no matter whether you are a math student, a Chinese student, or a boring melon-eating crowd, at this moment, their eyes are staring straight at this "heart-shaped curve".

It turns out that mathematics can still be played like this?

Before everyone recovered from the shock, Professor Ye made another announcement.

This time, without a word, just two pictures.

On the first picture, "128√e980" is written crookedly.

Looking at this picture, there are also confused faces. No matter who it is, no one can understand the meaning of these numbers.

However, when everyone opened the second picture, they were petrified again!
The second picture is Iloveyou!

Moreover, this is not the point, everyone knows this English sentence!
What's really frustrating is that the phrase "iloveyou" was created by removing half of the number symbols in the first picture!
I go to him!

Can he do it?
Kneel down!

I don't know how many people knelt down to Ye Feng!Regardless of whether he studies mathematics or not, at this moment, he is kneeling down to Ye Feng!

Ye Feng is probably the only one who can play mathematics to this extent in the whole world, right?

Professor Ye, how boring are you?

Have you been researching this stuff?

Or is it that the world of super mathematicians is no longer comprehensible to mere mortals?
And, what do you mean by that?
First to help the Chinese department, and then to the mathematics department?
Where is your old man helping?

"Professor Ye, as the greatest contemporary mathematician, naturally stands on the side of the mathematics world!"

"Nonsense! Professor Ye has just perfected the history of poetry development, this is definitely a shining new star in the literary world!"

In the circle, not only did it not calm down, but it became even more chaotic at this time.The two groups were arguing over which side Ye Feng belonged to, and they refused to give in to each other.

Looking at this group of people, Ye Feng, who was lying at home, was speechless.

What kind of literature and reasoning, isn't it boring?
How big a person is, even worse than a child!
"Two or three miles away, there are four or five houses along the village. There are six or seven pavilions and eighty or ninety flowers."

After posting this poem, Ye Feng just threw the phone aside. If they could understand it, they would understand it, and if they couldn't understand it, they would leave it behind.

(End of this chapter)

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