Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 162 Ye Feng cheated?

Chapter 162 Ye Feng cheated?


In the first few rows, the people in Haida were already in a mess.

Those who called the doctor called the doctor, those who contacted the hospital contacted the hospital, and some even shouted at the top of their voices.In short, at this time, the people in Haida were already in a panic.

Professor Ye has a splitting headache, this is a big deal!

There was such a big mess before, the host on the stage or the judges or Sun Meng and others naturally saw it.

Over there, at the judges' seat, Sun Meng and the Writers' Association and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles were surrounding the three judges.

"Teacher Feng, you saw that this Ye Feng must not dare to participate in the finals, so he pretended to be sick! I said that he must not have come up with the second line during the preliminaries, or how could he fall ill at such a coincidence? "Sun Meng looked contemptuous. He just wanted to report to the Federation of Literature and Art. Did Ye Feng come up with the second couplet by himself, but saw it in other ancient books!
Although Sun Meng didn't have any evidence, his claim could stand up to scrutiny!Because, the Shanglian in the preliminaries was originally discovered in ancient books, and Ye Feng has perfected the history of poetry development, how many ancient books has he read?neither knows!Maybe I happened to see the second couplet of this couplet in some ancient book!What's more, Ye Feng's couplets are too many, too shocking!Others can't match up once in ten years, but you can match up to five in an hour?Isn't this too nonsense?

Therefore, not only Sun Meng suspected Ye Feng of cheating, but even the leaders of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles began to suspect Ye Feng!

Elder Feng, who was the first judge, also frowned. He was dubious when Sun Meng reported Ye Feng's cheating just now.However, Ye Feng suddenly fell ill now, isn't this too coincidental?
Could it be that Ye Feng was really afraid of revealing his secrets and dared not participate in the finals?
At this time, more than ten minutes had passed, and the host couldn't hold on any longer. He looked at the judges and said, "Mr. judges, can we start?"

Here at the judges' seat, a staff member of the Poetry Association saw this, walked over quickly, took the microphone and said: "I'm really sorry, something happened here, we just found out that a contestant cheated, and now we are discussing how to deal with it." deal with!"


"How could anyone cheat?"

"who is it?"

The audience chattered immediately.

The people from the Poetry Association didn't know whether they were out of touch or intentional, and said directly: "It was Ye Feng who was caught cheating!"

The three judges over there all flashed a stern look, especially Mr. Feng looked coldly at the member of the Poetry Association who told Ye Feng without consent. name?Who told you to say that?If the result is wrong, who can give Haida an explanation?If Professor Ye is wronged, the people from Haida will probably kill them!

The hostess was also stunned, she just said that Ye Feng is a master!
But the people from the Poetry Association didn't seem to see the sharp eyes of the judges, and continued to say carelessly: "Because in the preliminaries, no one answered the last line in the last ten years, but Ye Feng not only answered it, but also did it all the time. The tone is correct five times! This is simply impossible, and no one can do it! But Ye Feng did it, which is obviously unreasonable, and nine times out of ten it is the answer from other sources, which is obviously cheating!"

Old Feng was furious, "Let him come down!"

The faces of several leaders of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles were also quite ugly. One leader said angrily to Sun Meng: "Let him get out!" All the swear words came out!

They are really scared!
What the hell are you saying are all inferences!

What if Professor Ye really didn't cheat?
Haida has to pull out their skins!
Sun Meng frowned, and still let his people come down, but everything that should be said has been said, and it is useless to come down.

The words were astonishing, and this matter exploded in an instant!

Whether it was the audience at the scene or the netizens watching the live broadcast, everyone heard it.

"Ye Feng?"


"Professor Ye from Haida University?"

"Yezi actually participated in the couplet contest?"

"Boss Ye Zi actually cheated? Is it true?"

"He probably doesn't know couplets, is it really cheating?"

"But Mr. Ye Zi must have read a lot of books!"

"If it is said that others can't find the answer in the ancient books, but if you say that Ye Zi can find the second line in the ancient books, I really believe it!"

"Could it be that Mr. Yezi really cheated?"

On the Internet, many people actually didn't notice that Ye Feng was also participating in the competition at first, but once they mentioned it, they were immediately blown up.Even, many people began to doubt Ye Feng!The main reason is that Ye Feng really meets all the conditions for cheating!
First of all, he has never shown that he can read couplets before, and secondly, no one in the entire Dragon Kingdom has read more books than him!

However, few of the audience at the scene thought so.

Su Ling said angrily: "Brother-in-law will cheat? It's just nonsense!" Although she knew that Ye Feng didn't understand couplets, she still didn't believe that Ye Feng cheated!
Su Ning also had a sullen face, looking at Sun Meng and the others angrily.

Senior Dou was even more furious, "I, Professor Ye, do I need to cheat? Let your dog fart!"

Seeing that Professor Ye was being slandered, Senior Sun said calmly, "Professor Ye, it is impossible to cheat."

This group of students didn't believe that Professor Ye would cheat at all!No one believed it!

And Zhao Huangming was even more furious. He stood up and pointed at the judges' bench and cursed, "Who the hell said that Professor Ye cheated? What about the evidence? If there is no evidence, just wait for the subpoena from the court!"

"Yes! This is slander! We Haida will never tolerate it! See you in court!"

"You wait! Whether it's the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Writers' Association, or even you three judges, I don't care who you are, as long as there is no evidence, just wait to go to court!"

"Our Haida will never let it go!"

"Extremely shameless! Professor Ye is like this, and you still speculate maliciously? It's simply too deceiving!"

A group of teachers and leaders of Haida got angry one after another. They stood up one by one and pointed at the stage and cursed, without any regard for face, live broadcast, or influence!
In our Haida, what the hell are you defaming Professor Ye?

He is courting death!
Ye Feng's complexion was also ugly. I don't know if it was because of anger or a headache, but it can be imagined that Professor Ye must be in a bad mood at this time!

Principal Wu was even more outraged. Professor Ye was already in a very uncomfortable state, so what the hell are you doing to trouble Professor Ye?

I can't bear it!
Principal Wu's face was extremely gloomy, and he stood up slowly, pointing to the judges' seat on the stage with one hand, and not forgetting to support Ye Feng with the other hand, he said angrily: "I don't think your shit couplet contest will be held anymore, why the fuck? You are not welcome at Haida!"


Everyone is stunned!

Sun Meng and the others expected that the Haida people would be furious, but they never imagined that they would be so violent!

See you in court?
Don't need to do it?

Get out of Haida?

Come up and scold?

Whether it's from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles or the Writers Association, everyone is dumbfounded!

I didn't think of it at all!
Even the hostess said angrily: "Professor Ye cheated? I'm the first one not to believe it! I also heard about the preliminaries. Didn't Professor Ye just spend a little longer thinking about it? Don't you have to think about answering such difficult questions directly?" Is it normal? It’s a joke! If there are too many couplets, it’s cheating. Is there such a reason? If you can’t do it, it’s cheating if others do it. Then I don’t think there is any need to hold the couplet contest anymore. Everyone is cheating. , anyway, I can’t match a single couplet!”

The male host next to him looked at his partner in astonishment, and quickly winked at her, thinking what are you doing?Still think it's messy enough?You really dare to say anything!Even if you are from the Faculty of Arts, you don't have to treat Professor Ye like this, do you?

But the hostess didn't care at all, "Let's wait for the result! Professor Ye can't cheat!"

The scene became more and more chaotic, there were those who scolded Ye Feng on the Internet, and those who supported Ye Feng on the field, and even the leaders of Haida over there had already exploded, pointing at the judges and scolding them directly, without saving any face!
In the end, even the hostess gave Ye Feng a voice and publicly supported Ye Feng, and the scene immediately got out of control. Everyone knew that this matter must have a result!

(End of this chapter)

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