Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 198 Knowledge Is Life

Chapter 198 Knowledge Is Life

Sitting on the co-pilot, Ye Feng lit a cigarette for himself tremblingly. Don't look at what he said just now, but he was so panicked!

He didn't even think that he could really kill the gangster opposite him!
It can only be said that the spirit of An Shisan is not normal anymore!

He was directly confused by Ye Feng's words!

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng calmed down a bit.

But before Ye Feng could relax completely, the siren of "Dididi" came back in the cab.

Hearing the sound of the siren, Ye became so popular.

"What's wrong with him?" Ye's mentality exploded, and he swore that he would never fly again in Nima!

The driver over there mechanically lowered his head. Really, he hasn't recovered yet, and he still looks confused.Hearing the siren, he just stared blankly at Ye Feng and said, "No, no gas."

Someone Ye thought there were gangsters again, but when he heard that it wasn't this, he let out a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's just that there's no gas...what?"

What the hell?
Out of gas?
I went to Nima!

He might as well be a gangster!
Ye Feng was dumbfounded!
What should I do if I run out of gas?
The co-pilot sitting on the ground stared blankly at Ye Feng, and asked blankly, "What should I do?"

How to do?
How the hell do I know what to do!

At this time, Ye Feng quickly grabbed the communicator and shouted: "Brother, the big brother on the other side, are you fucking dead? Get me some oil!"

"Hey! Hey! Brother, are you dead or not? You should say something!"

Ye Feng yelled at the intercom a few times unwillingly, don't say it, the other side really replied.

"Well, we don't have enough oil."

The voice was very weak, but it was obviously not the dark thirteen, it should be the pilot of the airliner.

Everyone in the cabin heard the sirens, and everyone was still in a daze. A passenger asked the stewardess next to him in a daze, "What, what's going on?"

The stewardess said tremblingly, "Yes, it should be out of gas."

I thought the passenger's complexion would change drastically, but who would have thought that the eldest brother just let out an "oh", and then went about doing what he should do, without any reaction at all.

The stewardess was surprised, "Are you not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" The passenger said as a matter of course: "With that young man here, I don't believe that something happened to this plane today."

The stewardess was stunned, and stammered: "But, but now I'm out of gas!"

"What's the matter?" The passenger said, "You can't fly without fuel? I believe that young man blows up the plane."

The stewardess was dumbfounded, but what he said seemed to make sense, and I believed it too!
At this time, the pilot's voice sounded in the cabin, "Passengers, don't panic, our plane is just out of fuel, and this is not a major failure."

With a bang, the plane vibrated, as if it was descending.

"It's okay, although we are about to fall, but everyone, don't panic, this is for... um, what's your name, young man?"

Ye Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, listened to what the driver said, and he was going crazy!

so calm?

Don't panic?
Who the hell gave you the confidence!
What's my name?Is this the point!
We are going to crash!

It's about to crash, my lord!Are you still asking me what's my name?
"Young man? Talk!"

"What's your name?"

Although the fuel gauge has bottomed out, Lao Zhou is not panicking at all, he is recovering now, isn't it because he is out of gas?What a big deal!

This guy definitely has a way!

In the cabin, there was no tense or panic atmosphere. Compared with the previous reactions, everyone was completely different!
"Yes two! Can you handle it?"

"What, give me a chicken drumstick rice, I've been hungry for most of the day."

"Is there a drink? Give me a bottle."

"Be good, baby, wipe your tears and stop crying. What? We'll die if the plane falls? How is that possible? The plane won't fall."

Ye Feng turned his head to look at the people in the cabin, it was Nima who did everything!

Is it too much for you to fight the landlord?

And that big brother, what the hell are you talking about?Want some chicken drumstick rice?Want to add a chicken leg?
Our plane crashed right before our eyes!
How can you be so leisurely?

Hold the grass!

"Oh, young man, what the hell are you..."

Seeing that Ye Feng had been ignoring him, the driver started asking again.However, before he finished speaking, Ye Feng exploded directly, and shouted: "What is my name? Is that the point? The plane is about to crash and you keep asking me what is my name? What are you doing?" Is there any way?"

"Me? Of course I can't help it." Old Zhou Zhou was speechless, asking this question, if I have a way, why would I ask your name?

Ye Feng almost vomited blood, why the hell can't you be so calm?I, Ye, am really convinced today!
"Young man, don't be in a hurry. We can still fly for 10 minutes. Take your time and figure out a way. Don't be in a hurry." Lao Zhou comforted Ye Feng with a smile.

10 minutes?
Isn't this Nima in a hurry?

I rub!

Ye Feng can't wait to hit his head to death now, he feels that he might as well be dead now!
At this time, Ye Feng could also see that these big brothers were so confident, they all pointed at him!
Come on, hurry up and think of a way!

Ye Feng forced himself to calm down immediately and cleared his mind, "How much oil do we have?"

"[-] tons." Old Zhou replied.

"Fuel consumption rate?"

"One and a half tons per hour."

"No, it's average!" Ye Feng said angrily while writing and drawing in a notebook, "I'm talking about the specific fuel consumption per hour!"

Lao Zhou glanced at him, "Are you trying to make a profit?"

"What's the advantage?"

"It's the biggest utilization point of aircraft fuel."

"Grass, how early did you say you have this kind of data!" Ye Feng had black lines on his face. Although what Lao Zhou said was a bit vague, it was exactly what Ye Feng was planning to calculate.

That's right!

Someone Ye decided to use his mathematical knowledge to calculate and see how he could fly back without fuel!
Don't think that Ye Feng is fanciful, Ye Feng has seen this kind of hypothetical calculation in books!
If it is accurate, it is really possible!
Although Ye Feng also thinks it is a bit nonsense, but this is the only way Ye can think of!
"Let's go faster?"

"230 four!"

"Current height?"

"Eight thousand."

"No, it's too low, raise it to [-]!"

"The weight of the airliner?"

"Three hundred tons!"

"No, it's too heavy, you have to throw something down!"

"Um. Throwing something?" Old Zhou Zhou looked confused, "Throwing what?"

Ye Feng roared: "I don't care about you, you can do whatever you want!"

"I'll arrange it!" Co-pilot Lao Feng said, "How much to throw?"

"36 tons!"

"Pfft!" Old Feng almost vomited blood, "Why are you throwing this?"

36... tons?

What about you?
"Those unimportant luggage, those useless things that can be removed from the plane, how can I teach them?" Ye Feng roared.

Old Feng said again: "Isn't that bad? We throw things around like this, in case we hit some flowers..."

"Hurry up!" Ye Fengqi said, "Look where we are now?"

"Um, alright." Lao Feng glanced at it, he was still on the sea, and it would take 3 minutes to fly to the sky above Jinmen.

Ye Feng asked a lot of data, and frantically calculated in the notebook, what is the distance from the nearest airport, what is the maximum mass of the plane when it can fly the farthest, and the maximum forward propulsion provided by the inertia is enough to taxi. The distance, what is the linear function graph between the flight height below the flight limit and the fuel consumption, and the function vertex...

After calculating a lot of data, Ye Feng finally calculated a set of the most perfect plan that can maximize the use of limited fuel and obtain the maximum mass inertia to promote the flight distance!
"Flying altitude one thousand two!"

"Two hundred and two per hour!"

"Destination Jinmen International Airport!"

"In the first 30 seconds when the fuel runs out, try to reach the top speed!"


Ye Feng told Lao Zhou how to operate in one breath, as for the final result, he could only resign himself to fate.

"Okay." Lao Zhou smiled, although he didn't know why Ye Feng asked him to do this, but he was definitely right.

(End of this chapter)

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