Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 624 Are you dissatisfied?

Chapter 624 Are you dissatisfied?


Hepha throws in the towel?
What's the matter with Nima?

Why did you admit defeat out of nowhere?
too suddenly!

Is it too fucking sudden?
Lao Mei didn't respond!
The people outside the teahouse didn't react!

The audience in front of the TV didn't react!

No one expected it!

What the hell is going on with this Nima?

How did you win?

"Win, win? Huh?"

"What, what do you mean?"

"What's the situation?"

"Huh? Hepha gave up? I'll fuck!"

"No, didn't I read it wrong? Hepha surrendered? Is that how he surrendered?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

"How did Professor Ye win? Didn't Hepha just turn around? Didn't it mean that the decline has been reversed? Isn't it going to turn against the sky? Give up? What's the matter?"

I don't know how many people are confused!

Completely incomprehensible!
Everyone watched this game in a daze!

Until, the international referee announced that Hepha had indeed surrendered and Ye Feng won!It wasn't until this moment that everyone really reacted!

Humans won!

We did win!

The old beauty's face was pale.

Chen Wei roared: "We won! Humanity won!"

Liu Yang was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Chi Haiyang burst into tears, looked up to the sky and screamed, "Xiao Hai! You are blessed by the spirit of heaven! Professor Ye has won! Our Go world has won! Humanity has won! Rest in peace!"

The hostess in the live broadcast had already covered her mouth and cried, "Congratulations, Professor Ye! This is the greatest victory in the history of Go! Professor Ye helped human beings to keep the last dignity! It's amazing! Professor Ye is invincible! , [-]-[-] against Hepha artificial intelligence! This definitely represents the highest level in the Go world ever! Professor Ye has proved by practice that the mighty Americans are not invincible! The artificial intelligence they boasted is not invincible either! Professor Ye represents mankind and proves that human wisdom is invincible! Well done Professor Ye!"

Hepha is invincible?

Artificial intelligence is more powerful than human intelligence?

Bragging!You fucking keep bragging!

The first game was directly blacked out by Professor Ye, and the second game was thrown by Professor Ye's abuse!
This is invincible?
Go to your uncle's invincibility!

Wang Yu Jiuduan even shouted and celebrated in the live broadcast excitedly!
He really didn't know how to express his mood at this moment, so he could only vent in this way!


Japanese Chess Academy.

Kameda Kudan still couldn't believe it, "Win?"

The dean next to him threw the book in his hand, hugged Kameda Kudan, and shouted: "We won! We won!"

"Professor Ye is amazing!"

"Humanity has won!"


stick country.

Li Quanshi burst into tears, "It's amazing! It's really amazing! Professor Ye, from now on is my goal! I must work hard to defeat Professor Ye!"

"Come on! Quan Shi, you can do it!"

"We are waiting for that day!"

"Professor Ye is really amazing!"


Granville C Headquarters.

Su Ke exaggerated, "I'll go! Brother-in-law is too good! Assistant!"

"President Su!"

"Did you see the news?"

"Well, I see."

"Notify the news department and push the news of Mr. Ye with all our strength!"



The second floor of the teahouse.

My sister-in-law jumped up from the sofa with a cry, "Brother-in-law won! That's great!"

Ning Ning was also very happy, holding her daughter and pointing to the TV, "Look, dad won, cheers dad."

"Papa is great!"

The little guy clapped his hands with a smile and danced excitedly.

Although there was no expression on Lengmei's face, there was a smile in her eyes.

Gao Chang also smiled all over his face, "Brother Ye is really amazing."


Propaganda Department.

The director called the secretary, "Tell the following media that tomorrow's headline must meet Professor Ye!"


In fact, there is no need for the Propaganda Department to say that the major media will definitely report crazily!

This is a historic moment!
Fools don't report it!
However, when the reporters were frantically taking pictures and even conceiving tomorrow's article, there was a scene that no one expected.


Ye Feng came out together with the representatives of the United States. Ye Feng was naturally refreshed. As soon as he stepped out of the door, he was surrounded by the crowd. A group of people danced and wept with joy beside him!


"we won!"

"Long live Professor Ye!"

Wu Dehai waved his hand even more, and said to everyone: "I'm treating guests today, everyone don't leave for a while!"


"Professor Ye has to go too!"

"I have to go!"

"The biggest hero!"

The scene was very jubilant!
Ye Feng could understand their mood, nodded to everyone, and said: "Let's talk about it later, there is still a press conference."

"Yes, press conference!"

Everyone retreated a little unconsciously, giving up the space to the reporters.

Hurrah, the reporters swarmed up, immediately surrounded Ye Feng and the US representative.

"Professor Ye, can you tell me how you feel at this moment?"

"Impressions? Nothing special, as expected."

"Professor Ye, does the new formula you played have a name?"

"New set? Which one did you ask? They all have names."

"Ah? Which one? Isn't there only one new set?"

The reporter was dumbfounded.

He didn't even react to the hot people in the chess academy next to him.

Chen Wei was astonished and said, "Is there another formula?"

"Isn't it just the one that slays the dragon? And that one?"

"I know!" Zhao Guang Jiuduan was the first to react, and added: "The bottom right corner at the end! That is also a fixed form! A new fixed form!"

"Yes! I didn't notice it just now, that is also a set formula!" Chi Haiyang was also surprised.

Ye Feng smiled and said to everyone: "The dragon-slaying pose is called the 'Demon Sword Set', and the last set is called the 'Great Avalanche Style'."

"Demon Saber Set?"

"Big avalanche?"

"What a great name! It's so vivid! As expected of a master in the literary world, the name he chose is just nice!"

However, compared to the names of these two new fixed forms, the people in the Chess Academy were even more shocked that Ye Feng actually played two fixed forms at the same time?

Not two formulas!

There is also the Datong style of heaven and earth!

It's three!
It's three formulas!
The three fixed formulas come out together and appear in a game of chess at the same time?
This is unprecedented in history!
"Isn't this too complicated?"

"How did Professor Ye control it?"

"It's unimaginable!"

"The Tiandi Datong style is too amazing, right? I thought it would be shocking enough to be able to play one more set style, but I didn't expect to be able to play two? How many other set forms can the Tiandi Datong style hold!"

Everyone was astonished by Ye Feng's control, and at the same time, they were also shocked by the inclusiveness of the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth!

Simply incredible!

There has never been a character like Professor Ye in the history of Go!There has never been such a miraculous finale!
At this moment, a reporter approached the representative of the United States, and the reporter asked with a smile on his face, "Professor Ye beat Hepha [-]-[-], what does the representative think about this?"

Everyone looked over with a smile on their faces. The American guys were so arrogant before, but now they don't want to miss the slap in the face.

Sure enough, the American guy's face turned green, and he gritted his teeth at the camera: "Professor Ye is really amazing! But this does not mean the defeat of artificial intelligence."


The reporter raised his eyebrows, "It's a two-to-zero victory, and Hepha has no power to fight back. Doesn't that mean defeat?" Resisting what?"

The reporter's words were like knives, piercing the representative's heart, but the American guy still gritted his teeth: "Hepha can still be upgraded! This is not its strongest state! If it reaches the strongest state, Professor Ye is by no means an opponent!"

As soon as his words fell, Ye Feng continued with a smile, "Oh? Isn't it the strongest state? That's fine, you go back and continue to upgrade, let's compete again!"


The American representative was stunned, "What did you say?"

"I told you to go back and upgrade, and compete again!" Ye Feng didn't care, "Don't you say you're not the strongest? Go upgrade to become the strongest, and then compete again when you come back."

"Really?" The representative of the United States was overjoyed instantly, he never thought that Ye Feng would give him a chance!


"Three days later, I..."

"One day! Just one day!" Ye Feng stretched out a finger and said casually, "How can I have so much time to play with you? Will love come tomorrow morning?"

"Okay!" The representative of the United States quickly agreed, "Tomorrow morning, let's fight again!" This is a surprise!Ye Feng actually gave him a chance?did not expect!Never thought of it!This meant that he wanted to save face with some harsh words, but who would have thought that Ye Feng's temper would be so violent?Directly proposed to fight again?

it is good!Great!
Wait for the Hepha database to be updated, why are you still fighting like a bully?

Ye Feng's eyes were full of amusement when he saw the representative of the United States whose face was flushed with joy.

Are you happy?

Not the strongest yet?
Still bragging here?
It seems that you are not convinced!

But it doesn't matter, it's enough to hit you until you accept it?
(End of this chapter)

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