Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 735 Selection results!

Chapter 735 Selection results!
Olympic Games.

For the Chinese people on Earth, this is definitely one of the proudest events!

At the time of the [-] Imperial Capital Olympic Games, it can be said that the whole country paid attention to it, and that Olympic Games indeed brought us endless glory!Whether it's from the Olympic gymnasium, to the Olympic opening ceremony, to the final Olympic results, it's an extremely proud time!
bird's nest!

Olympic village!
An opening ceremony with Chinese characteristics!

For the first time, Huaxia ranked first in the number of gold medals in the Olympics!

and many more.

All these made Chinese people deeply remember the [-] Olympics!
And now next year is the time for the world emperor to hold the Olympic Games. Things like the Olympic results and the opening ceremony are not controlled by Ye Fengneng, but the Olympic gymnasium building is an opportunity that is truly in front of Ye Feng's eyes. !
Now that there is such an opportunity, Ye Feng will never allow it to slip away in front of him for nothing!Since you want to do it, you must do the best!

bird's nest!

Water Cube!
Olympic village!
One by one, the plans came out of Ye Feng's mouth as if they didn't need money, and the people in the conference room were already dumbfounded.Whether it was the architects who came to participate in the design campaign, or the leaders of the sports department who presided over the meeting, everyone was more and more confused.

The above asked for a gymnasium!
What is Professor Ye doing one after another?

How can this be a gymnasium thing?This is a living design of the Olympic Games, right?

And the most pitiful thing is that everyone can't understand it at all!
By the time Ye Feng finished speaking, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

People from Haida had also come over during this period, but almost no one in the conference room noticed Wu Dehai and the others, and they didn't have that leisure at all now.Ye Feng's set of plans is not to say how excellent it is or how everyone disagrees with it, the main reason is that everyone has been exhausted physically and mentally after being explained by Ye Feng for such a long time!

Finally, when it was over, many people greeted Ye Feng in a hurry, and hurriedly slipped away.


a hotel.

"Professor Ye, you don't know. I'm overwhelmed by the traffic jam we encountered this morning! It's been two hours without moving! The traffic in the imperial capital is too exaggerated. We've never seen anything like this in Haicheng!"

"The air quality in the imperial capital is not good, and the traffic is also poor. It really can't compare to our Haicheng."

"Well, Haicheng is better."

Today, Ye Feng was the host and invited these colleagues from Haida to the restaurant, and everyone started complaining as soon as they sat down at the table.

Principal Wu also complained: "I got up early today, but who would have thought that there would be such a serious traffic jam? Didn't the traffic department of the imperial capital care about it? We didn't arrive at the Ministry of Education until after ten o'clock, but fortunately we caught up with you After the explanation, we thought you were done, but we didn’t expect it to take so long.”

Speaking of this, a professor next to him sighed and said, "Professor Ye, what you talked about today... isn't this a design project of our Haida University?"

Ye Feng looked at everyone, and suddenly smiled, "Oh, this, I changed it temporarily, it doesn't affect much, anyway, it's our Haida's."

The dean of the Department of Architecture said: "It's a pity that I didn't see the previous part, but I saw the part that Professor Ye talked about later, it doesn't seem to be a gymnasium?"

Ye Feng nodded, "The revised design plan includes not only the main Olympic gymnasium, but also the main swimming pool and the general area for Olympic life competitions. I call it the Olympic Village. It is actually a relatively comprehensive plan. "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, everyone silently recited it several times in their hearts.In fact, everyone understands. Ye Feng said that it has been changed, but how much and to what extent, everyone doesn’t know. At the beginning, everyone didn’t see Ye Feng’s explanation, and Ye Feng didn’t tell them. But, to be honest, this kind of practice is simply impossible in other universities.It is unimaginable for a university professor to modify the official design plan provided by the school without reporting it.

But in Haida, no one said anything more.

Even if this professor is not from the Department of Architecture, no one will make irresponsible remarks.

And the most important thing is that everyone still believes in his modification level!

This is Haida!
This is Ye Feng!
Almost no other relationship like this can be found anywhere in the world!

Wu Dehai said with a smile: "Come on, thank you for having Professor Ye today, otherwise our Haida would be making a joke. Let's toast together and pay respects to Professor Ye."


"Come here, respect Professor Ye, President Wu."

"Go one."

Ye Feng laughed quickly and said, "It's all right, come on, let's toast the sea together!"

"Okay, respect the sea!"

Everyone laughed and drank the wine. After a while, Principal Wu said again: "Professor Ye will not bother you after this. You should stay at home and spend time with your younger siblings. The rest is nothing serious."

The dean next to him also responded: "Yes, Professor Ye, our plan has been shown, and you have revised it yourself. It must be more perfect than before, and I listened a little today, and our plan is definitely the most comprehensive. Yes, maybe it was really chosen.”

"Whether it is selected or not is the meaning of the above. We can't control it. We just wait for the result."

"Well, we'll see the result later."

"It's better to choose, it doesn't matter if you don't choose."

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you don't get selected, just learn slowly, there is always time for improvement."

Everyone's mentality is good, mainly because Haida's Department of Architecture is really not that strong. If it's the Department of Chinese and Mathematics, the attitude is definitely not like this!Probably not the first, even if it is the top three, they will have to blow their hair!
This is based on your own level, and your expectations for yourself are also different.

But Ye Feng just smiled, if his plan is not selected, it can only show that some people have a problem with their vision.And he also believes that the people above will understand the true essence of his plan!Maybe those architects can't see or understand things, but the leaders above may not be able to see them.

"How long does the selection review take?" Ye Feng asked.

The dean said: "It will be about three days, and it will not exceed five days at most."

"Yeah." Ye Feng nodded, the speed is already quite fast, "wait for the result."


In about two days, the government affairs network announced the results of this time. The speed is astonishingly fast, and the results caused an uproar in the construction industry!
The selected ones are:
Haitian University Olympic theme scheme design.

Haida's plan was selected!

The announcement was quite simple, without any explanation, it just announced that Haida's plan was selected!
As for why he was selected, what are the advantages, etc., he didn't mention it at all!
This moment caused an uproar in the construction industry!
(End of this chapter)

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