Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 737 The big baby who is obsessed with novels!

Chapter 737 The big baby who is obsessed with novels!

Things about the Olympics can no longer be changed.

Why did Haida’s plan be chosen above? The entire construction industry is still ignorant. No one has given a clear answer, and no one has explained why Haida’s plan is the best.But everyone knows that the higher-ups have taken a fancy to Haida's plan.

In fact, it’s no wonder that these architects don’t understand this thing. They study architecture, and what they think about every day is how to build a good building.They do know architecture well, but unfortunately, they don't know politics.The Olympics are politics, not architecture.However, the plan given by Ye Feng just reflected this point.

Whether it is the Bird's Nest or the Water Cube, perhaps this is indeed a great move in the history of Olympic architecture, but fundamentally, they are all a kind of political propaganda.

However, Ye Feng doesn't need to worry about these anymore. Once the design plan is in place, the rest will be done step by step.He can relax again, and be a useless idler at home.

However, Mr. Ye recently found out at home that his precious daughter-in-law is more leisurely than him, and has been reading novels all day long.

Originally, the big baby didn’t like to read novels, she always stayed at home and followed dramas, but recently, she didn’t know what happened, and watching TV dramas felt boring, and it’s okay to be free, so I remembered Ye Feng’s writing Those novels are gone.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you will be attracted after a while!

Reading novels is really addictive!

And everyone who reads novels also likes to share with others, but Ningning can't find anyone to share with at home. She told her mother and aunt that they don't read it either, and told her sisters that they are not always at home. .You can't tell your precious girl, can you?How about talking to Ye Feng?
Anyway, Ningning not only reads novels by herself, but also often shares them online. This may be the best way Ningning has found to pass the time.

cat circle.

Queen Meow: "Master Xiao Nai!"

Queen Meow: "I want to play that game too..."

Queen Meow: "It's so sweet!"

Queen Miao: "Dashen is so handsome, Weiwei is so happy, I envy~"

Queen Meow: "..."

Da Baobao didn’t post much news at all before, and sometimes fans would be very happy to see a news post in ten days and a half months, and it was all official or work-related news, never Didn't share my life.And in the recent period, the frequency of the big baby's postings has been rising like a rocket!
Sometimes I can post two or three in a day, and they are all related to the novel!
The fans are all dumbfounded.

"What's the situation?"

"It's been almost half a month, right?"

"Why does Her Majesty Queen post this every day? What the hell is this? Who is God Xiao Nai? God Queen and Professor Ye quarreled? This Professor Ye won't be jealous?"

"What and what... My God Xiao Nai is the protagonist in Professor Ye's "A Slight Smile Is Alluring", Your Lady Queen is obsessed with novels."

"A few days ago, I should have been watching "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" while watching those news. It's only been a few days? Finished watching? Are you starting to follow "Small Smile"?"

"My Lady Queen, this speed is fine!"

"No, why did Her Lady Queen suddenly become obsessed with reading?"

"Maybe it's because pregnancy is too boring. Anyway, it's fine to stay at home. It's good to read novels to pass the time."

"Well, I guess so."

Ning Ning is now the seventh-ranked queen, and her attention has long been unmatched, and her fans have also greatly expanded.

The fans' guesses were actually good, but Ning Ning was just too bored.

The big baby has read "The Besieged City" written by Ye Feng before, and Ning Ning likes this book very much, but after reading the online novel written by Ye Feng, the big baby seems to have discovered a new world!It turns out that the book can still be written like this!It turns out that books can be so interesting!

Web writing is really different from other forms of entertainment. Its unrestrained style is absolutely unmatched by other forms of entertainment, and the refreshing feeling is irreplaceable!

So, the big baby sank.

From "Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" to "A Slight Smile Is Allure", the female audience will watch the male audience after watching the big baby.

"Zhu Xian"!
"Legend of the Seven Realms"!
"Full-time Master"!
"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty"!
"This is the right way? People are not right, and they are right!" Da Baobao posted a message very angrily.

Netizens commented one after another.

"My Lady Queen, what books have you read again?"

"Is this "Zhu Xian"?"

"It looks like "Seven Realms" to me?"

"This is after watching the female channel, and started to switch to the male channel?"

"My lord queen, let me recommend one to you, it's called "Daddy's Wanton Life", it's so sad and beautiful!"

This was recommended by a fan, and the big baby even replied, ""The Unwanted Life of Daddy"? Have time to watch it."

"Hey, my lord, I also have a book here, I recommend it to you!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Professor Ye's book hasn't been finished yet, does Her Lady Queen have time to read other people's books?"

"That's right, Her Majesty Queen, except for Professor Ye's book, you don't need to read anything else, it's not level!"


Queen Meow: "The Son of Heaven, the Disciple of Destruction, the day we meet, there will be no seven worlds."

"Legend of the Seven Worlds!"

"This is definitely "Seven Realms"!"


Queen Meow: "You guys who play tactics have dirty hearts!"

"I'm going! This is "Full-time Master"?"

"This speed is too fast!"

"Love "Full Time"!"


The big baby is really fast at reading. She not only reads fast, but also reads very complicated books.From romance, to games, to fantasy, to fairy tales, I read all kinds of books, but these books have one thing in common, that is, they are all written by Ye Feng.

Even, Ning Ning posted like this all day long, and even got a hot search - "Su Ning, the queen of the song, is obsessed with her husband Professor Ye's web articles and can't help herself?"

This news also caused a small wave on the Internet. Many of Ning Ning's fans didn't read novels before, but now they are being treated by their goddess so much that they stay up all night to read online articles.

But these are secondary, the most important thing is that, looking at it this way, Ning Ning quickly made herself a book starvation.

She also looked for novels written by others, but she couldn't read them at all!

Compared with Mr. Ye's, this is a book from two worlds!

Can't see it!



In the bedroom, the big baby knelt beside Ye Feng, hugged his arm, pouted aggrievedly, and blinked his big eyes, "I'm so boring~"

Ye Feng touched his daughter-in-law's swollen belly, coaxingly said: "Aren't you reading novels? What's the matter? Are you tired of reading?"

The big baby pouted and shook his head, "No."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Ye Feng turned over, looked at his daughter-in-law and said, "But daughter-in-law, you read novels every day, you have to pay attention to your eyes, don't be short-sighted." That is to say, look at it when you are bored, go out for a walk when you should go out for a walk, and sleep when you should go to bed at night, the baby knows which is more important.

"I've finished watching them all." Ning Ning said, "Can you recommend some to me?"

"I've finished reading all my books?" Ye Feng looked surprised, "So fast?"

The big baby nodded, "Can you recommend some books for me? I can't go out usually, so I can only pass the time with novels. You can't bear to see your daughter-in-law being locked up at home and slowly getting moldy."

Ye Feng raised his forehead and said, "I don't have anything to recommend, after all, other novels are rubbish!"

The big baby blinked, looked at someone Ye, and nodded in agreement with his words.

" don't mean to..."

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth, he seemed to understand something.

Ning Ning laughed for a moment, put her arms around Ye Feng's neck, gave him a kiss, and said coquettishly, "My husband is the best, isn't he?"


Ye Mou twitched the flesh at the corner of his mouth, his face was messy.

(End of this chapter)

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