Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 744 The current people are so fierce!

Chapter 744 The current people are so fierce!

Netizens have exploded!

This time it really exploded!
No such thing!
What are you doing?

Write a copy of your eunuch!

"A Thousand Bones of Flowers" looks cool, what a eunuch!
Fortunately, "Scary Step By Step" is also very cool, but, you'll be a eunuch again in a few days!
"Why Shengxiaomo", the eunuch is gone!
The mentality of netizens has collapsed!
But this is just the beginning!
After the eunuch of "Why Shengxiaomo", Ye Feng was not idle at all, and directly opened another book!
However, within a few days, it was cool again!
Then continue to open a new book, and then continue to be a eunuch!

Open a new book...


Open a new book...


Really, it's such a crazy cycle!
And the time is getting shorter and shorter, and even the most excessive time, a new book opened in the morning, will be a eunuch in the evening!

Who can resist this!

And the worst thing is that the book written by Ye Feng is really attractive!Everyone knew that he would be a eunuch, but they just couldn't help but go to the cheap hands to order some, and then he was cheated!
"My Lady Queen!"


"There is no such thing as playing!"

"The frequency is getting faster and faster! It used to be changed every half a month, but now an average of one book every three days? This is too exaggerated!"

"Three days? The fastest day hasn't arrived yet!"

"My little bone! I guess I can't see the ending! It's so annoying!"

"Shenkeng Su Ning!"

"Everyone understand, there's no way to talk about this thing. After all, it was written by Professor Ye for his wife. If the wife doesn't want to read it, it's normal to change the book."

"That's right, we were already in Su Ning's favor, if it wasn't for Su Ning wanting to read books, let alone these eunuch books, do you think Professor Ye would come back to write web articles in his current capacity? "

"Oh, that's what you say, but you can't be so irresponsible, right?"

"Pull it down, why is writing a book responsible or not?"

"That's right, don't ask for too much."

"Hey, if it wasn't for Su Ning's pregnancy, I'd be crazily complaining about it! But at this time, everyone should just say good deeds, there's no need."

"Well, there's no need, woo woo woo~"

There was a lot of mourning on the Internet, and everyone was holding back their grievances, but they still couldn't vent it.Who is to blame for this thing?Blame Professor Ye or Su Ning?
To put it bluntly, Ye Feng's status is still here, and netizens dare not do anything with him.If this kind of thing is replaced by someone else or another star, then it's over, he's a fart!Public opinion on the Internet doesn't look at right or wrong at all, it's all about whatever you want!Who will look at the facts?Most of the time, it's just echoing what others say!

But in Ye Feng's place, no one dares to spread rumors.

Although there was no cyber violence or anything, it must be true that everyone is upset.Among them, Zhao Meng was among these people.

Zhao Meng and Su Ning are actually similar. They don't usually read novels. Ning Ning reads novels because she is too boring to be pregnant, while Zhao Meng's reading novels is completely affected by the popularity of the Internet. In addition, she is not busy recently. It's okay, so I took a look.Seeing it, I fell in love with it.

Especially those Qing palace essays written by Ye Feng, Zhao Meng couldn't stop reading them.

But the embarrassing thing is that Ye Feng didn't even finish a book, which almost made Zhao Meng mad.

Zhao Meng's house.

Goddess Zhao was lying on the sofa and complaining to Lin Yi, "How could he be like this, he is too much! You can't finish writing well, what kind of professor is there, and you don't take any responsibility at all."

Lin Yi smiled, "He just wanted to make Su Ning happy, so he must follow Su Ning's mind."

"You still speak for him!"

Zhao Meng pursed her lips and said unhappily: "I don't care! I'm angry! You have to coax me!"

Lin Yi looked confused and pulled the corners of his mouth, "No, this is Ye Feng's good deed. Why are you angry with me? It has nothing to do with me!"

"It doesn't matter? Anyway, I don't care!" Zhao Meng didn't make any sense, and hummed: "Ye Feng knows how to coax his wife, how about you? Su Ning likes to read books, Ye Feng knows how to write for his wife, and I want to read too! "

Lin Yi scratched his head, "What do you mean? Let me write a book too?"


Zhao Meng glanced at him, deliberately pretending to be disdainful and said: "You lazy bastard, even if you are asked to write, would you know how to write? You are not Professor Ye, hmph!"


Lin Yi smiled, Lin Yi knew Zhao Meng's temperament like the palm of his hand, Lin Yi could tell her clumsy provocative tactics at a glance, but he didn't point out what was seen, but cooperated Said: "Isn't it just writing a book? Ye Feng can write, you think I can't?"

"Say! What do you want to see, I will write it for you!" Lin Yihao waved his hand in a high spirit.

Zhao Meng smiled inwardly, but she still feigned disbelief, raised her eyebrows and said, "You? Can you do it?"

"A man can't say no!"

Lin Yi pretended to be proud and said, "Just tell me what you want to see?"

"I want to watch "Scary Step by Step", can you?"

"Ah? "Scary Step By Step"?" Lin Yi was taken aback, and said, "Isn't this written by Ye Feng?"

"But she didn't finish writing!" Zhao Meng said angrily, "I want to see the ending! Can you do it?"

"Is it okay? I said it, but men can't say no!"

Lin Yi said cooperatively: "Isn't it "Scary Step by Step"? A small problem!"

"real or fake?"

Seeing Lin Yi agreeing so readily, Zhao Meng was a little surprised, "You're not kidding me, are you?"

Lin Yi chuckled, "I'm not coaxing you, what am I doing?"


"But I can really write."




The crazy eunuch at Ye Feng's side was lamenting constantly on the Internet, but something happened that no one expected.

On this day, Zhao Meng updated a post in her cute circle.

"Happy! I have finished reading "Scary Step by Step" written by Mr. Lin. Friends who like this book can come and watch it!"

There is also a link to a book below, which is also on the [-]Dian Chinese website, the name is "Scary Step by Step Sequel", and the author's signature is Lin Yi.

You must know that Zhao Meng is not a small star, she is also an existence who once reached the top of the music world!And even now, he is still the number one big-name singer in the music world!Her every move in the circle is also followed by countless fans and netizens.As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar on the Internet!

"What the hell?"

"Sequel to "Scary Bu Bu"? What the hell is this?"

"Can you still play like this?"

"Damn it! How dare someone write Professor Ye's sequel?"

"Who is this?"

"Are you really not afraid of dog tails?"

"Let me tell you first, no matter how good this continuation is, with your courage, I give you a thumbs up!"

"What is the relationship between this person and Goddess Zhao Meng?"

"I don't know, but the name Lin Yi looks familiar to me!"

"Lin Yi?"

"Isn't this Mr. Lin who wrote songs for Zhao Meng before?"

"I'll go! It's really him!"

"His literary talents are definitely good, but I don't know how good his writing skills are!"

"Just look at it and you'll find out!"

Netizens were still skeptical at first, after all, it was written by Professor Ye, who would dare to continue writing it easily?It should be said that no one would dare!
After all, where is Professor Ye's status in the Chinese literary world?
But someone really stood up!
Lin Yi!

He continued writing!
And what shocked the netizens the most is that this guy's continuation is seamless, and the connection with the previous article is simply great!It doesn't feel like it's a continuation at all, it's almost the same as Professor Ye writing it himself!
A copy of "Scary Step By Step Sequel" directly stunned the entire Internet!

Where did this fierce guy come from?

(End of this chapter)

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